This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 208: evening meeting


The white knife goes in, the red knife goes out.

Dong Kai's screams resounded through the streets.


His body softened, his eyes darkened, and Dong Kai fell straight down without making a sound.

Fresh blood flowed out, staining the ground red.

"Brother Dong?!"

"Big Brother Dong was stabbed!"

"Who did it?!"

"People are over there! Come chase with me!"

Dong Kai's younger brother, when he came back to his senses, exploded the pot one after another.

It's a pity that the panicked man had already fled the scene and disappeared.

Everyone wants to chase and has no direction.

Dong Kai's younger brother surrounded the corpse with a sad expression on his face.

Shi Wu, who was not far away, flashed joy in his eyes.

He led people quietly and left quietly.

Soon the officers and soldiers arrived on the scene, and they dealt with it roughly, and then ignored it.

As for the pursuit of the murderer, he didn't even mention it.

Refugees are inferior to dogs. This is the consensus of urbanites.

No one likes these refugees, it's just because of the Lord City Lord's order that they have to do some superficial work.

When the scene returned to calm, Dong Kai's younger brothers suddenly found out.

That new guy, I don't know when, has disappeared.

"Brother Dong just died and he ran away?"

"The newcomer is unreliable!"

"It's a shame that I said hello to him just now, but it turned out to be a cool person!"

Fang Yi couldn't hear the complaints of these people.

He is now carefully controlling the distance and following behind the panicked man.

Dong Kai died, and the copy announcement did not sound.

This shows that Dong Kai is just an NPC.

But whether Panic Man is an NPC or not, that's not necessarily the case.

If you run into it, there is no reason to let it go.

Following the flustered man, he stumbled all the way.

The sky was getting dark, and the curfew time was gradually approaching.

The flustered man in front of him didn't seem to care at all, and he still didn't mean to stop.

He knows the road conditions in the slums very well, and he specializes in dark lanes.

If it was an ordinary person, it is estimated that he would have been thrown away long ago.

Fang Yi also relied on his skills and tracking skills to stay behind.

During the period, there were several opportunities to get out, and Fang Yi secretly held back.

Because the escape route of the flustered man changes frequently.

But the whole is still heading west.

It seems to be about to go to a certain place.

This location made Fang Yi a little curious, and he might be able to find out more information.

Anyway, the other party did not find himself.

Even if you can't kill it tonight, there will be opportunities to shoot in the next days.

As he moved forward, Fang Yi found that the flustered man's route changed less and less.

It seems to confirm that no one is following, and it seems to have entered a reassuring area.

Most of the means to confuse others were omitted, and the destination became clear.

About a quarter of an hour later, the panicked man stopped in front of a dilapidated old wooden house.

Knock on the door of the wooden house three times, two short and one long, it should be some kind of code.


The wooden door opened a crack, revealing a pair of bright eyes.

"No tail to follow?"


"Come in, there is a new task for you."

"it is good."

The dialogue is concise, but contains a lot of information.

Clearly, this is a hiding spot for some kind of organization.

Judging from the fact that the panicked man committed murder, it should be an existence belonging to a killer organization.

Not in a hurry to approach, Fang Yi hid in the shadows and waited quietly.

It is definitely not a wise move to rush in to kill someone without knowing how many people are in the old wooden house.

The best way is to wait until the panicked man comes out.

After being singled out again, start killing again.

At that time, it was estimated that it was time for the curfew.

There will be no passers-by on the street, as long as you avoid the patrolling officers and soldiers, you should be able to kill people silently.

And judging from the conversation just now, the flustered man should have a new task to accept, and going out is inevitable.

When night fell completely, a new situation finally appeared.

But what surprised Fang Yi was that within sight, it was not the panicked man, but Shi Wu!

He sneaked up to the old wooden house and knocked on the door three times.

Two long and one short, completely different from the rhythm of the panicked man's knock on the door, it seems to represent some meaning.

Fang Yi estimated that it should be due to the difference in identities, and the way of knocking on the door is also different.

I just don't know what will happen if I go up and knock on the door in the same way as Shi Wu.


When the wooden door was opened again, those bright eyes were still there.

"Why are you? The mission is not completed? What are you doing here?"

Shi Wu smiled.

"You guys will meet at dusk and do things neatly. I'm very satisfied. I plan to release another task."

"Or kill a single?"

"It's still a kill order."

"come in."

With the wooden door closed, Fang Yi's mind became alive.

Judging by the content of their conversations.

The name of the organization is the Dusk Club, and the killer organization should have disappeared.

Moreover, Shi Wu had also placed a single mission before.

Don't think about it, the mission target must be Dong Kai who died before.

So there is a mission to complete.

And this should also be the first cooperation between Shi Wu and Dusk Club.

After completing the task of the first order, they have a basic understanding of each other, so Shi Wu will want to come to the second order.

I just don't know who his next target will be.

As far as Fang Yi knew, among the refugees, Dong Kai and Shi Wu were the ones who had mixed well and might become the leader of the refugees.

Now that Dong Kai is dead, it should not be a problem for Shi Wu to become the leader of the refugees as long as time is allowed.

In this case, even looking for Twilight Club to place an order to kill, I'm afraid it's not because there is too much money and nowhere to spend...

and many more! its not right!

Fang Yi was suddenly shocked and realized that he had overlooked an important issue.

Shi Wu is just a refugee, even if he is the head of a small team, he should not have so much money!

The cost of getting the killer to be dispatched is definitely not a decimal.

Such a sum of money, do not use it to take root and develop in Hanbi City, but choose to buy murder?

No matter how you look at it, it reveals that it is strange and does not meet the status of refugees.

Even in order to gain power, one should not take such a route.

Spending a lot of money just to be the leader of a group of refugees? Still ordering a murder for this? I'm afraid I didn't lose my mind!

Any normal person should not have such an operation.

Unless... Shi Wu is a player!

Only the player's actions are unpredictable.

Only the logic of the player is out of context.

Players may enjoy things that are unprofitable in the eyes of ordinary people.

Things that are useless in the eyes of ordinary people may be treasured if they are acquired by players.

Because what players pursue is different from what NPCs pursue.

To be the leader of a group of refugees, in the eyes of ordinary people, is a foolish move.

But from the player's point of view, having so many younger brothers is a huge advantage!

As long as there are enough resources and enough accumulation, players can directly take the refugees and leave, find a place by themselves, sit on the mountain as the king, and develop on their own.

It's good to be a bandit base.

Farming behind closed doors is also good.

As long as there are enough people and enough resources, everything is fine.

And the money paid in the early stage, paying the bill to kill, also has value.

p1: Thank you for the 100 starting point coins for the reward of 'The Prosperous Season Opens Your Eyes'.

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