This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 131: extra five

Walked a distance along the tree hole, just when Fang Yi had already seen the light from the far exit...


Suddenly, there was a violent and continuous vibration under my feet!

The vibration came suddenly and violently.

Rao was Fang Yi, and he was almost unsteady, not to mention the men behind him.

He stumbled straight to the side, and collapsed, only Xiaowen and the others were still standing, just meeting Fang Yi's eyes.

"Go back and see what's going on."

"pass it to me!"

Xiaowen, who was bored, shouted excitedly, pushed aside the crowd, and rushed back.

Fang Yi took the person and continued toward the exit—the exit was right in front of him. It didn't make sense to turn around and go back at this time, just let Xiaowen at the back investigate the situation.

Go out the exit.

The dazzling sunlight made Fang Yi narrow his eyes slightly.

After getting used to it, Fang Yi found that there were groups of people around the exit.

Their clothes were ragged, but each held a weapon.

I saw Fang Yi appear.

The sluggish expressions of this group of people did not show relief or assistance.

Instead, there were some subtle changes, suddenly and silently grasping the weapon in his hand.

Fang Yi looked around calmly, then turned his back to everyone, stood silently at the exit, and helped the rest of the team to get out of the exit.

"One, two..."

With his keen sense of hearing, Fang Yi heard a number of voices whispering from the crowd.

Not one person, but scattered, ups and downs among the crowd.

There are front and rear, left and right, as if Fang Yi and others are surrounded by them.

"Boss, something is wrong with this group of people."

Except for Suo Zhuang's subordinates, the first person in the group of five to follow Fang Yi was Xian Sanbu.

As soon as he came out, Xian Sanbu felt that the surrounding atmosphere was a little weird.

"No, it's fine."


Xian Sanbu wanted to remind him, but Fang Yi gave him a look, and closed his mouth knowingly.

After a while, Wuyan also came out.

"Captain, why are they just standing there, there are no city lords and the like, come to talk to us?"

Wu Yan was still quite simple, he didn't think too much about it, but he was just a little curious that the group of people around were like outsiders, standing around, neither helping nor doing anything.

"Why are you all standing at the exit?"

At this moment, the big brother also crawled out.

Seeing his own people, standing around here and there, a few leaders were fishing for people at the exit, and he was a little puzzled for a while.

"What's going on behind the scenes?"

Fang Yi did not answer the question.

Big Brother didn't think much of it.

After entering the passage, the five-member group was dispersed in the team to ensure safety.

Xiaowen is in the last place in the back, and the big brother is in the penultimate position.

So you should know something.

"I'm not very clear about the specifics. After the passage was shaken, there was a commotion behind. Your Suozhuang disciples were resisting something. Some people died and fell, and the walls were stained with blood. It gradually calmed down, he told me to just go forward, and I took someone to the exit first."

"Where are the others? Following you?"

"No, I yelled something I couldn't understand excitedly, and rushed out from the entrance. Shouldn't it be outside the city now?"

Fang Yi's face darkened.

You don't have to think about it, it must be some kind of middle school speech, and then go to the waves.

"This guy!"

"Boss, the middle school kid is so disobedient, I suggest punishing him for cleaning the toilet for three months!"

"Captain, it should be because the enemy is too strong. Xiaowen needs a wider field to exert his strength. Help us to break through."

The three of them were talking when suddenly a strong narcissistic and sao voice came from the exit. The tone was cadenced, as if reading a poem.

"I seem to hear someone say I'm handsome—"

The voice fell, and the three people's eyes focused on the exit.

A head with half of its hair that looked like it had just been burned by flames suddenly came out.

Impressively, it's Xiaowen who came back from "Broken After"!

"Why did it take so long?"

"Tsk, he didn't die behind."


Three people, three attitudes, completely different.

However, Xiaowen didn't answer, instead he threw his right hand upwards.

A black shadow was suddenly thrown into the air.

With a loud bang, it fell heavily.

Everyone looked at it, and their expressions changed slightly.

What fell was a pig.

Wild boar.

Unlike ordinary wild boars.

