This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 95: Level 4 Weird Powers (Nine/Five)

Fang Yi's face darkened, feeling a little frightened.

Because the speed of the flames is much faster than before!

It's like a laser.

If it wasn't for not aiming well, it would really be possible to penetrate his body this time.

Even if you use the intoxicating deformation ability, you can only reduce the damage, and it is impossible to avoid it completely.

Fortunately, the jet flame changed from continuous firing to burst firing...

Do not!

and many more!

Fang Yi groaned in his heart.

I saw the jet flame that just disappeared, suddenly continued from below!

And directly like a laser, it swept towards him!

Depend on!

Rao is Fang Yi, and at this moment, he couldn't help but speak the truth about his quality.

He hurriedly moved and ascended in the air, but he couldn't shake off the jet flame behind him.

Even with dodging, the jet flame is getting closer and closer!

The cold sweat on Fang Yi's forehead became more and more, and the situation was very bad.

He looked at the decaying wall that was getting closer and closer.

Then look at the three-headed crocodile that is the size of a sesame seed on the ground, and the three-headed crocodile that moves closely behind him, as well as the jet of flames behind him.

Fang Yi's heart sank.

He suddenly changed direction suddenly, and the whole person swooped down!


The wind whistled in his ears.

Under the attraction of gravity, Fang Yi's dive speed was much faster than the speed at which he could move in the air with his wings.

The three-headed crocodile obviously did not expect that Fang Yi would do such an operation, and was stunned for a moment, then quickly continued to follow the jet flame.

Unfortunately, in terms of speed, it was pulled away instead.

"What does it want to do?!"

"Second brother, stop spraying flames. Your speed is too late to turn! Leave it to me, let it come! I want him to understand that I am different!"

"You can get it. Who was killed just now? If it wasn't for the boss's rescue, your life would have been lost."

"This, this time is really different. The three of us are all awake and controlling our heads. The physical strength is completely different from before! It's really not good, and the boss's petrochemical bottom line. Please give me a chance to atone for my sins. !"

The red head seemed to be persuaded and stopped spraying flames.

Boss Hei didn't say anything, it was tacit approval.

The flame disappeared, and Fang Yi's dive speed suddenly became faster.

A flame almost ignited around the whole person, and the clothes turned into burning cloth strips.


"Look at me!"

Facing Fang Yi's attack, the three-headed crocodile stood up almost like a human, pulsing explosive muscles all over his body.

The blue head roared and waved the huge tail behind it to meet Fang Yi.

"Qing Jin flicks his tail!"

"A blow from the sky!"


The two forces collided violently!

With Fang Yi and the three-headed crocodile as the center, an unparalleled terrorist force erupted.

The surrounding ground within a range of nearly 100 meters was hit by the aftermath of this force, and the surface cracked open.

The violent force set off a violent wind pressure, blowing away the surrounding weeds, forming a bald field where no grass grows.

And in the center of the collision between the two forces, only one three-headed crocodile remained.

The three-headed crocodile still maintained the motion of throwing out its tail.

Just accompanied by the sound of 呲, 呲, 呲.

The tail of the three-headed crocodile cracked, leaving small wounds.

Blood like a small fountain spewed out of these wounds.


A voice that was so cold that it could almost freeze the air suddenly sounded.

Qing Buo, who has been eager to ask for credit, suddenly froze.

"Old, boss, I, I..."

"Shut up! Lie down for me, and don't control your body without my order!"

"Yes Yes…"

The trauma to the tail doesn't look serious.

In fact, the real damage is on the inside.

The inside of the tail has long been riddled with holes, but the external performance has eased and it doesn't look serious.

However, sharing the same body, how could the black head not know the specific result of this collision of forces.

The black head took over the control of the body, and looked at the ground with gloomy eyes.

On the ground, a line of blood started from here, and spread in the direction of Weicheng in previous years.

At the end of the line of sight, a stumbled human being was clutching his almost scrapped arm and fled from Weicheng in previous years.

"The seal is weird... It seems that Suozhuang's news is true. There are actually four third-level monsters, and the situation inside is completely blocked. It can be sealed with four third-level special monsters. It seems that Suozhuang seals the weird water, which is better than himself. Think deeply."

The black three-headed crocodile flashed thought in his eyes.

Suozhuang, it doesn't care.

A large number of monsters that are freed from the outside world and can quickly become stronger are swaying near their own territory, and they can't turn a blind eye.

"It is said that this kind of seal is weird, and one of them has grown to the fourth-level weirdness... This is enough to threaten my safety and threaten my territory. It seems that while solving the human being, it is necessary to remove these new weirdness by the way. It was also resolved."

The body crawled on the ground again.

The black three-headed crocodile, from the anthropomorphic form, switched back to the regular crocodile form.

At the same time, the limbs swayed again like a ghost.

With the violent shaking of the ground, it chased and killed in the direction Fang Yi fled from!

dong dong dong!

The extremely oppressive vibration from the rear appeared again.

Fang Yi's heart sank.

The situation is not good, obviously it should just lead this fourth-level monster out to fight with the seal monster.

As a result, I was not careful, I wanted to test my strength, and I ended up in this situation.

The previous sword.

There is no ghost incarnation blessing, no blood power blessing.

Just relying on being drunk and cooperating with a blow from the sky seems a bit unattractive.

The power can be said to be barely able to fight against the three-headed crocodile.

But the problem is that the physical strength can't keep The three-headed crocodile was hit by his own blow with all his strength, but his tail was severely damaged, but he still has super strength.

And his arm was almost scrapped.

The arm was red and swollen, all muscles were damaged, and several bones were broken. The surface was covered in tiny tear-like wounds, bleeding out.

This kind of injury, even if it takes a few months of cultivation, will not necessarily fully recover.

Xiaowen can only ask Xiaowen to find any healing potions in Suozhuang, or go to other forces to buy good healing potions to speed up the repair of his injuries.

These are all problems that need to be solved slowly only after overcoming the current difficulties.

Now Fang Yi's problem is only, that is to take the three-headed crocodile behind him and rush towards the rotten wall.

Facing the three-headed crocodile with a two-level gap in strength, Fang Yi felt that he was able to achieve this level, which was already very good.

If there is a ghost incarnation, or the power of blood, if you go directly down the hard steel, there is also a chance to win.

Right now, it's still too hard.

Even if you become a third-level spiritual martial artist, you won't be so passive.

The vibration from the ground was getting closer and closer, Fang Yi took a deep breath.


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