This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 51: Herring's Struggle

"Lord He Lin...Lord He Lin..."

They were out of breath, they should have run all the way.

Helin frowned slightly.

"What's the matter? Why did you run here?"

"Elevator, the elevator was destroyed by the Devourer! One of the dedicated special elevators is in use, and the specific number of floors is minus ten. I suspect that the Minister of Technology is ready to fight to the death to release prisoners and help the group clear the siege! In addition Several special elevators are being used by other ministers, we are close, and we simply ran up the stairs when we got the news."

Is the elevator damaged?

Devourer is so wise...

He Lin's face darkened, and he faintly felt that something was wrong.

But he still commanded his subordinates immediately to prepare for battle.

The ember weapon that was originally used against other mutants has also been approved for use now!

The plan of the new world can be delayed.

If Death Eternal Group, this foundation is gone.

There is no way to talk about any plans.

He Lin's awakening gave everyone the backbone.

In particular, He Lin's calm command and calm performance made people feel at ease from the bottom of their hearts.

It seems that as long as He Lin is there, any danger can be avoided.

Other ministers also arrived one after another through special elevators.

Through communication, He Lin quickly grasped the general strength of the Devourer.

Although stronger than ordinary mutants, it is still within the scope of modern weapons that can be slaughtered.

There have been people who have been able to suppress the Devourer by firepower before, but only ember weapons, which are strictly managed.

They have no effective means to kill the Devourers, and coupled with the large number of Devourers, there is no suitable time to bind the Devourers who have lost their combat power.

Therefore, the current record is still only barely suppressing the Devourer, and there is no killing phenomenon yet.

But things have changed since He Lin woke up.

Getting permission, getting ember weapons, devourers, and normal beasts, is not much different.

After organizing and arming the remaining personnel, He Lin brought people to guard here.

The ordinary elevator has been damaged, and the special elevator cannot be used by outsiders.

So they guarded only two corridor entrances.

Everyone was armed to the teeth and set up a formation, as if they were fighting a positional battle, waiting solemnly.

He Lin contacted the head of the technical department in the tenth floor cell several times, but no one responded.

After hesitating, He Lin left some people behind to guard the special elevator and returned to the entrance of the corridor.

According to the surveillance footage, the Devourer has almost reached this floor.

So far, the Death Eternal Group has basically been slaughtered on one side.

But that's it!

Starting from these two corridor entrances, the first counterattack horn of the Eternal Death Group is about to sound!


Messy footsteps and shrill screams came from the corridor, from far to near, getting closer!

With a roar, a figure was thrown to the wall of the corridor.

It exploded into a puddle of **** flesh on the spot, sticking to the wall.

At the same time, a huge shadow appeared from the corner of the corridor and rushed towards the mess.

"Right now! Fire!"

Helin gave an order.

Da Da Da Da!

The next moment, the gunshots rang frantically.

The shadow did not expect to be attacked at all, and the figure was in mid-air, but it was forcibly suppressed by the terrifying firepower and fell to the ground, revealing its true face.

When everyone took a closer look, they suddenly took a breath of cold air.

Where is this still a human variant?

It's a different creature at all!

The mutant in front of him was pitch black, without the slightest bit of fur, as smooth as a mirror.

No eyes, no ears, no facial features, only a large mouth exposed.

It still has limbs, but the body is more rounded and larger, like a new species that has not yet fully evolved.

At this moment, the Devourer has tiny blood holes all over his body. Obviously, his injuries are not light, and blood is flowing all over the place.

After all, the firepower of hundreds of people is suppressed, and even the Devourer can't bear it.

"Isn't it saying that the Devourer is the irrational prisoners of Zhongshan... Why does it look like this?"

Except for a small number of people who had seen the Devourer before, everyone was shocked by the appearance of the Devourer.

"Don't be in a daze, continue pouring firepower, the next one is coming soon, kill this one first!"

After He Lin's order was issued, everyone came back to their senses.

Under the pouring firepower, the Devourer was quickly suppressed and unable to move.

But if you want to put an end to it, you'll need an ember weapon.

"Let the ember team come over."


The ember team guarding the rear soon came to the scene.

Each of these men was armed with ember bullets.

Under Horin's order, aim at the Devourer's vital points and shoot for a round.

Devourer struggled twice, completely silent.

To use the game blood bar as a metaphor.

Ordinary weapons can only hit the Devourer to a level of 1/100 HP.

The ember weapon can completely reset the last HP to zero.


There was movement again below.

But this time, the team led by He Lin already had experience in dealing with it, so they didn't panic.

First, the normal weapon firepower is suppressed, and then the ember weapon is terminated.

The division of labor is clear and orderly.

After a while, more than ten corpses of Devourers were piled up at the entrance of the corridor.

The shapes of these corpses are slightly different, as if they were at different stages of evolution.

He Lin didn't know what the final evolutionary form of the Devourer looked like, and he didn't want to know.

He just wanted to hold on to the Death Eternal Group.

However, the situation is not so optimistic.

While everyone else is basking in short-lived victories.

Helin frowned.

Because the Devourers rushing up from the corridor have already attacked from one at the beginning, and gradually turned into three or five attacking together.

Behind the Devourer, there must be someone in command!

The corridor is narrow, so his tactics can be successful. If a dozen of them attack together...


When He Lin thought of this, a loud roar suddenly came from below.

The next moment, more than thirty, squeezing each other, scrambling to break through and transfer, rushing to the corridor.


Da Da Da Da!

Under the suppression of, it only temporarily restricted the devourers in front, while the devourers in the back used the companions in front as shields and pushed forward frantically.

Such a wise move made everyone panic.

"Squad Embers!"

Bang bang bang!

The ember weapon appeared, which finally caused some deterrence and slightly blocked the advance of the Devourer.

But only for a moment.

I saw that the Devourer at the back had already threw the corpse in front of him vigorously, and threw it directly towards He Lin's team.


The crowd dispersed, the formation was disrupted, and some people who couldn't dodge were directly stunned, and the subsequent power would directly hit the wall, leaving a big dent!

. vertex

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