On the surface of this wild boar, there are densely packed human hands and feet, of different lengths, old and new.

Inside there are tender and fair baby hands, as well as old hands and feet on the verge of dead wood.

In this case, it should have been spliced ​​and sewed together, and the fusion was obviously broken.

But this pig's hands and feet, as if they were born with these hands and feet, naturally merged with the body.

These dense hands and feet rose and fell with the weak breathing of the wild boar.

This picture makes people feel nauseated and uncomfortable.

No doubt, this is a weird one.

Fang Yi checked it with his spiritual vision, and observed that it was a third-level monster.

Moreover, it is a common third-level weirdness.

It's not that the seal is weird.

Fang Yi frowned slightly.

He looked at Xiaowen suspiciously.

With Xiaowen's strength, it was effortless to capture such a strange creature.

But judging from Xiaowen's complacent reaction, this time he should have made a contribution.

However, where is the point of merit?

"Brother Hei, believe me, after listening to my explanation, the look in my eyes will immediately turn into admiration! As for the stinky woman, it is estimated that she must worship her to the core. She is really a spineless stinky woman."

? ? ?

"Xiao Xiao! Be careful when you speak! Sister's patience is limited!"

Immediately, Xian Sanbu couldn't help roaring.

The content of the roar made Fang Yi, who was about to persuade him, stunned.

The three people in the team focused their attention on Xian Sanbu almost at the same time.

Everyone: ...?

little surname?

Xiaowen is just a nickname, others are not surnamed 'Xiao'...

Xian Sanbu also reacted at this time.

"No, middle school brat, who are you saying is spineless!"

"Whoever responds is who."

After speaking, Xiaowen didn't give Xian three steps to react, and directly said to Fang Yi.

"Brother Hei, when I broke the back just now. I found that the situation behind was surrounded by a group of pig-headed monsters, and they were constantly rushing into the passage. These pig-headed monsters were the level of third-level weirdness. Naturally, I opened the unparalleled killing. As a result, after the situation was one-sided, one of the pig head strange, suddenly seemed to have awakened from the seal, and said that he was...Lingmeimen, warm heart!"

What? !

Wen Xin!

It is actually kind!

Fang Yi and others are still digesting the news.

The elder brother next to him trembled, and he was so excited that he could hardly restrain himself.

With a swoosh, he passed directly by Fang Yi's side, pounced on the hand and foot pig, hugged the hand and foot pig hard, and kept shouting his warm name.

Think about it, a big man, holding a black pig with human hands and feet all over his body, crying to death or alive, the picture is as hot as the eyes are.

But unfortunately, the man shouted very deeply, very affectionately, and it was not easy for others to interrupt.

Fang Yi looked away and raised his chin towards Xiaowen.

"You keep talking."

Xiaowen was also stunned by the operation of the senior brother, and after regaining his senses, he continued.

"Oh, it's like this, didn't you always tell me that the mission goal of this trip is to warm your heart? As soon as I hear that this guy is warm, I will definitely catch it alive."

"As a result, after I caught it, the wild boars around were weird, and they all started calling themselves warmhearted."

"There is only one Wen Xin, but I don't have the ability to distinguish, so I just grabbed one alive and brought it over to show you."

"Brother Hei, although I didn't bring back the real Wenxin, I did a good job, right! The pig who claims to be Wenxin is weird here, so it means that this pig must be related to Wenxin, maybe Wenxin is nearby. Well, so we may be on the wrong side, and instead approach the mission goal, otherwise we may go to the position your senior brother said, and we may be empty."

Speaking of which, Xiaowen glanced at Xian Sanbu with a smug look, then looked at Fang Yi expectantly, as if waiting for Fang Yi's praise.

A few compliments, and there will be no less meat.

Fang Yi naturally blew a wave of small essays.

"By the way, what about the Lingwang Sect disciple who stayed outside?"

"It must have been eaten by the monsters long ago. Anyway, when I rushed out, I didn't see his figure. If it weren't for the number of these pig-headed monsters, and the fighting was too loud, I could kill this group of low-level monsters by myself. By the way, Brother Hei, let's hurry up and seal the passage. When I came over, I destroyed the wall all the way. The passage has been destroyed for most of it, but it is not safe, so it is better to seal it all."

