This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 55: serpentine marks

"Master, where are we going?"

When the city lord explained the situation just now, Fang Yi was not too concerned.

I followed the senior brother on the carriage and drove for a while, but before reaching the destination, I couldn't help asking.


"Dance hall...Wait!"

Fang Yi was still a little confused when he heard these two words.

There was even some confusion at one point.

When the response came, the voice didn't feel a little higher.

"Eldest brother, the ballroom...what is it?"

He observed the senior brother, who scratched his head.

"I don't know the specifics. It seems to be a secular person, a newly created entertainment place."

Entertainment? Newly made?

Fang Yi narrowed his eyes.

good guy.

There are players who are so blatant in doing things.

you can.

Is it too quick to die?

Or not at all afraid that others will find him in the past.

But...whatever the purpose, building a ballroom...

Fang Yi feels weird.

There is a vague sense of familiarity.

I always feel that the guy who will build a dance hall in the game, the only one he knows...

Shouldn't it?

If it is a small text.

Then this is a kind of contact signal. In the dance hall building, there should be a special code for contact.

"Eldest brother, do you know who built this ballroom?"

"I asked, but the builder is dead, in the ballroom."


Fang Yi was stunned.


The dungeon announcement has not yet appeared, indicating that a player is not dead now.

what is the problem…

Fang Yi wanted to ask again, but the carriage suddenly stopped.

"It's here, it's here."

Get out of the car with the big brother.

Fang Yi was suddenly dumbfounded.

What kind of ballroom is this?

Basically a bullpen.

The cowshed is surrounded by wooden fences and covered with large black cloth, which is equivalent to a big tent.

This, this is so rudimentary.

The only thing Fang Yi cared about was that there was a strong smell of blood in this simple dance hall.

This **** smell makes the power of the blood of the White Night Ghost start to move.

After entering the dungeon, Fang Yi killed very few enemies.

The power of the bloodline did not absorb much at all, and the characteristics of ghost transformation could not come out at all, and the power increase was naturally pitiful.

On the other hand, the ghosts contained Qi and absorbed a lot.

It may have something to do with this world and the Netherworld. The concentration of Nether Ghost's Qi is much higher than that of ordinary dungeons, and it is absorbed much faster.

However, the ghost incarnation is one of the trump cards, and this power is naturally not used casually.

Lift off the black cloth and enter the ballroom.

The goal is to find corpses all over the ground.

The corpses were thrown up and down, irregularly.

The eyes of all the corpses are empty, leaving traces of dried blood.

It looked like everyone had their eyes squeezed out with their hands and died tragically at the scene.

"This is where Weird's latest crime was committed. Let's check to see if we can find clues."

Saying that, the color of Big Brother's eyes has changed to a cold and blue color.

As if scanning the scene from a different perspective, he slowly checked.

This is a high-level pupil technique, which temporarily increases the strength of spiritual vision through high-intensity compressed spiritual power.

Naturally, Fang Yi had not yet reached the level of learning this martial art.

However, in the basic exercises, there is also a similar pupil technique, which is the [Exploration Technique] used by Senior Sister Yun.

Running the Detective Technique, Fang Yi's spiritual vision was very stable and did not change.

But the vision is clearer.

This is to be expected.

For those who are just getting started, the Exploration Technique can improve their spiritual vision ability to the point where they can see strange traces.

But for someone like Fang Yi, who can see weird traces with the naked eye, the effect of this pupil technique is greatly reduced.

Unless it is the advanced pupil technique of the senior brother, it will be more effective.

It is a pity that Fang Yi's spiritual power cannot keep up with the strength of spiritual vision, and he is not qualified to learn this high-level pupil technique.

"The city owner said that these people were guards patrolling the streets and found them in the early hours of the morning. All the people in the tent were dead clean, and there was no one alive. The death was tragic and strange, and it was the same as the previous small-scale weird methods, so the city owner thought that , this is still bizarre."


In a weird time now.

There are a lot of people who use weird names to do some unlawful things.

At the beginning, the city owner just thought that someone imitated the weird and poached people's eyes to kill.

But as the number of victims increases, and strange phenomena occur frequently.

It was only when the city owner finally decided that this was a strange act, and only then issued a request to Lingmei Sect.

As a result, such a big thing happened in the city as soon as the talents from Lingmei Sect came.

So the city owner is very frightened at the moment.

Fortunately, the elder brother was an easy-going person, and Fang Yi didn't want to be in charge at all, so he was not blamed.

"This is the person in charge of the dance hall, the shopkeeper of the coffin shop, and he has a background in the city."

The big brother stopped in front of a corpse.

Fang Yi looked at it for a while, there was no difference from other corpses, but there was a male corpse, hugging the shopkeeper of this coffin shop, I don't know what the relationship was.

After staying for a while at the corpse of the shopkeeper of the coffin shop, Fang Yi continued to follow the senior brother to observe the situation in the ballroom.

The rudimentary ballroom has a small space. After a while, I finished shopping in a circle.

"What can you see, little junior brother?"

Like a test, the big brother asked with a smile.

Fang Yi pondered and highlighted one word.



The big brother was a little surprised.

"Young junior brother can actually see that there is a problem with bleeding... I think you are not low on spiritual vision, it seems that senior brother underestimates you."

"Where is the big brother, I am the bright spot in my eyes."

This time, the big brother didn't answer, just smiled.

Who has no secrets yet.

Pointing to the blood on the ground, the senior brother said slowly.

"It's weird and sloppy in doing things. It seems that he has a very unfamiliar grasp of his own abilities, so that its aura still remains on the blood. Follow the vine and follow the breath, you should be able to continue to find clues, and..."

The elder brother turned his right hand into a palm and waved it towards the ground.

The air burst suddenly.

Slightly blue light powder scattered on the ground.

Beneath the blue light powder there were traces of movement that looked like the remnants of a snake animal on the ground.

"The snake is weird, the strength should only be a first-level weird, and it has just been promoted from ordinary weird."

The senior brother explained the information he had deduced to Fang Yi, and then asked: "This kind of weirdness is generally not strong. Do you want to try it yourself? Senior brother is here to help."

This is for me to practice...

This cheap eldest brother, this is good, nothing to say.

Fang Yi thought for a moment and nodded.

Follow the big brother and follow the snake-shaped traces together.

Along the way, Fang Yi did not forget to ask about the specific situation of the ballroom.

It's a pity that this matter has nothing to do with this mission, and the senior brother didn't ask the city lord in depth, so naturally he didn't know.


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