This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 223: sense of sight

"Team, Captain..."

"Should we quit first? Something's wrong here!"

"Look at the sky!"

When everyone heard the words, they looked up at the sky, and their pupils shrank suddenly.

I saw above the night sky, the bright full moon, a crack is slowly appearing, cracking open!

That power actually affected the moon!

What terrifying ghostly power!

Even the net talisman, who has always been laughing and laughing, rarely lifts his spirits.

"Huh? This phenomenon, why do I have a sense of sight?"

"Wait, the ruins of my last old club seem to have been damaged by a guy with similar seismic ability."

Although the tone is frivolous, Jing Fu obviously still cares a little. Obviously, this power has the ability to threaten her.

However, she clearly felt that this tearing force was only a wide-ranging leakage of power, not someone specifically targeting them.

This kind of phenomenon is like a spiritual master who is not skilled in controlling power, who has obtained powerful ghosts, but cannot control the power of ghosts delicately.

Since this force is not aimed at them, it can be avoided by staying away.

"Go, it's a little dangerous here."

Hee hee smiled, and pulled his 'meal ticket', that is, Sister Spicy Flower, and stepped back.

"Wait, wait! Lord Jingfu! It's not over yet..."

Sister Spicy Flower didn't react at all, so she was dragged flying by Lord Jingfu.

Who is Lord Jingfu going to take, and who dares to stop him?

The rest of the guard group looked at each other in dismay, but without Sister Spicy Flower's order, they didn't dare to retreat directly, they just stared vigilantly at the strange phenomenon in the distance.

Seeing that there was no way to order Lord Jingfu, Sister Spicy Flower hurriedly shouted: "Sister, kill the informant, Lord Jingfu feels unsafe, so there must be something wrong. Kill that guy, and then we retreat together! Others Yes, listen to my order and kill that informant..."

Before Sister Spicy Flower could finish her words, the violent shaking stopped abruptly.

Looking up, I saw the strange tearing phenomenon spreading in front of me, and it also stopped.

This? what's the situation?

Did that power end?

Everyone was a little stunned, didn't know what to do at all, and looked at each other in dismay.

Only Lord Jingfu sighed dejectedly and brought Sister Spicy Flower down again.

"It seems that I can't go, it's okay, I will know it, remember to add money."

The last sentence was a playful wink at Sister Spicy Flower. Obviously, she didn't know that the inside of this handsome blond guy was the soul of a girl.

However, with the character of Lord Jingfu, if you really know, I'm afraid it's not to sigh with shining eyes - that's not better!

"Not even Master Jingfu?"

Sister Spicy Flower's heart sank.

When everyone heard this, they were also panicked.

"That's not it, it's just a little troublesome, and I'm most afraid of trouble."

Lord Jingfu had a reluctant expression on his face: "But for the money and your little cutie, I'm still willing to settle this little trouble."

Everyone was worried, but Sister Spicy Flower had other ideas.

She didn't know who won the battlefield over there, but the copy announcement didn't sound.

In other words, this power is most likely the handwriting of Dongmen Zui!

This is great news. Dongmenzui is now a teammate, and the stronger the teammate, the better.

And before that...

Sister Spicy Flower sneered, and the dragon claws directly crushed the head of the short ugly informant who was pressed down.



The short ugly informant didn't even have time to give his last words, and his head burst into pieces like a watermelon.

Sister Spicy Flower was overjoyed.

Finally, after entering the dungeon for so long, it is finally about to open!

One blood, no matter if he is Heishibai, I have to order this blood!

However, in the expectant gaze of Sister Spicy Flower, the copy announcement did not sound.

With a thud in her heart, Sister Spicy Flower couldn't help but look ugly.

Could it be... I guessed wrong, this ghost informer is not a player? !

It doesn't make sense!

Sister Spicy Flower carefully thought about the behavior of offline people, the possibility of players is too high! It doesn't make sense at all.

But everyone has been killed by me, but there is no copy notice...

Do not!

and many more!

Isn't this thing dead? !

Very likely!

I have a few unique skills to save my life. This guy can match me in the same game, and it must be a bit of a level.

Especially when it comes to escaping!

Sister Spicy Flower remembered the short and ugly informant's skillful escape route, and couldn't help but commented viciously.

Cowardly, umm cowardly.

Gou, just um go.

Does this fill up the life-saving skills?

Look at the old lady who has left all your ashes alive, see how you are still doing!

The dragon head spit out.


Intense flames shot out from her mouth...a distance of twenty centimeters.

Probably a big lighter.

There is no way, her skills are not perfect in the form of dragon man, and they are still in the beginning in all aspects, and they need a lot of resource supply to develop.

Although the dragon breath of the current large lighter is a bit ugly, it is no problem to use it to destroy corpses and traces.

The dragon's breath erupted on the corpse of the short ugly informant. I saw that the short ugly informant's body was immediately burned by the high temperature flame. Ash.

Really, Yang, your ashes!

But Sister Spicy Flower was very dissatisfied.

Because of the copy announcement, it still did not sound.

At this moment, the pile of ashes on the ground suddenly made a sound.

"Fake squid! Damn woman, you really dare to do it, even my ashes are gone, you can feel your conscience, are you still a person!"

The voice that responded was Sister Spicy Flower's ecstatic dragon breath.

The more violent dragon breath spit on the ashes, but the ashes spiraled upwards in a genetic spiral.

At this time, Sister Spicy Flower noticed that there was a small black cloud above them.

"Thundercloud body!"


When the ashes flew into the black cloud, the black cloud made a sizzling sound, and bursts of lightning flashed, and electric current appeared.

Almost before everyone could react, a thunderbolt crashed down.


The lightning struck Sister Spicy Flower precisely, causing her to scream, and the skeleton of her body was illuminated by the lightning.

The skeleton of Sister Spicy Flower is even more exaggerated and does not conform to the human body.

That's the head of a dragon, the body of a snake, and the legs of a leopard.

All the shapes correspond to the real skeletons of those animals, and then seem to be forcibly assembled together to form a monster-like skeleton model.

Normally, even if it is struck by lightning, it will not have such an effect. Obviously, this is the special skill effect of the ugly informant.

Sister Spicy Flower felt numb all over her body, as if her bones were about to fall apart due to lightning.

The power of this thunder and lightning is somewhat stronger than expected, but the thunder cloud above seems to have lost its power directly because of this, no more electric light flickering, but began to escape and melt away.

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