This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 4: who am I

"What? You ask me what happened in the copy?"

"I don't know, I don't know anything."

"I just happened to randomly find a good character and killed a few more people."

"Wuyan is the real powerhouse, what am I? I can't do anything but pick up people's heads."

"Pseudo-nine kills? No! I'm just a piece of trash. If I hadn't given me a chance, how could I stand here, I'll just die in the dungeon."

"Why did I get the mvp, and why is the camera always with me? I don't deserve it!"

"Even the ants on the ground work harder than me. How can I win the dungeon victory... It's all silent credit."

"I'm just a waste, you... can you stay away from me? Otherwise, my waste will infect you..."

"Joining the team...what joining the team? That's just a speechless joke. People like me are not qualified to have teammates. I'm just garbage and excrement. It's a sin for me to even breathe the same air as you... "

Listening to Miao Niang's words of extreme self-isolation, Fang Yi and the three were speechless for a while.

This guy is sicker than Xiaowen!

Judging from her words, it seems that she and Wuyan have been entangled in the dungeon for a long time, and finally sent nine people out and won the dungeon victory...

Fang Yi has also done this kind of thing to kill all enemies and all teammates out of the dungeon.

Generally speaking, it is a phenomenon that only occurs when the personal strength is stronger than the players at the current stage.

From this point of view, the strength of this person is indeed not simple.

This is the way of speaking, which makes people a little confused.

Fortunately, what Fang Yi asked, she still responded, at most in a strange way.

"Beipei, the captain has already agreed with you to join the team. From now on, you should be in the team instead of me. I'm... I'm the one who should be eliminated, and I'm the least qualified to stay by their side..."

Tears rolled in his eyes, and Little Pink Pig's shoulders twitched, as if he was about to cry.

I go!

What is this special situation, is it so pessimistic?

It is impossible to give up silent without saying Fangyi.

Even if Meow Niang is really that strong, it should be [I want it all.jpg].

"Join the team? What's the use of joining the team... I don't deserve to have teammates, I will only drag others down..."

"I know you must have hated me very, very much, that's why you want to introduce me to your teammates, and then stay away from me... I will delete my friends and leave the team immediately, and I will never trouble you."

The ultimate autistic catgirl has started again.

Fang Yi didn't know how to persuade him.

And compared to this one, Wu Yan is the one who should stabilize first.

Xian Sanbu and Xiaowen have already started to enlighten around Wuyan, and Fang Yi also hurriedly asked for help, for fear that Wuyan is young and will be spoiled by others.

"Yes, go and enlighten her... She is still young, she still has dreams, and I... have nothing."

"Teammates...teams...I won't expect this anymore...A few words of concern are just interesting to me? Why don't you first see what kind of garbage I am? Play game together…"

"I'll go now... I won't get in your eyes..."

Miao Niang lowered her head, turned around, and walked out.

A lonely face.

It's like a poor creature who has suffered and has lost hope in life.

In this way, anyone who has a little sympathy has a heart of compassion.

If it's just to lie to sympathy, then it's okay to say, but this guy seems to be really autistic...

"The system prompts: The player [How can I match] quit the [Fate] team."

Accompanied by the system prompt sound, and the silent exclamation of 'ah'.

It seems that Meow Niang not only quit the team, but also deleted her friends.

Wu Yan couldn't help but shouted at Miao Niang's back: "Wait, wait! Pepe, don't go! I believe you can do it! Your performance in the dungeon has crushed me in all aspects, you are more than me. Suitable for this team. If anyone really wants to leave, it should be me, not you!"

The pained look on Meow Niang's face.

"Why...why do you want to kill a waste like me, the fat Gatlin in the dungeon, the female ghost in a suit, the psionic person, which one is not better than me? Which one is not better than me? Everyone is better than The teammates you are looking for are not me, but them!"

"But you won!"

Wu Yan suddenly raised his voice and shouted: "You win... If you win, you win. The captain once said that no matter how tortuous the process is, as long as the final result is that you win, it means you are stronger, you are stronger than everyone else. The enemy! Also... stronger than me, your ability, your strength, are better than mine, more suitable for this team, I believe in you!"

"I won…"

Miao Niang stopped, her back trembling slightly.

"But I win vile, dirty, nasty, dirty, ugly, disgusting... I don't call winning at all in this way, but you think I'm too disgusting, and the dungeon with me is disgusting, so I don't want to continue playing and leave early It's just a copy..."

"But you just won! You won the victory, mvp, and all the dungeon honors and gains, that is, you are stronger than me and more suitable for our team!"

"Don't say it, I don't deserve it..."

"How do you know if you don't try it! Come on! Join our team and help the captain reach the top. What I can't do, you can definitely do it for me!"

Fang Yi doesn't like to hear this.

Whatever you can't do, she can do it for you.

When Fang Yi selected people, it was after consideration.

Except for the uncertain fifth person, he is going to use this team to directly enter the professional league and win the championship.

Wu Yan wanted to jump from the car halfway, but Fang Yi was the first to disagree.

But at this time, Fang Yi didn't speak, and planned to wait for Wu Yan's mood to stabilize before doing some ideological work for her.

The little girl is good in everything else, but her ability to withstand pressure is not good, her thoughts are a bit simple, and it is easy to be led astray.

"Try it...I am a worm crawling on the ground, do I have the qualifications to let others waste time to try? No...I even live is a mistake...I should not enter the new area...and should not build Ranked..."

Meow Niang in the distance muttered to herself, her eyes confused.

"The system prompts: Player [Speechless], request to add friends."


Am I eligible to be her friend?

Looking at the empty friend list, Miao Niang was even more confused.

Unworthy, I am not qualified for this!


I was fascinated by the purity of speechless! I thought I had a chance to get in touch with the light...

Wrong, so wrong!

A reptile like me is only worthy of staying underground forever, how could I have the opportunity to embrace the light!


She slapped herself fiercely, and Miao Niang recognized reject the friend request!

"The system prompts: Player [Speechless], request to add friends."


"The system prompts: Player [Speechless], request to add friends."


"The system prompts: Player [Speechless], request to add friends."

"The system prompts: Player [Speechless], request to add friends."

"The system prompts: Player [Speechless], request to add friends."

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