This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 30: royalty

Screaming his throat, the broken-eared mouse closed his eyes and screamed.

Fortunately, the expected death did not come.

Jian Feng, just stopped on his neck.

gave him a lot of psychological pressure.

"The first question, are you from the white team or the black team?"

Hearing the question, the ear-piercing mouse was refreshed.

good question!

However, it is a fatal problem!

Because the ear-piercing mouse is not sure which side Fang Yi is on.

Is it to deceive, or to answer honestly...

After a moment of hesitation, Broken Ear Mouse quickly made a decision.

"Old, boss, I'm from the white team! My own!"

If Fang Yi's white team was on, then everyone would be happy. The big deal is even if the flood washed the Dragon King Temple.

If Fang Yi is from the black team...

Then he will turn into a traitor of the black team, and play Infernal Affairs in order to save his life.

The premise is that the guy in front of him is willing to give himself such a chance...

"The White Team?"

Fang Yi frowned slightly.

"Then before you start the dungeon, on the summit of God, what you said, repeat it as it is, as long as there is a slight deviation - you are dead."

Hearing Fang Yi say this, the ear-piercing mouse was overjoyed, basically confirming that Fang Yi was his own identity.

As for retelling the content of the pre-match chat, there is no problem.

After some confirmation, Fang Yi completely confirmed the fact that the ear-piercing mouse was a member of the white team.

"Misunderstanding! What a big misunderstanding! You said you were the white team, can I fight back? I must be captured!"

People are under the eaves and have to bow their heads.

The broken-eared mouse immediately showed off his dog-licking skills, which was very pleasing to Fang Yi.

Don't say that he is tied now, life and death are completely a matter of Fang Yi's words.

That's not the case. If Fang Yi's strength is stronger, then he must follow Fang Yi's lead.

So soon, he shared all the news he knew.

"Is there a record of the teleportation array in the royal family library in the royal city?"

"People from Wangcheng launched a death squad to attack my [Last Coffin]?"

"Sagebrush... wait! You mean this thing?!"

In the end, it was from the capital, and the ear-piercing mouse knew much more information than Fang Yi.

The news of the transmission array suddenly raised eyebrows.

The royal library in the capital is a special area that only black rats with royal blood can enter.

It is not open to the public at all, and is guarded by heavily armed black rat guards.

Outsiders have no chance at all.

This is not a big problem for righteousness.

If he wanted to sneak in, this level of obstruction would not work at all.

It was the people from Wangcheng who did not expect Fang Yi to take action on his [Last Coffin].

Fang Yi didn't know how to operate that coffin-like thing, let alone how to control it.

Hard is not like ordinary external force can break words.

In addition, there was no means to move the thing, Fang Yi just put the thing in place and ignored it.

Unexpectedly, he was targeted by the Black Rat.

Fang Yi felt a little anxious.

He, the player who came to the dungeon world, smeared the [Last Coffin] in both eyes.

But the natives in the dungeon world do not necessarily understand how to use this thing.

If the [Last Coffin] is taken away by the Black Rat, then the situation will be embarrassing.

And compare these two news.

The information on the sage grass is what shocked Fang Yi the most.

Take out the sage grass in his arms and show it to the rat with broken ears.

Suddenly, the ear-piercing mouse was so frightened that his face turned pale.

"Fuck, fuck?! Big brother, are you crazy! Why kick this thing in your pocket, do you think it's too long?!"

"Is it such an exaggeration... I kept it in my pocket and didn't see any reaction from it."

"That's because that thing hasn't arrived yet. With your sagebrush as the coordinates, I'm afraid those things will soon flood into the dungeon..."

The dungeons are criss-crossed, and there are lights that cover up the smell of black rats and block the search ability of sage grass.

In addition, black mice do not necessarily go to the surface once in hundreds of years.

So theoretically, the possibility of being found by sage grass is very small.

But this time is different...

This time it was Fang Yi who brought the sage's head grass to the dungeon.

The sage grass is related to the breath of the sage grass, and it is directly used as the positioning coordinate to accurately find the location of the dungeon.

The broken-eared mouse even suspected that it was for this reason that Fang Yicai was never killed by the sage.

"Flooding into the dungeon? Good thing. The more chaotic the dungeon, the better it is for us to act."

Seeing that Fangyi classified himself as his own, the ear-piercing mouse hurriedly shouted: Big brother is wise!

What is discipline? The thighs still have to be hugged.

Dungeon, the royal capital.

Lord Xing looked at the latest report, and the veins on his forehead bulged.

"Why is the cracking progress of [The Last Coffin] so slow!"

"Lord Xing, after you reported the news of the sage grass to the upper management, our actions were also greatly affected. The speed of cracking this is already very fast..."

"Quick? The defense code of the first layer has only been cracked to 55% of the progress. You and I will be very fast? Three days, and another three days for your technical team. After three days, I can't see the complete alarm. [The Last Coffin], I will leave you all to the surface!"


The surrounding subordinates all turned pale with fright, trembling, and did not dare to refute.

The question is... within three days, will they crack the [Last Coffin]?

That was the spaceship that [Mother of Mutation] personally built for [Mouse Ancestor].

Even if there is information provided by humans, with their technology, if you want to completely crack it, it will at least take months as the time unit...

"By the way, what's the situation on the surface?"


They looked at each other under their hands, and finally released an image of the surface directly to Lord Xing.

On the desolate land that was boundless as far as the eye could see, the earth-shaking changes have been completed at this moment.

As far as the line of sight can be seen, all the mountains and plains are grass.

Sage grass.

It is dense and green, as if it is spring, it is thriving and everything is recovering.

However, this kind of recovery, in the eyes of the Black Rat, is a kind of despair, a doomsday that is imminent!

"Hey - it's so serious... How much is the coverage area? Forget I will personally go to the royal family conference room to see my 'relatives', what can I do to solve this extinction? disaster."

The royal meeting room.

The current dungeon lord, the king of the black rat clan, frowned as he looked at his brothers, reported all kinds of information, and had a heated discussion on the life and death of the sage grass and the black rat clan.

The Rat King's expression was very deep.

Because he felt that the rat king at this moment should have to show a deep expression.

But as for what he is thinking about the big issue of worrying about the country and the people?

I'm sorry, he was just thinking that yesterday's dinner was terrible, and the queen of the black rat clan didn't fit his human aesthetic.

Also, the Rat King doesn't seem to be so optimistic at the start, and it is the genocide that is in the face.

. m.

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