This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 189: line owner

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Sister Spicy Flower raised her brows, feeling unhappy.

"What? Don't you know the information on Subject 10 of the Marfa Institute?"

"You said, but the super S-class wanted man who destroyed the Marfa Institute last night and sneaked into Wushan City?"

"Yes, it's him."

"Then do you know how many people in Wushan City want to know about him? How many people are eager to find him immediately!"

"do not know."

"Then you know, what is the relationship between the No. 10 experimental body and our line organization?"

Is he connected to the line organization? !

Sister Spicy Flower was startled and almost stood up.

But he still restrained himself, and his heart was in shock. He looked at the dwarf informant calmly, and asked calmly, "What is your relationship?"

The informant glanced down at Sister Spicy Flower, and suddenly smiled, spread his hands, and said with a smile, "Our line organization has nothing to do with him."


"Why don't the guests speak?"

Sister Spicy Flower restrained her urge to kill and said coldly, "Are you kidding me?"

"Is the guest angry? It's just a joke."

"I don't like to joke around."

"Then talk about business, what do the guests want to know?"

"I want to know where he is and all the information about him."

To be able to build a research institute on the barren hill next to Wushan City is a symbol in itself.

The Marfa Institute was destroyed, but only one subject survived, lurking in Foggy Mountain City.

This incident caused Wushan City to stare at the only survivor.

Of course, Sister Spicy Flower knows about this kind of thing, but she still found this place, of course, there is a reason.

"I heard that the line organization has lofty goals, is bold and careful, and can find out any information. There is no line organization in the world that does not know the secrets."

"Then, it shouldn't be difficult for you to find someone in Wushan City, right?"

The informant nodded: "Of course."

With his finger tapped on the table, the informant continued to laugh: "But... you have to pay more."

Add money?

It's the little things.

Problems that money can solve are not problems.

She is not an indigenous NPC, and she has the concept of saving money.

The possessed character, all the resources she brings will be used by her to seek the victory of the dungeon.

No matter how much money the character has accumulated before, if she is squandering it for a second now, it will not blink an eyelid.

"How many?"

"One hundred thousand spirit coins."

"One hundred thousand? Why is it so expensive?"

Sister Spicy Flower's voice suddenly rose.

One hundred thousand spirit coins, this price is too high.

"Because the entire Wushan City is staring at this person, his information will naturally rise, and the 100,000 spirit coins are only an advance payment. Our line organization will only tell you the information we know so far. As for the authenticity of the news. , customers don't have to worry, the news we sell is absolutely true, and it's definitely worth the money."


Sister Spicy Flower frowned, thinking about the pros and cons.

Although the asking price is high, in fact, she can still get it.

After a little thought, she made a decision.

As the line organization said, the line organization will not sell fake news, all the news is the people of their organization, and they will only be sold to customers after authentication.

"I bought it."


Handing over the spirit card worth 100,000 yuan, Sister Spicy Flower stared at the informant.

"The money is received, it's time to tell the news."


After receiving the money, the informant smiled slightly, and started talking about the No. 10 subject to Sister Laihua.

In fact, there is nothing to say. Basically, it is just a story from the places where the No. 10 experimental body destroyed the laboratory, leaving traces.



"One hundred thousand? I just bought this information? At most, where did he eat breakfast in the morning?"

"Well, this person is very careful. If he hadn't brought a little girl with him, I'm afraid none of us could find him. But..."

The informant smiled mysteriously: "He still neglected something, and let our line organization find some clues."

Sister Spicy Flower looked happy: "Have you found his position?"

"That's not it, but... we know his background."

"life experience?"

Sister Spicy Flower was stunned for a moment, but she still showed an expression of interest immediately.

She was basically sure that experiment number 10 belonged to the player. After all, something went wrong.

So if you can find out the other party's life experience, maybe you can see what ability the other party has inherited from the role.

"What's his background?"

"Want to know? Hey, this part of the information needs to be paid for."

"I didn't pay!"

"That little money is just to inquire about the No. 10 experimental body, but if you want to know the true identity of the No. 10 experimental body, it is not the price."

