This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 229: new doubts

"Arson? What arson? I'm rich! Rich is grandpa, so I'm your father!"

Ling Qiu was a complete mess, and he would swear when he saw someone, not realizing who the other person was at all.

"Incoherent speech, suspicious behavior, brothers, arrest this guy and put him in prison for strict interrogation, you will definitely be able to ask something."

"Okay, Brother Li has the final say."

"Brother Li speaks, then you must do it."

The two followers behind him laughed and surrounded Ling Qiu in the middle.

"Be honest, come with us!"

"Don't resist, believe it or not, I beat you!"

This situation made Ling Qiu wake up a little bit.

Looking flustered, he began to struggle hard, trying to escape.

"Let go of me! I didn't do anything wrong, why do you arrest me? Why!"

The people who were originally following behind saw this scene and stopped one after another, as if they did not dare to meet the officers and soldiers.

"Want to escape? Why do you want to escape without committing a crime? If you want to escape, you must have committed a crime! Hurry up and interrogate me in prison, and you will be cleared!"

"Don't arrest me! I can give you money, don't arrest me and go to jail."

Blacksmith Ling's lessons from the past are still vivid in his mind.

When I went in, people were still nice.

After he came out, he was covered in scars and was tortured like a man.

After a few days, the braids were straight up.

With such an example, how could Ling Qiu dare to be imprisoned.

"Bribery me? Who do you think this official is! Brothers have caught him, this guy is getting more and more suspicious, he must have done the arson case yesterday!"

"Master, misunderstanding, it's all misunderstanding! I just drank, I'm the younger brother of Blacksmith Ling, how could I set fire to my family!"

"It turns out that you are the younger brother of Blacksmith Ling, that's even more correct. It must be that kid who covets the money of Blacksmith Ling's family, so a fire burned everyone to death so that he could inherit his property!"

This reasoning seems to have a bit of logic in it, but in fact it is completely arrogant and deducting big hats.

There were two other officers and soldiers beside him, which made Ling Qiu panic.

With a hard push, Ling Qiu rushed out of the siege and ran out.

"Dare to run? It must be a fugitive, brothers!"

When you say it's hands-on, it's really hands-on.

The officers and soldiers actually pulled out their sabers and chopped off Ling Qiu's head on the spot.


Blood splashed, and before everyone could react, Ling Qiu had already covered the wound on his neck and fell down in disbelief.

"Li, Brother Li?!"

"Brother Li, didn't you say you just vented your anger? Why did you really kill it?"

The two attendants panicked in an instant, but the officers and soldiers known as Brother Li, the right hand holding the knife trembled slightly, and took a few deep breaths before calming down.

After wiping off the blood, he said coldly: "The Lord of the City said that as long as the suspect is to be executed, he can be executed first. If he doesn't run, of course I won't do it. But if he wants to run away, he must have a ghost in his heart, and naturally he will do it."

"Brother Li..."

"Hey, this is troublesome."

When the two servants sighed, they didn't notice.

The three people who had followed Ling Qiu had all left quietly.

Only Fang Yi, the corners of his mouth cocked slightly.

The three people who left should be killers or something, and they can be investigated later.

For now, it's better to keep an eye on this suspicious officer.

The officers and soldiers also agreed.

Ask the two followers to report the situation. Brother Li looked at the corpse himself, confirmed that the corpse was dead, and left the scene.

Fang Yi followed, but found that Li Ge was going in the slum area.

It ended up in a dilapidated old house.

The slum has the least security force, so there are no patrollers around this area at all.

"come out!"

Just as Brother Li stood still, he suddenly shouted.

Fang Yi, who was following behind, was unmoved at all, and he was stable.

If you are so obscure and discovered by this guy, then needless to say, just take out the sniper rifle and you can do it.

Without player skills, why did you discover yourself? nonexistent.

Sure enough, Brother Li shouted, but looked around blankly, as if he knew that someone was following him.

"I have done as you ordered, the paper delivery man, now it's your time to fulfill the agreement, get out of here!"

Paperman? !

Fang Yi was overjoyed, he took out his sniper rifle and automatic rifle, and was ready for anyone at any time.

But after thinking about it, he switched to the Black Language Crossbow again.

As long as the sneak attack is successful, the power of the two is similar.

But the latter has superior stealth performance and can leave room for manipulation.

Calculate the distance, adjust the direction, Fang Yi is fully prepared, as long as someone appears, the head is...

Fang Yi just thought of this, and saw the door of the old house suddenly opened, and a man in black came out with a full frame.

Well done!

Almost without thinking, Fang Yi pulled the trigger.


When Brother Li just saw the person coming, he was about to speak.

When the man in black put on a high stance and was about to scold Brother Li.

Fang Yi's crossbow arrows had already melted into the night and arrived in an instant.

"Li Jun, do you understand the rules? The task is completed, I will..."



Before he finished The man in black suddenly arched his entire body, his voice stopped abruptly, and his pupils contracted sharply.

He had already reacted, but because of the cover of the night and the flying speed of the crossbow, he couldn't react in time and was directly attacked.

The crossbow arrow pierced directly through his neck, and blood spattered out.

The man in black covered his neck wound in disbelief, and staggered back two steps.

After realizing that he was bound to die, his stunned expression turned into a look of resentment.

His eyes, staring at Brother Li in front of him, slowly fell down without making a sound.

The sudden situation left Brother Li dumbfounded and stunned.

It took a long time for him to calm down before he came back to his senses.

"No, not me! It has nothing to do with me! I don't know where this crossbow came from!"

He hurriedly explained to the dead man, but he didn't notice that Fang Yi had already taken advantage of the night to quietly come behind him.

"Do not move."

The hoarse voice after the disguise sounded quietly.

Feeling the coldness of the neck, and hearing the sound that sounded close to the body, Brother Li suddenly froze.

"Big, hero, spare your life! I'm innocent! I don't know anything!"

"Quiet! I ask, you answer."

When the voice fell, Fang Yi's dagger had already sunk half an inch into Brother Li's neck, spilling blood.

At the same time, two crossbow arrows were added to the man in black who had turned into a corpse to ensure that the other party was truly dead.

Strange, how could this be?

The man in black is obviously dead, why didn't the dungeon announcement sound, is this guy just an NPC?

It doesn't make sense, there are already many signs that the paper feeder is the player's identity.

But now it appears that the paper feeder is just an NPC?

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