This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 180: compound

As soon as he entered the blacksmith shop, Ju Yushuang ran directly inside.

Apparently, Fang Yi's forgiveness made her very emotional, and she still hasn't calmed down yet.

Fang Yi slowly followed behind, looking at the weapons placed outside, probably of what quality they were.

This determines that Fang Yi will have to use some strength to cope with the daily iron and forging activities in the next month.

By the time Fang Yi had walked this distance, he had already made a general judgment in his heart.

The quality of the weapons is not good, it can even be said to be rough and inferior.

Compared with the weapons made by the blacksmith in the first instance, the grade is not known how much lower.

The base material is part of the reason, and so is the forging technology.

Fang Yi didn't know whether the weapons in this dungeon were all of this grade, or because Hanbi City was located in a remote location, so the technology was backward.

If it is the former, then with your own forging technology, you can create a good weapon, whether it is selling for money or exchanging interests with others, there is room for choice.

If it is only the latter, then there is nothing to say. When forging daily, self-dropping forging technology will do.


Pushing open the door, Fang Yi entered the backyard.

The backyard is very large, and there is no iron equipment, and it is full of life.

Corner stone tables and stone chairs bear traces of recent use.

The rice grains on the ground were piled up in advance because the sun was approaching dusk.

In the area next to the rice paddy, bamboo poles are used as clothes drying poles.

The clothes on it are all men's clothes. Judging from the size, a small part is his own, and most of them are giant blacksmiths.

As for the women's clothes, they didn't appear, they should have been put away early.

Further ahead, there are residential houses.

Through this information, Fang Yi has a clear understanding of the layout of the blacksmith shop.

The first is between the facades that sell weapons, and then there is the forge between the facades, where all the blacksmithing activities should be carried out.

Further inside is a large yard and a three-room residential house.


Just then, the door of the house opened.

A tall old man with thick arms caught Fang Yi's eyes.


As soon as the giant blacksmith saw Fang Yi, he snorted coldly, as if he didn't like seeing him.


Ju Yushuang took a step forward and took the giant blacksmith's arm.


The giant blacksmith turned his face away, snorted again, and returned to the house.

"Chang Chou, today, can we sit and eat together like before?"

When the giant blacksmith entered, Ju Yushuang asked cautiously, not even daring to make eye contact with Fang Yi.

Fang Yi's heart moved.

It seems that the person who used the stone table and stone chair to eat recently must be himself.

From this point of view, the character has a very tense relationship with the giant blacksmith family because of his refusal to marry, especially the giant blacksmith.

But it's been a month since the incident, and the other party's anger should be almost gone.

After all, they have lived together for ten years, and the foundation of their relationship is, at most, they can't get over their face.

Then the answer is ready.

"it is good."

Seeing Fang Yi nodded slightly, Ju Yushuang's face suddenly burst into ecstasy.

"Great! Great! You're finally coming into the house for dinner! So we can go back to the way we were! Just pretend that didn't happen..."

Speaking of this, Ju Yushuang's joy suddenly subtly stopped, but it quickly returned to normal, pulling Fang Yi into the room.

The food has been set on the table, there are fish and meat, and the dishes are rich. It can be seen that the income of the giant blacksmith is very good.

For such a blacksmith shop, trying to find an heir is enough for a bunch of people to break their heads.

But the giant blacksmith chose Fang Yi, which is enough to see the clue.

In addition, the dishes and rice on the table have been served.

Three people and three bowls, but there is no trace of the bowl and chopsticks being touched. It can be seen that the giant blacksmith is also waiting for something.


The collection and analysis of information has given Fang Yi a clearer understanding of his role and his relationship with the people around him.

Respectful attitude, but maintaining a sense of distance, this is Fang Yi's current attitude.

However, what he got was still a cold hum.



The voice of the giant rain frost sounded immediately, making the giant blacksmith look slightly stiff.

"...Humph! Sit down and eat!"


The three sat down separately, raised their bowls and ate.

During the period, Ju Yushuang has been driving the topic, but unfortunately no one is picking up.

The giant blacksmith does not like words, Fang Yi follows the principle of speaking less and making fewer mistakes, and has always just listened.

However, Rao was the only one who was chatting, and Ju Yushuang still felt happy from the inside out, high in spirits, and couldn't stop.

Fang Yi also gradually understood some gossip about Hanbi City.

Yes, it's gossip.

Ju Yushuang should be talking about trivial things that the neighbors know about.

As for the general layout of this copy, I don't know anything at all.

Fortunately, in the gossip, the hidden information is enough for Fang Yi to speculate something.

The first is that there are more beggars in the city, and the beggar temples in the southern suburbs are overcrowded.

Some people suspect that these beggars are all refugees affected by the war. They were worried about the battle situation on the front line and whether Hanbi City, which had been peaceful for many years, would be invaded by the Quansi Kingdom.

This information made Fang Yi realize that there were at least two countries in this dungeon, and that the current country and Quansi Country were hostile.

Then, the lord of Hanbi City finally invited the genius doctor to treat the eldest son who had been seriously ill for many years, and hoped to recover.

Finally, the top card of Wanmu Qinglou, Ji Wuxin, killed the prostitute. He eloped with his lover escaped from Hanbi City and is currently wanted.

As for other gossip content, it is not worth paying attention to.

It's nothing more than someone's child beating someone, and which one's food has gone up in price again. This kind of gossip is full of life.

It is not easy to filter out useful content from so many messy gossip.

In particular, Fang Yi was not ready to take the initiative to ask questions, so he could only hope that Ju Yushuang would take the initiative to mention it.

Fortunately, the heavy rain frost seems to have the ability to observe the situation.

Whenever Fang Yi listened a little more seriously, she would focus on this gossip in great detail.

However, in order not to reveal flaws, Fang Yi would listen carefully every time he took a few bites.

So useful and useless gossip is mixed.

People can't tell what the point of Fangyi is, as if it's just a perfunctory rain and frost.

To be honest, the trivial gossip made Fang Yi quite uncomfortable.

Long and smelly, like an old lady's footbinding.

However, this kind of gossip has a continuous plot.

As soon as Ju Yushuang started talking, he couldn't stop, and he was able to make a lot of things in the past.

From this point of view, the possibility of Heavy Rain Frost being an NPC is already very high.

After about an hour, the dinner finally came to an end.

It's not that Fang Yi eats slowly, but that Fang Yi wants to know more useful information, so he intentionally controls his eating speed.

And if you really want to count it, Fang Yi had already finished it ten minutes ago, and the giant blacksmith had already done it half an hour ago.

Only Ju Yushuang was in high spirits, and seemed to be sincerely happy for the three of them to eat at the same table again.

So eat slowly, talk a lot, and feel very good.

From time to time, I can be amused by the gossip I say, and the silver bell-like laughter is almost uninterrupted.

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