This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 40: who's doing it

No wonder Xiaowen must be watching everything from a distance.

With his active personality.

Now that I can't move in the dungeon, I must have some fun to stay.

For the most part, Xian Sanbu also understood this trick and had an extremely poor gaming experience with Xiaowen, so he agreed to the requirement of combining the two into one.

After understanding the cause and effect, Fang Yi's dangling heart finally let go.

Briefly describe your situation.

Xian Sanbu only knew this.

It turned out that the black rat army they controlled and the manor they wanted to attack was Fang Yi's territory.

No wonder the army of black rats with such an exaggerated number has not been able to push down this small manor.

Emotions are encountering such a stubborn stubble as meaning.

If Xian Sanbu knew that the number of black rats was cut by half in an instant, it was actually caused by Fang Yi's move.

I'm afraid it won't be so calm now.

Of course, after knowing that Fang Yi was guarding the city.

Immortal three steps have already been clear, this flat push command is not to be completed.

Although her strength has swelled a bit.

But in the face of Fang Yi, there is still no confidence at all.

Let the remaining black rat army gather together.

Fang Yi sat on Xian Sanbu's back and flew into the distance.

The temporary stronghold of her and Xiaowen is not far from here.

Because the black rat army has a control range.

Far away, not only consumes a lot, but also difficult to control.

Any further, and it can even get out of control.

So in fact, after pushing the nearby stronghold, the bird directly occupied the dove's nest and built it into a base camp.

"Boss, what do you think of my bloodline power... Brother Hei, I'm here! I'm here! Below below below, I have already climbed out of the room and waited for you outside!"

"Don't steal my voice! What are you doing crawling out? We fly so high, and we can't see you... Hei! Hei! Eribadi! Have you heard my music, my BGM is on!"

Fang Yi: …

Along the way, the two competed for each other's voices and talked with Fang Yi.

This made Fang Yi feel a little weird.

In the end, it was difficult to get them to agree. When one party speaks, the other party shuts up first.

Otherwise, this change comes and goes, I don't know, I think this guy is schizophrenic!

When you reach the height of the manor, look down.

Sure enough, an old guy with wrinkled skin that felt like a skeleton lay on the ground and waved his hand excitedly.

It's just that the movement is very slow, as if being hit by the slowness spell.

Next to the old guy, stood seven or eight mutant-muscle black mice, beating the ground blankly, making noises.

Hmm... it should be considered noise.

But to the old guy, it seemed to be some kind of rhythmic sound.

And this...should be the BGM he was talking about.

Hu Hu Hu.

The giant poison moe descended.

I don't know if it was intentional or not.

The disgusting wind blew the leaves off the ground and lifted Xiaowen's body high.

"Come on, rely on! Smelly woman, I remember you this time! It's a shame that I deliberately asked me to say two more words just now, two whole words!"

The next moment, Xiaowen's voice came from the giant Du'e.

"Shut up! Don't think I didn't count, you said three more words than me! Three words! Do you think I don't know what I'm thinking!"

"What three sentences? Yoyoyo, say it three times, that's three sentences? Brother Hei, look at her! She's going to become a team boss... Shut up! Who said I'm a team boss! Besides, I'll do it now Tear your mouth to pieces and pour poison into your mouth!"

"How dare you!? Smelly woman, without me, who can control this vast army of black rats!"

"I have a boss, what do I want your power for? I wanted to say it for a long time, old man, your power is the most useless!"

"Ah ah ah! Brother Hei, Brother Hei! Look at her! What does she look like! If I hadn't been able to move, I would jump up and break her knees!"

"Come on, come on! I'll stop at this height, middle school kid, you jump! I'm waiting for you to jump!"

"Knife, knife knife knife... Brother Hei, where is your 40-meter sword! It's a brother, just stab me into this stinky woman's body!"

"Do you think the boss will listen to you? In this dungeon, I am the main force! Without my poison, you are still playing with black mice!"

Ding Ding Deng Deng...

Xiao Wenqi's two legs were bent, and he tried his best to slap his feet in the posture of a man lying on the ground.

"How dare you mention this, I was fooled by you! I didn't plan to develop abilities at first, but you said that you can develop poisons that stimulate abilities, and there are hordes of mutant black rats to play with, I Only eat your poison! Otherwise, with my strength, there is no need to raise any black mice and stimulate any abilities!"

If Fang Yi passed the description of Xian Sanbu before, he only knew the general experience in their dungeon.

So now, Fang Yi has basically been completely clear, what py transaction the two have completed to become like this.

Most of the time, Xiaowen was really fooled.

Listening to Xian Sanbuyi said that he could control the army of black mice to play, and with the playability, he was completely controlled by Xiansanbuyi.

Horror, great horror.

Silently, he took one of the main players of the team and flicked it into this It can be seen that Xian Sanbu still has this ability.

But it's just a small text.

If you switch to someone else, you may not be willing to lose the game experience in exchange for the ability to control the army of black mice.

When Fang Yi was thinking about this.

The confrontation between Xiaowen and Xian Sanbu gradually became fierce.

In the end, Xian Sanbu actually swooped down, ready to smash Xiaowen to death with his body!

Obviously, with Fang Yi's victory guarantee, Xian Sanbu doesn't think that Xiaowen is a light bulb!

And this move scared Fang Yi all of a sudden.

"Stop, stop! You are arguing, don't play so big!"

Noisy is common.

However, Xian Sanbu didn't listen to the persuasion at all, and still rammed down.

It wasn't until he was about to hit that he pulled up sharply, avoiding Xiaowen.

"Brother Hei! I'm going to start the teammate slaughter mode in the next game!"

Depend on!

One or two started, right?

Is it because Fang Yi can't hold the knife, or are you guys starting to show off?

Press the body down.


The giant Poison E was suddenly pressed by the back and almost hit the ground, and quickly released the butterfly state, changed back to human form, and landed steadily.

And Fang Yi has already jumped up.


The sound of the sword chirping sounded.

The sword light flashed and drew a circle.

Fang Yi fell steadily beside Xiaowen.


Almost at the moment Fang Yi landed, the seven muscular black mice around Xiaowen were all slashed in half and their bodies fell to the ground.

"Don't make a fuss, I'm making a fuss, I'll send the two of you out first!"

Fang Yi's strong shot made Xiaowen and Xian Sanbu stunned.

When they came back to their senses, the two pointed to each other and spoke almost simultaneously.

"Brother Hei, she was the one who did it first!"

"Boss, he's the one who did it first!"

. m.

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