"Well, I'll let someone handle it."

Hearing that his apprentice brother had been killed by a strange creature, the disciple of Lingwang Sect who led the way, immediately turned red.

But he didn't dare to go back to find the weird account, not to mention that the passage was blocked.

Fang Yi didn't care about this, and called Suo Zhuang's men to destroy the passage here, and then looked at the senior brother.

Although the latter was very devoted to awakening the "warm heart", he still heard Xiaowen's words in his ears, so he seemed a little confused and confused at the moment.

He really wanted to believe that this hand-footed pig was Wenxin, so that he could meet Wenxin again.

But deep in his heart, he also understood that if what Xiaowen said was true, the possibility that the hand-footed pig was warm-hearted was very low.

"Little Junior Brother, you said, this, what the **** is going on here, this weird, is it warmhearted?"

"It's not likely, just tie it up first, and then I'll have someone interrogate it to see if it can reveal more information."

The big brother nodded in disappointment, it seemed that this was the only thing he could do at the moment.

Xiaowen leaned over at this time, and poked the weird hands and feet with his fingers.

"Brother Hei, what kind of ability do you think this is?"

"Well... Wen Xin's strength is a fourth-level alienation. If she has the ability to control the alienation of her subordinates, it makes sense. This weirdness should be the one she controls. At most, this control ability is unstable. So this happened."

"No no no! I feel a bit like assimilation, Brother Hei, don't you think these pig heads are weird, their faces are all the same, as if they are changing towards the same model... Oh! I forgot you haven't seen other pig heads weird. face, that's fine."


The words seem to be fine, but why does Fang Yi feel that Xiaowen is attacking him?

Although unintentional.

Xian Sanbu interjected, "Nonsense! The pig's head is weird, even if it looks different, can you tell the difference? You can't even tell the difference between two dogs!"

"Nonsense! The dog is so cute, how can I not tell the difference! For example, you and the little black dog in the camp, although they look alike, I can tell the difference."

"You compare me to a dog?"

"No! I said you were a dog!"

Xian Sanbu looked angry.

With a brush on his hand, three black medicine jars appeared, and they smashed at Xiaowen on the spot.

Where would Xiaowen be smashed obediently, twisting left and right, directly dodging the poison bottle attack.


The first poison bottle shattered on the ground, and the black sewage spread out and melted into the ground.

After a while, the weeds in this area withered one after another, no grass grew, and it was black and bald, and this phenomenon was still spreading, but it was relatively slow, like environmental pollution.

The other bottle was accidentally smashed directly on the disciple of Lingwang Sect with red eyes.

With a puff, dark red flames shot up into the sky, and the burning disciples of Lingwang Sect screamed and rolled on the ground.

Before the others rushed to put out the fire, the dark red flames had suddenly disappeared, leaving only a charred corpse like black coal, motionless.

The last bottle of poison water, after being dodged by Xiaowen, smashed directly at the crowd holding weapons that surrounded them.

With a bang, thick yellow liquid splashed out.

When it directly touches the human body, it makes a sizzling sound, which seems to be extremely corrosive. It penetrates the skin on the surface of the human body on the spot, dissolves the bones, and drips onto the ground.

Many people's arms were riddled with sputtering holes, and some people even had their arms corroded and broken.

The scene was plunged into chaos on the spot, and screams and calls for help were heard incessantly.

It also opened a gap in the originally tight surrounding circle.

"Wow! Murder my dear... ahhh! I mean, Brother Hei, look at her! I will do my best to the enemy, and I will strike hard at myself, and I suggest expelling her from the team!"

"How dare you sue! If you hadn't escaped, would I have missed it!"

The scene was already in chaos, and the two of them continued to bicker without the slightest bit of self-awareness.

As he said that, he continued to throw poison bottles out, which frightened the group of people in the city, screaming and backing away to make room for the boss.

However, Xiaowen and He didn't give up, even if they acted a little fake, they would continue to rely on this group of people.