"…How much do you want?"

The informant held out a finger.

Sister Spicy Flower looked ugly: "One million?"

"No, it's 100 million spirit coins."

"Crazy! It costs 100 million spirit coins to inquire about a person's intelligence? Is there any business doing this?"

The informant shook his head slightly.

"Of course ordinary people don't ask for such a high price, but... that guy is not an ordinary person. If the customer can afford the price, it's better to buy the news as soon as possible. As far as I know, a big person has already contacted my superiors for this. People bought secret money."

Confidentiality money?

For the news of 100 million spirit coins, someone has to buy a secret deposit... That's not a price of 10 billion!

Sister Spicy Flower's face became a little dignified.

The identity of that guy is definitely not simple!

The so-called secrecy money is the hush money given by other people in order to let the line organization keep the information of a specific person secret.

Of course, as long as someone bids higher than the secret money, the line organization will return the money to the person who paid, and that person can know all the information about this person.

One hundred million spirit coins are very expensive, but compared with the secret money, they are insignificant.

A big organization, there is a big organization staring at that guy, and even giving confidentiality money for that guy's intelligence.

Sister Spicy Flower knew that this was not good, but she really couldn't give 100 million spirit coins.

With a gloomy face, she got up.

It seems that I can only find out for myself.

Just as he was about to turn away, he suddenly thought of something.

"By the way, will the information that I have been here be sold by you?"


"...What if I want you to keep your mouth shut?"

"How much secret money can a guest give? The starting price of our line organization's secret money is fifty Reminiscence Coins, and there is no upper limit."

The corner of Sister Spicy Flower's mouth twitched, and she turned silently and left.

Walking out of the silenced area, many people's eyes immediately came over.

Sister Spicy Flower ignored them and left quickly.

Just as Sister Spicy Flower left, a person who had been sitting in the corner of the Doomsday Bar slowly stood up, walked straight to the informant's seat and sat down.

"What about a raw face?"

The informant smiled and asked professionally, "May I ask what information the guest wants to ask?"

"Before I ask for information, I want to ask your line organization a question first."

The informant looked at the person in front of him curiously, neither tall nor short, wearing a mask and hat, and his voice was strangely hoarse.

Obviously, it was a shady guest.

"Guests please speak."

"Your line organization, really know all the news in the world like the back of your hand?"

"The world is so vast that even our line owner would not dare to say that he knows everything in the world, but compared to others, our line organization's news is definitely the most informed and true! Our line organization never sells Fake news, as long as you dare to sell news, it is definitely true news!"


The informant could hear the chuckle of the person on the other side.

"I heard that your line organization knows the whereabouts of Fengguilu, is it true?"

Seal the ghost record? !

The informant's face changed slightly, but he quickly calmed down.

Those who know Fengguilu are not minor characters.

He was in shock, the guy in front of him, even after disguise, still looked young, why would he know this kind of thing.

After thinking about it, he calmly said: "I can't tell you, I know or not. I can only say that if a guest wants to buy the news of Fengguilu, I will tell the guest all the information about Fengguilu that the line organization currently knows. ."

The person opposite heard the words, thought for a while, and smiled: "Okay, I'll buy it."

really want to buy?

"Guest, this news is not cheap. And there is a confidentiality fee."

Fengguilu, such a special existence, is naturally not cheap. Even if there is a huge secret library organized online, it is still the top secret.

"So, how much is it?"

"One hundred billion. Someone provided a secret deposit of up to one thousand memory spirit coins for the information of Fengguilu. Can the guests afford this money?"

"...a lot higher than expected."

The man pondered for a while, then smiled: "The line organization is an intelligence organization, I don't know whether to accept intelligence or not?"

"Of course."

The informant came to the spirit.

Although it has never been disclosed to the public, anyone with a bit of power knows this rule of the line organization.

The person in front of him is going to buy the news of Fengguilu as soon as he arrives. The information provided by such a big business customer is not easy to come by.

"I wonder what information the guest can provide?"

