This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 193: Avatar



The sword light flashed twice, and the two arms, accompanied by blood, flew high.


Rao is a tough guy like Guan Zhaotou, and he couldn't help screaming when he suffered such injuries.

"It's up to you now."

Glancing at Xiao Lu meaningfully, Killer Zhi Yuan handed him the saber.

Xiao Lu hurriedly bowed his head respectfully and took the saber, but raised his vigilance in his heart.

What does this look... mean?

To show my loyalty? Or... did he see through my identity?

Fortunately, no matter what kind of possibility, I didn't plan to let the Paper Kite Killer go!

"Traitor, you dare to move the boss and try!"

"Xiao Lu, you unconscionable! Who helped you grow up, is this how you repay the boss?"

"It's a wolf-hearted thing! The boss has always had an idea. When he wants to retire, he will give you the position of the head catcher!"

Although seriously injured, but seeing this scene, the arresters still roared and looked excited.

Xiao Lu turned a blind eye, and mentioned walking towards Guan Caputou.

For players, the abuse of the mere NPCs is not worth mentioning.

As for conscience? There is no empathy at all, so where is the grace of cultivation?

The Zhiyuan Killer who was standing at the back looked at Xiao Lu's back with a satisfied expression, and then smiled coldly at the other talkative hunters.

With a step down, the whole person rushed over again.

In an instant, screams resounded through the broken temple.

For Guan Caotou, the strength of the paper kite killer can only be regarded as average.

But for these fast hunters, the Zhiyuan Killer is so powerful that it can't be resisted at all.

Listening to the participation of his subordinates, Guan Caotou stared at the person in front of him.

"Little Lu, I treat you well, why do you do this!"

If it wasn't for the plot, the mere killer of Zhiyuan, Guan Zhaotou didn't pay attention at all.


Xiao Lu showed a playful smile.

Fit, keep fitting!

The first time you rushed out to hunt down Zhiyuan Killer, your identity had already been exposed!

Do you want to turn this situation around? Obediently get out of the copy!

Feeling the gaze cast by Killer Zhi Yuan, Xiao Lu shuddered in his heart, raised his knife and dropped it.


Guan Jutou widened his eyes, and with an expression of disbelief, the head rolled to the ground.

Xiao Lu couldn't help but smile, as if he was waiting for something.

However, when Killer Zhi Yuan showed a satisfied look and killed all the others, Xiao Lu still did not wait for the sound that should sound.

His smile gradually solidified and stiffened.

No copy announcement? !


Is this guy not a player? !

This is impossible!

I have been observing for two days, this guy is very characteristic of a player, why...why did he judge wrong?

"Xiao Lu, well done. When you go back this time, I will promote you to become an official member of the Zhiyuan Club."

"Thank you sir!"

The voice of Zhiyuan Killer brought Xiao Lu back to his senses.

Hastily made an excited look of gratitude.

His copy identity is that Zhi Yuan will be undercover.

He was adopted by the paper kite society since he was a child and cultivated as a peripheral staff.

When he was about fifteen years old, he was deliberately made a coincidence and became Guan Caotou's subordinate.

After getting along for nearly ten years, the original character has already planned to give up the task of undercover and rely entirely on Guan Caotou.

These actions made Zhi Yuan suspicious.

This mission was meant to verify his loyalty.

In other words, this dungeon identity actually has two-way forces to choose from.

If it wasn't for the fact that Guan Huotou was a player, he probably wouldn't have made such a decisive decision.

But now, it seems that the bet is wrong.

But the problem is... the paper kite killer next to him is also a player!

Xiao Lu had a bitter meaning in his heart, originally a good two-line choice route.

One was directly abandoned because it was suspected of being a player, and the other was directly the player identity!

Killing people in the street, the copy announcement sounded, this definitely didn't run!

Rolling between his throats, Xiao Lu spoke respectfully.

"Sir, since I have been promoted to a full member, can the real antidote for Huozhu Wan be given to me in advance..."

The paper kite killer smiled lightly and didn't care.


Huozhuan is a kind of poison that all the peripheral members of the Zhiyuan Society will swallow.

The effect is to strengthen the physical fitness of the host, and it needs to be taken every three months.

Otherwise, the poison will attack and you will die.

The toxicity will gradually increase with repeated use.

If there is no real antidote within ten years, there will be no chance of life.

In other words, as a peripheral member of the Zhiyuan Club, they must be upgraded to full members within ten years, otherwise they will be eliminated and there will be no hope of survival.

But on the court side, there are actually medicines to suppress Huozhu Pills.

Although it can't be completely detoxified, it's okay to live a few more years.

Therefore, there is a lot of room for Xiaolu's initial copy identity to choose.

The only problem is that as soon as the dungeon begins, he is faced with a two-way choice, and there is not much time for information collection and judgment.

Otherwise, what is the situation now is really uncertain.

After searching for a moment from his arms, Killer Paper Kitten took out a small exquisite and opened the box, and inside it lay a milky white pill quietly.

"If you take this pill of life, it will wash away the toxicity of the living pills that you have accumulated over the years. Judging from your current accumulation of toxicity, you need at least a month of recuperation if you want to completely detoxify, so it is best not to swallow it now. ."

"Thank you for your kindness, sir!"

Xiao Lu's face was overjoyed, he took the Shengling Pill, and repeatedly expressed his gratitude.

Because the crisis hanging on the head for many days is finally lifted.


Seeing Killer Zhi Yuan turn around unprepared, Xiao Lu carefully controlled the distance, so that he and the other party's shadow blended together.

It's now!


I shouted in my heart.

Xiao Lu's eyes suddenly became sluggish, and they stopped in place and didn't move.

And his real body has actually been integrated into the figure on the ground.

Transforming shadows can only be activated when the 'shadows' of two people overlap, only the shadows of humans.

And after blending into the shadow, it can only move in the shadow of humans, and the movement speed can be said to be very slow.

And before the skill is activated, there will be a short period of time, and it will become immobile and have no defense ability.

No matter how you look at it, this skill is somewhat limited.

It is a skill that needs to seize the opportunity to win by surprise.

But after Xiao Lu got this identity skill from the dungeon, Que decisively chose to exchange it.

Because of this skill, once it is activated successfully, the effect of Yin people is really good.

Especially in the early stage of the game, when everyone is not strong, the effect is outstanding, and others have no countermeasures.

"Little Lu?"

The situation behind him made Killer Zhi Yuan noticed something and looked back strangely.

But he saw Xiao Lu standing there dumbfounded, looking like he was in a daze.

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