Xian Sanbu was even more cooperative, and the poison bottle seemed to be thrown out without money.

Anyway, to her, these are low-level poisons. It doesn't have a big effect against the same level of enemies. It can only be effective against these low-level enemies. It was made in the early stage to save lives. Now it is basically useless, so it doesn't hurt to throw it away.

With a stream of poison thrown around, the people who were planning to surround them, and even secretly counted them, all scattered and fled.

Seeing the farce-like situation in front of him, Fang Yi smiled wryly.

Originally, I was thinking of holding on to the army, so I'll tell you some news from this group of people first.

As a result, as soon as Xiaowen came over, he started to do things.

With Xiaowen's keenness, it is estimated that he has already realized that something is wrong when he arrives here, and it is better to strike first.

I just didn't expect that it would be Xian Sanbu who would take action. From a certain point of view, their cooperation was not bad.

"Xiaowen, catch someone alive and ask about the situation."

When the crowd had almost escaped, or when Xiaowen had had enough, Fang Yi called to him.

Silent on the side, tugged on Fang Yi's clothes.

"Captain, are we going to massacre the city?"

She seemed eager to try, with a long, special-shaped knife hanging from her waist, she was already hungry and thirsty.

"Don't worry, I don't have this plan for the time being..."

After listening to Fang Yi's words, Wu Yan lowered his head in disappointment, and looked at Xiaowen and Xian Sanbu who were doing damage everywhere in the distance with envy.

This made Fang Yi a little ashamed.

The people around me seem to have violent tendencies. I am the only normal person, what should I do? Online wait, a little rush.

Following Wu Yan's gaze, Xiao Wen and Xian Sanbu in the distance had already made no secrets at this time.

Especially after hearing Fang Yi's order, he let go of the killing and ran after people everywhere.

"Little Junior Brother, this, this... the mission of the alliance, isn't it for us to assist them in defending the city? You killed everyone..."

The senior brother was a little panicked. Fang Yi's actions at the moment were completely against the alliance. If the news was spread, there would be no good fruit to eat.

He was not worried about himself. After all, he had the head to help protect him, and he was mainly worried about the safety of the younger brothers and the others.

"Senior brother, don't worry, the situation in Yucheng is not as simple as we thought. These people are hostile to us rescuers, which is very abnormal. There must be a change in it. After I figure it out, I will report to the alliance. , they won't blame me."

Suozhuang is now the pillar of the second-tier forces. Unless the alliance pays for its own martial arts, there is no reason to attack them, even if the trouble gets bigger.

After Xiaowen had enough trouble, he came back with a dying person.

Throwing people directly in front of Fang Yi: "Brother Hei, most of the enemies have been annihilated, and the prisoners have been captured."

It was serious, but Fang Yi rolled his eyes.

Do you still want to invite credit? It's enough to play, throw people over and let yourself do business.

Fang Yi ignored him, helped the person on the ground, and asked, "What's the situation in Yucheng now? Why are you hostile to us? You should know that we are here to support you."

"I, I don't know anything, don't kill me! Don't kill me!"

This man seemed to be scared out of his wits, or was stunned by the massacre method that Xiaowen and Xian Sanbu joined together, his face was as pale as paper, and his whole body was trembling.

Fang Yi comforted him for a while before asking for the information he wanted.

The situation in Yucheng is much more serious than the information provided by the alliance.

Under the enormous pressure, even if the strange army had not broken through the city gate, a division had already occurred inside.

Some people insisted on waiting for the rescue of the Alliance.

The other part, the group of people in front of them, chose to take refuge in the strange army.

But the weird army didn't trust them, they just asked them to be the inner responders, imprisoned all those who came to support and handed them over to the weird army, and leaked the information to the weird army.

After meeting the requirements, only a few people can be recognized by the strange army, and when the city is attacked, they can be pardoned and can live.

Among them, catching high-level rescuers alive has a higher chance of being recognized by the strange army.

In a sense, the city of Yu has already been breached from the inside by a strange army.

