This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 221: difficult

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The black team?

That informant?

Just a moment of stunned, Fang Yi's face turned gloomy.

That guy is actually... a player!

Players in the line organization!

"Don't listen to her nonsense! I'm also from the White Team! Brother, you have to believe me!"

The short ugly informant shouted quickly when he saw that he had been forced out.

Fang Yi had too little contact with this short and ugly informant before, so he couldn't see the details of this guy.

And after contacting the line owner, the one who has been in charge of contacting is another informant, who is said to be of a higher level and the line leader who can be responsible for organizing all the forces of the Wushan City Line.

Fang Yi naturally forgot about this short and ugly informant when there was a high-level informant to contact him.

Unexpectedly, this person is hiding quite deep!

Fang Yi narrowed his eyes, killing intent flashed in his heart.

He was actually dubious about what Sister Spicy Flower said.

But on the side of the line organization, Fang Yi has already made contact with the line owner, and there is no need for one more player to interfere in it, so no matter whether this short ugly informant is a black team player or a white team player, Fang Yi will be killed!

After he killed Young Master Jin earlier, he felt that there was someone hiding in the small stone pile.

As a result, when Sister Laihua and Duan Hong came out, Fang Yi thought that he felt wrong, but to be on the safe side, he asked Sister Laihua to go to Xiaoshidui to take a look, while he concentrated on dealing with Kongshuang Ghost.

Now that the Ghost Frost has not been subdued, the small stone pile has really exploded.

"You lied to a ghost! As soon as you see me passing by, attack and kill me directly! If I hadn't reacted quickly, I would have died just now!"

As Sister Spicy Flower said, more than a dozen cobras sprang out of her body, rushing towards the short ugly informant.

"Whether you are real or fake, this blood, my mother has decided!"

Before, Sister Spicy Flower had thought about killing Fang Yi to get blood, but she never fought, and because of her skills, she recognized Fang Yi as a member of the white team, so they reconciled.

Now that the skill cd is in, the guy is still attacking himself, how could Sister Spicy Flower let him go.

"Misunderstanding! A huge misunderstanding!"

The short and ugly informant had an innocent face, but he handled it with ease. He squeezed a few hand moves in his left hand, and a series of branches sprang from his body, tying up the venomous snakes that were coming, and he retreated violently.

He retreated very quickly, his eyes fixed on Fang Yi's direction, his right hand shrunk behind his back, holding a strange hand, and he was very worried about Fang Yi's pursuit.

Until the end of seeing Fang Yi, he just looked at him coldly, without any intention of chasing and killing him, and he breathed a sigh of relief in his heart.

He is not too afraid of Sister Spicy Flower.

Although Sister Spicy Flower is a bit tricky, it's not that she can't deal with it.

But that human-shaped seal of ghosts is terrifying.

The short and ugly informant arrived when Fang Yi and Jin Gongzi were halfway through their fight.

The news of the line organization was relatively fast. As soon as something happened to the Sanhua organization, he got the news from internal channels and rushed over.

Originally thought that other players appeared in Wushan City and organized troubles in Sanhua.

As a result, it turned out that a stranger was fighting with Fang Yi.

Then from the conversation between the two, he knew Fang Yi's identity!

At that moment, because of the excitement in his heart, he revealed his flaws and then revealed his breath.

But he didn't want to leave yet, he was waiting for the chance to pick up the leak, and he was daring and had the confidence to escape.

But as the battle between Young Master Jin and Fang Yi progressed, his face became ugly.

Because he found out... he doesn't seem to be able to beat any of the two people in front of him at all!

These two people are a bit too strong.

At that time, the situation changed from the short and ugly informant being confident that he could leave at any time, to worrying that his escape would reveal his whereabouts, and instead he was chased and killed by Fang Yi.

So he chose to keep lurking in place, but it turned out that things were worse than he thought. Fang Yi seemed to have discovered his existence long ago, but he just hadn't confirmed it yet.

Fortunately, just at that time, two women appeared from his direction, which reduced Fang Yi's doubts. This time, the fisherman will really benefit.

As a result, he was hindered by the woman and forced to appear.

Right now, the short ugly informant is very panicked. It can be said that when Fang Yi was forced out just now, as long as Fang Yi had the slightest intention of rushing over, he would definitely make a big move and run away on the spot.

Fortunately, the humanoid seal ghost record did not shoot.

"You made a big mistake! The Humanoid Seal of Ghosts!"

The short ugly informant couldn't help but sneer in his heart.

After discovering Fang Yi's anomaly, he was just looking for Fang Yi's identity secret.

I thought it would take ten days and a half to investigate, but I didn't expect that it would take no effort!

Young Master Jin from Platinum City directly broke the identity of Fang Yi, and this is the Achilles heel of Fang Yi's identity!

This identity will attract the attention of all the big forces and big people, and even many people want to get rid of them quickly, or they will be imprisoned for life and study and decipher!

Today, as long as I escape from here alive and spread the news to the world, I am afraid that this human form will not survive for three days in this dungeon!

Thinking about the fact that all the forces in this dungeon world are swarming towards the humanoid Fengguilu, the short and ugly informant couldn't help but raise the corners of his mouth slightly.

"No one is invincible, no one's identity is invincible! In the face of enemies all over the world, no matter how strong he is, how strong can he be? Not to mention... a golden boy who comes from Baicheng City, just Almost killed him!"

Although the short and ugly informant couldn't see the details of Fang Yi, it could be seen from that battle that Fang Yi was forced out of a lot of trump cards.

In a platinum city, there are people who can fight as well as Fang What if there are more people? How many more powerful people are there? That's not to press any righteousness to death.

What humanoid seals of ghosts, what multiple ghosts can be used together, in the face of absolute strength, these are all false!

Seeing that Fang Yi in the distance has started to concentrate on dealing with the Kongshuang Ghost again, the short and ugly informant is completely relieved, and he fights and retreats with Sister Laihua, slowly pulling away from the battlefield on Fang Yi's side.

Although he demeaned Fang Yi as if he was useless and would be broken at the touch of a touch, he knew in his heart that he had to go up against this guy who got the status of a monster, and now he was the one who would be broken at the touch of a button.

Not to mention, the guy is now fighting another monster.

The Kongshuang Ghost, judging from the terrifying combat power it has displayed so far, is at least an S-rank ghost, and it is still the kind with top strength!

Can't touch, can't touch, withdrawal is the kingly way! There is no need to stay in Wushan City anymore. The identity of the informant has been discovered, and it is not necessary to stay there anymore. You can consider changing the place, thinking about the follow-up combat method, and... The news of how to seal the humanoid into a ghost record, the biggest degree of dissemination.

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