This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 43: open eyes in the sun

As for the damage to the surface of [The Last Coffin], it will not affect the teleportation array area in the core area.

After all, the [Last Coffin] is a multi-layer defense design, and the real core is all designed in the core control room of the white room.

As long as there is nothing wrong with the control room, most of the functions of [The Last Coffin] will be fine.

till this moment.

The real problem with [The Last Coffin] is the teleportation formation and the ability of the Black Rat to quickly decipher the outer defense of [The Last Coffin].

But the teleportation formation should be the backhand left by He Lin, afraid that Fang Yi would return to Earth ahead of schedule.

The Black Rat can quickly decipher the outer defense, which is the help of the Mad God Society.

Both are closely related to the earth, not how capable the Black Rat is.

Therefore, He Lin's theoretical plan is not a problem. Under normal circumstances, Fang Yi can indeed stay safely on the surface of the alien planet for a hundred years without interference.

However, plans are meant to be broken.

After completing all preparations, riding the last coffin, re-establishing the meaning of the surface.

Looking at the huge earth in the distance, he muttered to himself.

"My stupid brother, I can't think of it, I'll be back soon!"

When the last coffin returns to the alien surface.

Nobody noticed.

At that moment, the giant sun representing the solar system.

A huge human-like eye slowly appeared on the surface.

What kind of eye is that.

Desolate, desolate, dead...

It is like a **** on the high, observing the humble beings.

Only this time, the direction he glanced at was no longer the earth, but an alien star!

"This feeling...this power breath...finally...finally appeared! Lord Kaku...the **** of mutation!"

Five thousand years later.

Him, Evan!

Finally, I once again experienced the emotional ups and downs of mortals!

What an intense emotion, what a thrilling emotion!

frenzy, excitement, joy…

All kinds of emotions fluctuated alternately one after another, and finally returned to calm.

"This time, I won't let you go again!"


The final mountain, the place where criminals are suppressed.

It represents the order of society and the final dignity of the law!

Mutants are immortal.

If there is no ultimate means of Zhongshan, how many vicious people will be put back into society and will be evil forever.

Therefore, to a certain extent, Mount Zhongshan is also a sacred place in people's hearts.

But recently, there has been a problem with Zhongshan.

big question.

The criminal of Zhongshan... was released!

Some were imprisoned for hundreds of years, and finally returned to the light and were free.

These people are nothing, at best, they are doing a lot of evil, but in the end they are still in the category of human beings, and their actions are within the range that can be predicted.

But... the criminals who were held for more than a thousand years and released.

They are different.

Their skin became as rough and disgusting as the epidermis of a toad.

The most frightening thing is that those thousand-year-old prisoners have lost their minds and completely follow the way of beasts!

After being released by someone who doesn't know, he will frantically attack humans, biting, biting, destroying, abusing...

They can no longer be called people, but some other species!

Some have even seen these millennial criminals eating human flesh.

As a result, the man was resurrected due to the power of mutation, bursting the stomach of the thousand-year-old criminal in an attempt to escape.

But the thousand-year-old criminal ended up with a hole in his stomach and swallowed it again.

What is terrifying is... This time, that human was not resurrected, completely died, and was absorbed and digested!

On the contrary, the mutant power of the thousand-year-old criminal has become stronger!

After someone exposed it.

There was an uproar in the society, and there were even followers who thought that as long as they devoured the living, they could capture the power of the other party's mutation.

However, this is only in vain.

Only those thousand-year-old criminals who are completely irrational and only have animal instincts who truly have the power to devour.

After intense discussions, people called the life of a mutant who was able to kill the mutant for the first time in the history of this mutation as the [devourer]!

The number of Devourers is not large, only a few hundred.

However, the impact was very serious.

"The first real enemy of the mutants!"

"The sinful body that devours all things!"

"Exterminate them! Otherwise, the mutants will face the threat of genocide!"

The entire Kaku Empire is discussing [The Devourer], everyone is in danger, and people are panicking.

However, the ten major financial groups that ruled the entire Kaku Empire were very busy because of certain things.

"What the **** does He Lin mean! Can I think that what he said was a threat to Lao Tzu?"

"How dare He Lin do this! As one of the ten major financial groups, the president of the Eternal Death Group, aren't he and his family satisfied enough!"

"If he really dares to do that, let's tear his face together and see who is more ruthless!"

A group of old guys expressing their dissatisfaction in the conference room.

Because, this morning, when they were dazed by the sudden appearance of [The Devourer].

The president of Death Eternal Group has completed the internal power change and became the voice of Death Eternal Group.

And, directly issued a final notification order to the nine existences of the same level.

Either obey Horin and join the Death Eternal Group.



It was a word they had not heard for a long time.

It has appeared one after another recently.

The first is the Devourer who can really kill the mutants.

Now it's He Lin's direct threat again!

As the top ten groups, everyone actually holds a small amount of [Black Rat Embers] in their hands.

This is equivalent to the existence of nuclear weapons in this mutant society.

It can only be used as a threat and must never be used.

Once someone makes an exception, they become the common enemy of the other nine groups.

Block the news, destroy the company, destroy all traces.

That's what they're going to do.

However, so far, He Lin has not violated the agreement, even if the internal power of the Death Eternal Group is alternated and a rebellion is launched.

Also did not use [Black Rat Embers].

Therefore, they can only use superficial rules to check and balance He Lin's reckless behavior.

Peace, really too long.

In the replacement of talents from generation to generation, their generation is no longer capable of breaking the boat and tearing the face.

It is more inclined to verbal attacks, using the rules of the superficial game to attack, and gradually overthrow He Lin's or simply let the Death Eternal Group launch the top ten positions.


They, too, underestimated Herring's determination.

They have not participated in the battle for too long.

They have not seen blood for too long.

So, forget how paranoid a person can be if he goes crazy!


A loud bang!

The entire building suddenly vibrated violently!

Like a lonely boat in the sea, crumbling.

The top-floor conference room where this group of people is located is naturally no exception.

. vertex

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