It's just that the strange army chose to besiege instead of attacking, attracting more alliance members and destroying them one by one.

For this reason, he also acted in a few scenes with the defender, pretending that he had nothing to do with the defender for the time being.

In fact, others have long been able to let people open the city gate from the inside and let the strange army enter.

Hearing this news, Fang Yi's face darkened.


Since Yucheng was no longer saved, Fang Yi made a decisive decision.

However, the man smiled wryly.

"If you can't walk, don't even think about leaving alive when you enter Yucheng. There is only one way to survive, and that is to join the strange army! Join the strange alliance!"


"Because all the exits of Yucheng are guarded by a strange army, and they can't get out at all. Like the secret passage you came to before, there is only one such passage in the entire Yucheng. It is only when the people from Lingwang Sect say it, we will know, otherwise we will all know. I didn't know there was such a secret passage. But it was soon leaked to the army of monsters, so it was discovered so quickly by the army of monsters. I really envy the guy who leaked the secret. With this credit, he can definitely join the army of monsters."

He said that he was envious, but in fact this person's eyes were red and his face was full of jealousy.

Having said that, I seem to have misunderstood the two Spirit Net Sect disciples.

I thought those two guys were with the people here, but it turned out that they were also fooled.

But now the situation is a little bad.

According to what this guy said, the strange army outside attacking the city is a level-6 strange and terrifying existence. If you can't find a way to escape, then staying here is a dead end.

was pitted.

"Where can I find those resisters?"

They are still stubbornly resisting the weird, and they have not taken refuge in the weird crowd, forming a team called Resisters.

The resisters and the surrenderers here have been fighting in the city all the time.

However, this is of no use, as long as the strange army outside loses patience and no longer waits for reinforcements sent by the Anti-Monster Alliance, fishing for law enforcement, and choosing to directly forcibly siege the city.

Then everyone in the city has only one dead end.

Of course, Fang Yi naturally wanted to contact those resisters more than these surrendering factions. Maybe they had information and could have some way to escape.

"Nancheng District, I don't know where they are hiding in Nancheng District..."

"Okay, you're useless."

Fang Yi's voice fell, and Xiaowen, who was beside him, broke the man's neck.

Simply neat.

The senior brother on the side, seeing Xiaowen's skillful operation, his expression was a little subtle, and he seemed a little uncomfortable.

At this moment, Fang Yi waved his hand and led the team to the south of the city. Halfway along the way, he even had a flag set up, and he did it with great fanfare, and he was not afraid of being discovered.

Sure enough, within a few minutes of walking, a surrender sent to stop the news from a distance.

It seems that as long as the supporters like Fang Yi are caught and handed over to the weird army, they can survive.

In fact, even if they were lucky enough to survive the strange army of this wave of surprise attacks and wait for the anti-weird alliance to settle accounts in the autumn, one of these people would settle the other, and none of them would be able to escape.

Not to mention that people are weird, it is absolutely impossible to want to be weird and trust human beings.

These surrender factions who rushed over after hearing the news were not many in number, and their strength was relatively weak.

Fang Yi didn't even need to take action. Suo Zhuang's subordinates who brought him over were enough to deal with it.

These surrendering factions, when they chose to surrender, have lost the will to fight, and even if they have some strength, they can't show much.

And the people that Fang Yi brought are the elites of Suozhuang, and their strength is not comparable to them.

But after a few fights, the battle was over.

He even captured a few prisoners alive.

Fang Yi asked a few questions, but basically he didn't get any new information - as strange, they knew so much.

After killing people, Fang Yi led the team to the south of the city.

The speed of news dissemination was faster than Fang Yi expected.

I'm afraid it won't be long before the Weird Alliance will send troops directly into the city to arrest people.

outside the city.

The Weird Alliance raids the garrison of the army.

"Master Nine-Headed Centipede, my assimilation body, has forced the reinforcements of Lingwu practitioners into the city."

A woman with a huge axe on her back, with strange green patterns on her face, lowered her head and reported, her voice was very soft, giving a feeling of inferiority.

But in fact, her strength has already been recognized by many strange people, otherwise she would not have become a celebrity beside the six-level strange [Nine-Headed Centipede].