"Does the Ignorant Line Organization know about the recent major events in Wushan City?"

"Guest worth is a matter of the Marfa Institute?"


"Does the guest have any information to provide on this matter?"

"I can provide the whole story of what happened at the Marfa Institute. What can you offer?"


After deliberation, the informant made an offer: "Thirty thousand spirit coins."

"so cheap?"

The informant smiled: "About this matter, our line organization has already inquired about it and knows a lot of inside information, so the price given will naturally not be too high. If the information given by the customer is known to our line organization , the price will only be lower.”

"...What about Subject 10?"

"It seems that the guests know a lot. If the guests know all the information about the No. 10 experimental body, we can give the price of one million spirit coins. If we can know the location of the No. 10 experimental body... Our line organization can give The price of one billion spirit coins."

"Ten memories? Is the price difference so big?"

"Hey, it's none of your business."

"Makes sense."

The person opposite nodded, lowered his head to think for a moment, then raised his head and smiled: "Then...if I sell the information on the 'Humanoid Sealing Ghost Record' to the line organization, what price can you give?"

As soon as he finished speaking, the informant couldn't help but his pupils shrank suddenly, and the whole person froze.

"...Guest, do you know the humanoid seal of ghosts, what do these five characters mean?"

"of course I know."


The informant stared at the person in front of him, and he had to admit that he was wrong.

The information that the person in front of him can provide is so high that he can't handle it at his current level.

"wait for me a while."

Pointing at his temple, the informant suddenly said, "Boss, someone wants to sell information on the Humanoid Sealed Ghost Records."



The person opposite looked puzzled, and the next moment, a voice suddenly came out of the air.


This is…

The person on the other side had a solemn expression on his face.

This is the power fluctuation of the ghost.

"I can't take charge of this matter, you wait for me to contact the line owner."

The voice in the air said dully.

The informant's complexion changed slightly, and he actually alarmed the informant...

He was not worried that someone would sell fake news to the line organization. Although the line organization was an organization that sold news, its strength was not simple. Anyone who underestimated their existence would have disappeared in history.

The people around looked strangely at the two who didn't speak.

Although the sound could not reach the informant's range of this table, they could still see that neither the guest nor the informant spoke.

At this moment, another person's voice came from the air.

"Number 3722, is there any information that a guest wants to sell the Humanoid Sealed Ghost Record?"

The informant was refreshed, knowing that this was the informant, and quickly said respectfully, "Yes."

"Close the five senses and let me talk to him directly."


Closing his eyes, the informant closes his five senses.

At the same time, a voice sounded directly in the ear of the person opposite.

"What kind of information do you want to sell Humanoid Sealing Ghost Records?"

This kind of feeling, like someone sticking to their ears and blowing and talking, gives people goosebumps. Even people can't help but wonder if there is an invisible person who really speaks in his ear.

This kind of power is not a ghost from Fengguilu!

The person on the opposite side, Fang Yi, had a dark expression on his face.

Fengguilu does not include all the ghosts in the world, but only a part of them. More ghosts are formed naturally.

"I know all the information about the Humanoid Sealing Ghost Record."

The person over there was silent and asked, "...What price do you want?"

"One hundred billion spirit coins."

"Deal, you can start talking."

Fang Yi began to slowly reveal the character's information.

It's just the character's information, not his own.

However, there are many people in the world who want to know about him, and the price has remained high.

One hundred billion spirit coins are not at a disadvantage.

The line owner patiently listened to Fang Yi's remarks occasionally interrupted and asked for more details.

When the question is almost the same, the line owner asks the most crucial question.

"So, do you know where the Humanoid Sealing Ghost Record is now?"

Fang Yi smiled slightly: "He's right here."


Rao is the master of the powerful line organization, and he was stunned at this moment.

"He's right here."

Fang Yi pointed at himself, smiled and said, "I am the person you are looking for, and I am... Humanoid Sealed Ghost Records!"

The line owner was silent.

It took a while to digest this information.

At this moment, he felt a little dry in his throat.

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