This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 160: real firepower gap

The three players below were startled, and subconsciously looked up at the sky.

The next moment, their pupils shrank.



"Isn't it?!"

Because above their heads, an armed helicopter with black smoke was slowly descending from the sky.

And it happened to be stuck in front of the male teacher's escape, blocking all the way out.

If that was the case, the three would not be so shocked.

But when they saw the gunship, there were two people sitting there. One of them even took control of the Gatling gun, smiling at them.

There was a phrase in the hearts of the three of them, and now they are going to shout out!

Nima! This is so unscientific! Where did this gunship come from?

And what's with the black smoke coming out of the helicopter? What the **** is a Gatling gun?

big brother! This firepower gap is not a level!

Boxer looked at his dual-wielding automatic rifle, and almost ashamedly wanted to find a crack in the ground.

It's a shame that he has been bragging about how powerful the arms he got before.

Compared with the one in front of him, he is about to be crushed into scum!

It's so hard to die, at this time, the courier's eyes still seemed to fall on the boxer.

Of course, the courier certainly didn't mean to be sarcastic, it should just happen to remember the boxer's arms gap.

But the boxer still couldn't stand this kind of sight, and his face was hot.

Under the full body armor, his face was completely flushed.

Wow! feeling bad!

In front of the new team members, I lost my face and lost my hair!

Boxer stared hatefully at the man in the gunship with the Gatling gun.

If you guess correctly, this guy should be Dongmen Zui!

The place suddenly quieted down.

Everyone stared blankly at the helicopter gunship that fell from the sky, silent.

The three players were also staring at Fang Yi with gloomy expressions.

Everyone thought Fang Yi would say something, but Fang Yi just grinned.

Without even an opening statement, he simply pulled the trigger of the Gatling gun neatly.

Da da da da da da da!

The next moment, the barrel of the Gatling gun turned frantically, making a deafening roar.

The hot bullet casings fell like raindrops, falling below.

The violent firepower poured out in an instant.

The dense rain of bullets, like a violent storm, is approaching head-on!


The three people below were frightened to death on the spot, sweating coldly.

This is so out of line to play cards, such a cool appearance, how can you start the game without saying anything?

Could it be that this is the so-called social master, and people don't talk much?

Before they could think about it, the three of them relied on their instincts to dodge each other.

"Die for me!"

"Charge with a shield!"

"Captain come back soon!"

The courier, who had rushed out of the bunker, immediately shrank back.

The boxer, who was about to harvest the head, immediately charged back with a shield and fled towards the courier.

Only the male teacher had no time to flee to the nearby bunker, so he could only let the surrounding students **** him.

However, Fang Yi's goal, from the very beginning, was aimed at the male teacher first.

Therefore, he must die!

Nearly a thousand bullets per second, aimed at the male teacher's position, poured down like raindrops.

Those students were forcibly controlled, and they stood up one after another and tried their best to protect the male teacher.

However, in the face of such firepower, the fragility of the human body is undoubtedly revealed.

The violent bullets instantly hit their bodies, battering them with blood.

Wait until they fall, until the second wave hits.

The bullet penetrated directly through their bodies, chasing towards the male teacher.

Da da da da da da da!

Accompanied by blood and corpses, the cement floor immediately splashed a lot of debris, and dust was everywhere.

"Dongmen Zui, I surrender, I surrender! At least let me commit suicide!"

Obviously, not only the otaku knows how painful it is to be killed by a Gatling machine gun, but the male teacher also knows a lot.

The only difference is that the otaku has temporarily formed an alliance with Fang Yi to avoid this kind of scalp-numbing death.

As for the male teacher, it was not so lucky.

Fang Yi will never be soft-hearted in dealing with the enemy.

Hearing the male teacher's request, he did not mean to stop.

Instead, the muzzle of the Gatling gun was adjusted to make the fire more concentrated.

Da da da da da da da!

"Die for me!"

Realizing that begging for mercy was useless, the male teacher immediately activated his skills frantically again.

The students who followed the male teacher immediately gathered to protect them with their bodies.

However, under the fire of the Gatling machine gun, it immediately fell into pieces.

Accompanied by the sound of machine guns, the male teacher tried his best to run one step, two steps, three steps...

At the fourth step, he suddenly found that no matter how he activated his skills, no one came over to protect him.

Only the sound of machine guns shooting, still did not mean to stop.

I felt the deadly breath of death behind me, getting closer and closer.

The male teacher couldn't help but look back in horror.

Behind him, there lay a corpse all the a short three-step distance, but there were nearly forty or fifty students crowded!

They all died to stop the gun for the male teacher.

It was not until there was no one around, and until all the students died, that it was finally the male teacher's turn to die.

"It will hurt ah ah ah..."

Da da da da da da da!

The male teacher's voice just came out, and it stopped abruptly.

Nearly a thousand bullets came in an instant, piercing through his body, leaving hundreds of blood holes in him.


The Gatling machine gun ceased fire, and the male teacher fell straight down, bleeding all over the floor.

"Dungeon Announcement: Player [East Gate Drunk] kills player [The Most Glorious Labor] and gets seven kills!"


"Dungeon Announcement: Player East Gate is drunk and has been [close to God]!"



Looking at the tragic death of the male teacher, the boxer and the courier looked at each other.


"cover me!"

The two spoke out almost at the same time, but their opinions were opposite.

"Captain?! Are you crazy? That's a gunship and a Gatling gun!"

The courier was stunned.

Is the captain's head so hard? Under that kind of firepower, as long as the two of them emerge, they will surely die!

"When Dongmen Zui was dealing with the male teacher just now, my armor had been recharged, and with the shield added, I should be able to withstand the first wave of offensive..."

"That's useless! Captain, wake up! That's a Gatling gun! Although I don't know how they got it, we can't deal with this firepower!"

Before Boxer could finish speaking, the courier interrupted directly, his face full of anxiety.

Now this time is their last chance to escape.

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