On the seat, a bloated and huge nine-headed centipede moved slightly and lifted one of its heads.

"What is the distribution of strength of these reinforcements?"

"According to the information, there should be one level five powerhouse and three level four powerhouses."

"Not enough, far from enough... Wen Xin, I'll give you a team to put pressure on Yucheng."

"Master means..."

"Give a sense of oppression, but reserve room to form the illusion of equal power, and let the Anti-Monster Alliance send more reinforcements - we need to pave the way for the dazzling adults of Lingmo."

"You mean... Lord Lingmo Dazzling will also come here in person?"

"That's right, the teleportation formation is almost completed. When the time comes, it's not the dazzling adults, but the whole weird alliance! I'm afraid the anti-weird alliance can't imagine that we will make such a decisive decision. A real surprise attack!"

"Go deep into the hinterland, build a teleportation formation, teleport all the army to the core area of ​​the enemy army, and attack Huanglong... Lord Nine-headed Centipede is wise!"

"Hahahaha! This is just the tip of the iceberg of my great wisdom. Follow me and work hard, and I will not treat you badly."


After a pause, he said warmly, "There are five-level powerhouses in the city, and I'm only a fourth-level middle-level. I'm afraid I won't be able to form enough suppressive force to force them to ask for support."

"Don't worry, I have my own arrangements - three fifth-level powerhouses, is that enough?"


This raid team brought 17 level-5 monsters and 3 level-6 monsters.

The nine-headed centipede, one of the three major six-level monsters, is also the leader of this team.

"Remember, our only advantage is that the information has not been leaked, and the enemy still does not know our details. Therefore, we can release our strength little by little, swallow their increased strength little by little, and buy time for the arrival of the dazzling adult Lingmo. ."


"Well, that's all for now. You go get ready and enter the city in half an hour."


After Wen Xin led the order to retreat, the nine-headed centipede withdrew its expression and looked thoughtfully at the direction where Wen Xin left.

Humans, after all, cannot be trusted.

But those with alienation ability are another matter.

Alienation means that half of the body is a weird constitution.

It can be regarded as the human camp or the weird camp, so it can be accepted by the weirdos.

However, it cannot be taken lightly.

After all, half of them are human, so I can't be completely relieved.

Therefore, the three five-level monsters that were handed over to Wen Xin's command were actually carefully selected by the nine-headed centipede, able to check and balance Wen Xin at any time, and issued an order.

If Wen Xin has signs of betrayal, it is allowed to kill on the spot!

Although Wen Xin has made a lot of outstanding contributions after joining the Weird Alliance, and seems to be devoted to the Weird Alliance, she still needs to guard against it.

After half an hour, Wen Xin merged with the other three level five monsters.

For some reason, these three apparently obey Wen Xin's orders on the surface, but Wen Xin feels that their eyes are not so kind.

"It's right that they look down on me... I'm so weak, I don't deserve to be the leader of this operation..."

Thoughts of inferiority flashed in his heart, and no flaws were exposed on the surface.

In the enemy camp, as long as there is any slack, or suspected actions, they will immediately be sent a copy to end the game.

Although she has low self-esteem, she wants to win!

I want to win any game, I want to keep winning, keep winning!

Unconsciously, Wen Xin's hand clenched slightly.

Yucheng, Chengnan District.

"I said, there is no waste that can withstand torture. Who is for and who is against?"

These are the original words of Xiaowen.

When he said these words, standing beside him was a spirit warrior whose whole body was drilled into by Gu worms.

A few seconds later, the spirit warrior, as expected, chose to surrender, allowing Fang Yi to get the information.

However, this spiritual warrior is a surrendering faction.

It's a bit inappropriate to torture the capitulators and get information from the capitulators.

Therefore, Fang Yi needs to solve the person who asked the question.

"Kill him, let's go to the capitulation faction's nest."



The person whose whole body was covered by Gu worms suddenly burst into blood and collapsed.

Gu insect then got off him, followed the ground, and crawled back to Xiaowen's body.

