This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 48: sword array

The **** man was stunned.

Flying ability, let’s say it’s rare, in the later stage, people will basically fill the streets.

But at this stage, there are definitely not many players who have the ability to fly.

In the forum, that is also the ability to take out a little blow.

As a result, it’s okay to hide NPCs, NPCs can understand.

But it's too outrageous that a poisonous girl can fly!

You are a drug-playing woman!

Why fly! Study your poison well, isn't it?

no solution anymore.

Must use a killer move!

The man who vomited blood was heartbroken, put his right hand on his left, and gently pulled!


Although the strength was very slight, he tore off his left arm with ease.

"Blood burst!"

Throw your left arm behind you.


The left arm turned into a blood fog that filled the sky, creating a huge wave of propelling air.

The violent back push came, and the speed of the man who vomited blood increased sharply.

In an instant, Fang Yi staggered past, and Xian Sanbu was far away.

Although both have the ability to fly.

But in fact, Fang Yi's flying ability is very ordinary, and it can even be said that the flying ability is relatively weak.

Neither the speed nor the steering ability is strong.

Facing the man who was vomiting blood suddenly accelerated, although Fang Yi wanted to stop him, he was unable to do so.

Xian Sanbu has this flying ability.

The premise is to exchange places with Fangyi.

And with her current distance, there is no such opportunity at all.

Both of them missed the opportunity to stop people on the spot, and the man who vomited blood also advanced frantically at the cost of sacrificing one arm, almost diving into the army of muscular black rats.

"So angry! He actually let him run away!"

Xian Sanbu was full of anger and was looking for a gas bag, but he even let people run away!

"It's normal for someone who can get to this stage to have a means of guaranteeing the bottom line."

Fang Yi doesn't care.

When Xiaowen almost lost control of the army of muscular black mice before, Fang Yi felt bad.

That's why I went straight to [Ghost Incarnation], and with a small number of muscle black mice, they threw Xiaowen and Xian three steps to the front, and executed the decapitation action, which by the way made people head.

Finally, it was his turn, and with the power of the ghost incarnation, he directly jumped high and leaped forward.

But this plan turned out to be less than ideal.

"Chase! He lost his arm and was seriously injured. He couldn't escape. I guess he just wanted to control the black rat army to kill us."

Xian Sanbu's flying ability was stronger, and came from behind, passed Fang Yi, and rushed forward.

"Don't be impulsive! The muscle black rat is more capable, you are not easy to fight."

The power of Xian Sanbu's bloodline is temporarily useless, and the melee just now made her state not very good.

Going down hastily, I am afraid there will be problems.

Unfortunately, Fangyi's words didn't work.

He could only watch Xian Sanbu rush into the army of muscle black mice, only to be smashed by the rain of stones from the army of muscle black mice and surrounded them.

Although there is no life-threatening situation for the time being, it is not realistic to want to break through and kill the man who vomited blood behind the scenes.

And Fang Yi just arrived at this time.

He swooped up, lifted Xian Sanbu, and got out of the siege.

Whoosh whoosh!

The army of muscular black rats below seems to have been completely controlled by the man who vomited blood.

The dense rain of stones smashed directly over.


The sword chimed.

The arc flash of the full moon flashes several times in succession.

All the stones were cut in half in the air and fell down.

Fang Yi's hands trembled slightly, and his muscles gradually atrophied.

The skin is dry, like dead wood.

Ghost incarnation, White Night Ghost bloodline, lonely swordsmanship...

These consuming skills were used in turn in just a few days.

Even though Fang Yi's body was lifted off the assembly line, it was somewhat unbearable.

The phenomenon of aging is gradually becoming apparent, and if you continue to use the solitary swordsmanship, I am afraid that it will not last for too long.

Fang Yi could feel that his vitality was rapidly overdrawn.

"Xian Sanbu, is there any poison for these muscle black rats?"

"Yes, but it's not the kind of lethal poison, it just weakens their strength to a certain extent."

"Enough, you sprinkle poison in the sky, I'll use the arrangement I prepared before and kill that guy."

"I can't think of a time when it's really useful... Okay, boss, go ahead."

Xian Sanbu also calmed down after being besieged.

Although the Muscular Black Rat was created by her, losing control of the Muscular Black Rat is not something she can deal with.

The main problem is the quantity.

There are too many, she can deal with one hundred, two hundred, but hundreds of thousands, not a player specializing in poison like her, who can compete head-on.

If she is given enough time and continues to study, a bottle of poison is enough to kill all the muscle black mice.

But now, she has not studied to this level, and there is no need for it.

Because she has enough confidence in righteousness.

Xian Sanbu continued to lift into the air, dodging nimbly, avoiding the stones thrown from the ground, and flew quickly, scattering powder.

Fang Yi swooped down and aimed at the location where the man who vomited blood was hiding.

Muscular black rat, this huge power resource, makes the blood vomiting man's strength soar.

In terms of operation, it seems to be above the small text.

This is not normal.

Because Xiaowen did not develop into the master of strategy, but also involved in this aspect.

The level of operation should not be better than that of a passerby.

So I am afraid that the man who vomited blood has some skills or something in manipulating the muscle black mouse, so that he can achieve better operation ability than Xiaowen.

When Fang Yi was thinking calmly, the man who vomited blood was so frightened that his face was as pale as paper.

Fortunately, he no longer needs to move his feet to run, but is carried by the muscular black rat and runs wildly.

He only needs to pay for the control ability of his ability to move quickly.

Of course, compared to fleeing, getting into the depths of the army of muscular black mice that look almost the same is the best way to dodge.

The muscular black mice are all about the same length. From a top-down perspective, it is difficult to find the one that is dodging with the man who vomited blood.

However, the hidden NPC, with eyes like eagles, firmly locked his position.

As soon as they landed, the hidden NPC burst out with sharp sword sounds and terrifying combat power.

With an exaggerated killing speed, in the entire army of muscle black rats, he rampaged and rushed straight to his position.

"Stop him! Stop him! Stop him!"

The man who vomited blood turned pale with fright and screamed.

The muscular black mice that were still raining stones at a high altitude also began to move closer to this side in an attempt to block Fang Yi.

The increase in blocking efforts really slowed Fang Yi's pace.

However, Fang Yi frowned and suddenly raised the sword in his hand.



A loud bang.

The body of a muscular black rat on the ground suddenly burst open.

Blood splattered more than ten metal long swords rose into the sky.

However, this is just the beginning.





The corpses of muscular black rats on the ground exploded one after another, and hundreds of iron swords burst out!

After a while, a small sword formation formed around Fang Yi.

hum... hum... hum hum!

Weird, resonant-like metallic sounds, one after another, shocking people.

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