This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 44: Born out of nothing...

But this guy is quite sensitive.

There is indeed a plan in the plan of the man who vomits blood. After controlling the army of muscle black rats, he will join hands with him to kill the hidden NPC.

But if the hidden NPC is really too powerful, he will naturally give up the muzzle man and run away with the army.

Short-sighted people do have a hard time.

But at the same time, there are also fatal weaknesses.

That is greed for immediate profit!

It promises a little benefit, and actually gives some benefit.

The muzzle man was quickly persuaded.

At least on the surface, he did agree to the plan to lure away the hidden NPC.

The premise is that the man who vomits blood must control 100 black agouti and follow him all the way to assist.

"If the hidden NPC is really that perverted and powerful, I'll let the black agouti take the lead, and then run away." The muzzle man thought to himself.

"This guy wants to work again and can't do anything, no matter, when the hidden NPC is led away, I will remove the power control of the black agouti, and let him play slowly with a hundred wild black agouti and the mysterious NPC. "The man who vomited blood thought to himself.

Both of them were very happy on the face.

In the dark, fight wits and courage.

After this night talk.

The muzzle man sorted out his equipment and selected a hundred strong 'fighters' who would follow him into the battle.

The man who vomited blood secretly gathered an army, a huge army of black agouti, and a mix of muscle black mice that were no longer controlled.

Three days later in the afternoon.

Tide Manor.

The sun shines down through the thick clouds.

The overlapping army of black agouti gathered around the manor.

The **** man and the muzzle man, who were fully prepared, met again in the hall.

"Are you all ready?"

"Don't worry, make sure to divert that hidden NPC away!"

"Okay! Then I will conduct the last investigation. After confirming the information, you will go first, and I will follow in half an hour!"

"Hurry up, hurry up, don't ink it."

Due to the last change.

As a result, the bloodline ability player cleaned up all the black agouti near their manor, which was considered a startling snake.

So these days, the man who vomited blood has been very calm and did not dare to act rashly.

Just arranged a few muscle black mice, mixed with wild muscle black mice, and used it as a reconnaissance.

And don't dare to approach rashly, just observe from a distance.

Until today, when I was ready to start the final attack, I was ready to sacrifice these reconnaissance muscle black mice to complete the final reconnaissance mission.

Closing his eyes, the man who vomited blood began to control, controlling these muscle black mice, starting the charge, and quickly approaching the target.

At this distance, the muscular black rat he controls can only do reconnaissance, and it is absolutely impossible to fight.

Because the muscle black rat is not like a wild breed that appears naturally outside.

In the absence of outsider control, there is little intelligence to speak of.

He couldn't even eat to maintain his physical strength, and he couldn't take care of himself at all, not to mention reproduction and other behaviors.

This kind of creature seems to be specially mutated to match the ability.

In addition to being powerful when it is controlled by others, it is a waste at other times and exists at the bottom of the food chain.

Originally in the future blueprint of the Holy Night Empire, this mutant black rat should be a very good military force, and it does not need it to have autonomous ability.

But in this day and age.

Without the power controller of the royal family, the Muscular Black Rat would face the crisis of genocide in minutes.

Of course, that's all for later.

can win this war.

The man who vomited blood naturally has a way to solve the breeding problem of the army of muscle black mice.

Anyway, this thing eats everything, the big deal is to let him eat ordinary black mice, let the ordinary black mice keep multiplying, and become a food source.

Depressing the mind, the manor in front is getting closer and closer.

Coming to the manor's city wall, more than a dozen tall, muscular black rats, under the precise control of the man who vomited blood, folded into Arhats.

Let the top muscle black mice cross the high wall, enter inside, and start reconnaissance.

five minutes later…

"No, no one?!"

ten minutes later…

"How is that possible! Even the muscle black rat is missing a lot!"

Fifteen minutes later...

"Escape... escape! How can this be..."


The body of the man who vomited blood was solemn, and the ground shook violently like an earthquake, which lasted for a while before returning to calm.

The man who vomited blood also forcibly released the state from the supernatural control, and his consciousness returned to his body.

"what's the situation?!"

"Fuck! What's going on outside!"

Listening to the chaotic voices outside, the man who vomited blood shouted, and the man with the muzzle was also confused.

The two quickly ran out of the hall and looked out.

Immediately, Qi Qi's pupils contracted.

A look of astonishment on his face.

I saw... a small hill suddenly appeared in their manor.

The wall on the north side of the manor was directly crushed, the ground cracked, gravel flew around, and smoke filled the air.

And the black agouti army he assembled has also been killed and injured.

"What, what's the matter?!"

The muzzle man was shocked!

A mountain that appeared out of thin air? What a mess!

"This scene... I seem to have seen it!"

The man who vomited blood also said dumbly.

Such a strong sense of sight!

Isn't this situation a replica of Kaku Manor!

The player with the spicy chicken ability actually looked for Shan me before I launched a sneak attack, and came to the door? !

In an instant, the man who vomited blood wanted to understand everything.

Turn over the roof of Yueshan and look out.

His eyes widened suddenly, and his mouth opened wide in shock.

Outside the manor, at the end of the line of sight.

A dense army of muscular black rats has appeared at the end of the horizon.

Like a black wave, it sprinted towards this side.

Although it was far away, the man who vomited blood seemed to have heard the deafening screams of killing, from far to near!

"How could this be... No! It should be said that it came just right!"

When he came back to his senses, a sharp look flashed in the eyes of the man who vomited blood.

"Let the counterfeiters formally see what is orthodox and what is the real power of the king!"


Centered on the man who vomited blood, an invisible ripple suddenly spread out.

And it exploded outwards in an extremely fast instant, covering the army of muscle black rats in the distance.

next moment.

All the muscle black mice affected by the ripples, the black wave, all stopped at the same moment!

Not enough not enough not enough not not enough!

"Big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood, big wood!"

At the moment of excitement, the man who vomited blood also entered his brain and shouted loudly!

That huge orthodox power actually really covered the power of another person's power control.

In an instant, the situation reversed!

The huge army of muscular black rats completely fell into the hands of the man who vomited blood!

"Hahahaha! Have you seen it, this is the real heir of the Holy Night Empire! This is my true strength! Even if you control more black mice, I can grab it for you!"

"This move is called - Army from Nothing!"

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