All that was left were the wreckage mixed with flesh and blood.

"Little Junior Brother, isn't this a bit bad..."

The big brother seems to be a little unbearable.

Among Suozhuang's subordinates, there are also many people who feel a little uncomfortable.

On the contrary, it was Fang Yi's teammates, who looked as usual, no surprise.

They are all players, and it would be light to say that killing people is like a hemp.

Xiaowen's methods are a bit disgusting. If they were replaced by them, it would probably be a pain in the ass.

The location of the resisters' nest provided by this person is not far away.

In just a few minutes, Fang Yi and others found him.

But it is said to be a lair, but in fact it is more like a small stronghold.

After casually arresting some people for questioning, Fang Yi realized that the positions of this group of people were too low, and they only knew the location of such a small stronghold.

This is also normal. If the nests of the resisters are so easy to find, then it is estimated that the surrender faction has already removed these resisters.

Even so, Fang Yi lost his patience.

He doesn't have much time.

In the absence of clear support, the longer you stay in the city, the harder it is to guarantee your life safety. No one knows when the strange army outside the city will attack.

Looking at the far high city wall, Fang Yi frowned.

"Xian Sanbu, release poison. Xiaowen, release Gu."



Both of them showed suspicious expressions.

Fang Yi just said lightly, "We slaughter the city."

"Brother Hei, a beautiful decision!"

As soon as Xiaowen heard this proposal, he shouted out excitedly.

It doesn't matter whether Xian Sanbu is in the end, he nodded.

Wu Yan, who was beside him, was also eager to try.

"Captain, what about me? Can I do anything?"

"Here... you go to the four walls and help me observe which direction is the best way for the strange army to break through."

Silent is not weak.

It's just that in terms of large-area lethality, it's much less efficient than those two guys, so it's not suitable for this situation.


Wu Yan heard the words, the two rabbit ears drooped slightly, and his mood seemed to be a little depressed, but he still led the order to investigate.

"Little Junior Brother, is the idea of ​​slaughtering the city too much? Although some people here have betrayed the Anti-Monster Alliance, there are still resisters who stand firm and wait for rescue..."

The big brother wanted to dissuade him, but Fang Yi ignored him.

After telling Xiaowen and Xian the specific plan of the three-step massacre in detail, the two realized Fang Yi's true intention.

The so-called massacre is just an illusion, the real purpose is to force people to come to them.

And the method is also very simple, two words - poison circle!

Man-made poison circle!

With the strength of Fang Yi and others, they can already crush everyone in the city.

So you can use some simple and rude means to achieve your goals.

Xiaowen and Xian led the way in three steps, creating a 'poison circle' in two directions.

Fang Yi deliberately asked them to slow down the progress so that others had enough reaction time to spread the news.

Xiaowen and Xian Sanbu's efficiency is very fast.

After a while, riots began to occur in the edge of the city wall far away.

As for Wuyan, he came to the city wall at a faster speed and ran around the city wall.

She needs to complete the investigation task before the two drug circles merge.

In an instant, the entire Yucheng fell into a fiery fire.

In Yucheng, at the entrance of Xicheng, an elite and strange team is approaching fast.

But when they reached the gate of the city and asked the people inside to open the gate, they ran into trouble.

The people inside didn't seem to respond to the code at all.

He asked his men to shout a few times, but there was no response.

Yucheng is no ordinary town.

It is close to the core area of ​​the Anti-Monster Alliance.

So the precautionary measures are very perfect.

The city gate is equipped with a formation, which is generally impossible to break through.

When the formation was activated, people outside the city, even if they ascended to the sky, would only see a fog.

Of course, this is only for weak weirdos.

For a powerhouse like Wen Xin, this kind of small formation is nothing to worry about.

Mainly, when dealing with the monster army, it is set up to be able to resist most low-level monsters by means of formation.

Seeing that his subordinates were fruitless, Wen Xin was not annoyed, so he respectfully showed the strangeness of the ghosts beside him.

The latter smiled coldly, his icy eyes moved on Wen Xin, and a playful smile hung on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay, I'll make a second move."



Almost at the moment when the voice fell, the entire city wall was torn apart in an instant, cracking open.

The sky is full of sawdust and fine iron pieces flying everywhere.

The light green screen of the symbolic formation also shattered in an instant.

And in the dusty sky, the huge ghost head, which was three meters in size and covered in a faint flame, was quietly floating under the city wall.

"It's done."

"Thank you Lord Guitou for taking action."

Respectfully saluted, Wen Xin led the team into the city.

However, the next moment, she suddenly realized that something was wrong.

In the air, the faint smell and the tingling sensation felt in both eyes.

This feeling... poisonous gas?

Even a fourth-level weirdo like me can feel uncomfortable.

The power of this poisonous gas should not be underestimated.

It seems that in my team, the elder sister named Xian Sanbu seems to have used a similar poison technique...

"Wen Xin, the situation in the city is not right. Those spiritual warriors in the city probably found a backer and wanted to betray us."

Lord Guitou approached and looked at Wen Xin playfully.

The other two level fives are weird, but they are rather aloof, and they are too lazy to talk to such aliens.

The surrounding subordinates gradually began to feel that their breathing was not smooth, and small granular pustules emerged from their bodies, and there lay abnormally hot pus, as if they were in lava, and the hot group of strange screams burst the pustules. .

As soon as the pustule was broken, the pus flowed down the skin, and immediately reinfected the touched skin with a large number of small pustules.

But after a short while, most of the weird subordinates brought by Wen Xin grew dense pustules, and these pustules continued to grow rapidly over time.

One of them was seriously weird, half of its body was occupied by a large abscess, as if the abscess was the body of the body, and the original body was just the torso that provided nutrients.

"This is comparable to the formations of the spiritual warriors, and it is not like the methods of ordinary spiritual warriors. I am afraid the news is wrong. It is very likely that there is more than one fifth-level powerhouse hidden in the reinforcements of the spiritual warrior team!"

The upper body is a desk, and the lower body is a weird one with eight human legs. At this time, he also came to Wen Xin's side and said coldly.

This is exactly the three strongest cards in Wen Xin's hand, the eight-legged monster, one of the three fifth-level monsters.

Unlike Lord Guitou, who was watching the lively scene, this one was eager to warm his heart when he failed, and then he would warm his heart with his own hands.

Because of Wen Xin's rapid growth in the Weird Alliance, he actually angered a lot of weirdos, but he climbed fast, and before other weirdnesses had time to strike, he found that Wenxin had already climbed to the heights it is today, and it was not easy to take action.

Wen Xin's face didn't change, but she was in trouble in her heart.

Just arrived at the gate of the city, and encountered such a mess.

No matter how.

It is not acceptable to stay at the gate of the city.

Let the weird team rush in, and then fly up to the sky, overlooking the entire apartment city.

It's okay not to look at it, but I'm startled when I see it. UU reading www. uukanshu. com

The entire apartment city is living in dire straits.

On the left, in the direction of the city gate they had just entered, it was completely filled with a vast sea of ​​poisonous fog.

The thick poisonous fog corrodes the streets, buildings, trees, and...human beings!

All human beings who did not leave the range of the poisonous fog in time died tragically in the poisonous fog.

Fortunately, the speed at which the poisonous mist spreads is not far, giving humans enough time to react.

This is like a scene of natural disasters, which is more and more familiar to the warm heart.

Before, she had always thought that Xian Sanbu was very powerful. Compared with herself, it was like the difference between heaven and earth. Even comparing the two together would be an insult to Xian Sanbu.

Now this feeling is getting stronger and more inferior.

Humanoid natural disaster.

This is Wen Xin's position of strength for Xian Sanbu at this moment.

On the other side of the apartment complex, looking away, there is a vast expanse of white, the whole town seems to be covered with a layer of snow-white paint, and the color has changed, which is incompatible with the original decoration style.

But take a closer look, what kind of paint is this, but a worm!

A vast expanse of white, with an exaggerated number of big fat worms!

With the squirming of these worms, it seemed that the whole town was ups and downs, which was shocking.

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