This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 258: city ​​ruined

Fortunately, Fang Yi had left a message to Ju Yushuang when he left, and if something happened, he could come to Jishan School to find him.

If Quansi's attack really spread to Hanbi City, I believe that the giant blacksmith will bring the giant rain and frost to the Jishan faction.

Having said that, Fang Yi was still a little worried, so he had someone write a letter and take it to Hanbi City.

After doing all this, Fang Yi felt at ease, returned to the peak of nowhere, and continued to practice.

In the third month, the spiral sword and the lotus step are formed.

In the fourth month, the spiral sword, the lotus walk and the magic art all reached the realm of small success.

In the fifth month, that is, the month of the martial arts competition, Fang Yi ended his five-month-long practice and hurried down the mountain.

The hurry down the mountain has nothing to do with the martial arts competition at the end of the month, mainly because of the sudden visit of the paper fan man and a news.

"Hanbi City, the city has been destroyed, and it has been completely broken by the Quansi Kingdom."

The previous message did not let the giant blacksmith leave Hanbi City.

So Fang Yi went to inquire about news every once in a while.

Unexpectedly, the army of Quansi Kingdom, who had been separated by several cities before, would suddenly receive divine help.

In one month, he broke several cities in a row, and finally broke Hanbi City in one round.

Then the spear went straight in and charged straight towards the capital of Yongzhou.

As for the city lord of Hanbi City, he died defending the city, and his wife died in love.

The people in the city died and fled, and they did not know where to go.

According to the news, the army of Quansi Kingdom would suddenly become so brave, mainly because they had obtained a batch of magic weapons.

This news made Fang Yi very concerned.

Because that kind of magic weapon is mass-produced, and it is extremely sharp, extremely tough, and its forging level is all above the average level of the current dungeon.

The soldiers of the Quansi Kingdom got this kind of magic weapon, and in the battle, there is a high chance of cutting off the weapons of the soldiers of the Yongzhou Kingdom.

On the battlefield, losing weapons is like a tiger without teeth, and there is no threat at all.

Therefore, the continuous retreat of the Yongzhou Kingdom is also an inevitable trend.

This kind of forging technology far beyond this era, as well as the sudden emergence of a large number of magical weapons, is the player's handwriting at first glance.

I just don't know what the player is thinking.

He so blatantly helped Quansi to win, even at the risk of exposing himself.

Could it be that the guys from the Quansi country have a very high status in the Quansi country?

Or maybe you already have the power to protect yourself and start sweeping the dungeon?

All this, we still need to go to Hanbi City to inquire in detail to know.

Of course, Fang Yi mainly went to see how the father and daughter of the giant blacksmith were doing.

If they are still alive, they should come to the extreme mountain faction to join them.

Therefore, Fang Yi has also attracted attention in the sect. If there is news, someone will use the flying pigeon biography to notify him.

If they died, then Fang Yi would at least pay his respects and make the player from Quansi Kingdom pay a price.

Hurry up, it used to be nearly a month's journey, and it has arrived in less than ten days.

Looking at the desolate and pitted city in the distance, Fang Yi almost thought he was going in the wrong direction.

Hanbi City, which used to be full of flowers, has now become like this.

There are countless holes in the city gate, all of which are so-called siege equipment such as catapults.

There are still some broken wall-climbing ladders left on the city wall, which should not be able to be recycled and discarded here directly.

The ground was dry and dark red bloodstains spread all the way from the city gate to the city.

This shows how fierce the battle of defending the city was at the beginning.

But the result turned out to be very miserable.

The city was destroyed and the people were displaced.

Back then, Hanbi City also took in refugees who fled, but half a year later, all the people in Hanbi City would also become one of them.

Today's Hanbi City has become very depressed.

The people of Quansi Country seem to have no interest in such a city.

Because the location of this city is rather awkward, it is far away from other cities, and the supply of supplies cannot keep up.

And in that siege battle, the city wall was severely damaged.

Trying to fix it is time-consuming, labor-intensive, and thankless.

It is far better to plunder directly and continue on the road.

Therefore, in the present Hanbi City, there are not even soldiers guarding the city.

They are all people who survived the war, and the original residents who gradually returned to Hanbi City after hearing the wind.

Entering the city, there are some rotting corpses on the streets, and no one even helps to clean them up.

The corpse was still lying in the middle of the road.

Fang Yi also saw the proprietress of the ancient tavern and some other familiar people.

In less than half a year, things are different here.

Quickly coming to the blacksmith's shop of the giant blacksmith, Fang Yi's heart suddenly sank.

The door of the blacksmith shop was kicked open directly, and the wooden door was cracked in half and lay on the ground.

The weapons inside were swept away and had long since disappeared.

There was a little dust in the former Duanzao room, and it was obvious that no one had touched the things in it for some time.

Going inside again, Fang Yi's pupils shrank suddenly.

Because he saw a dead body.


Quickly rushed to the corpse, turned the corpse over, and it turned out to be a giant blacksmith!

The heart of the giant was dug a big hole, and the heart was missing.

The other parts remained intact, but there were multiple wounds on the body, all of which were so-called sharp weapons.

"Since the giant blacksmith is dead, doesn't it mean that the giant rain frost is also..."

His heart sank again, Fang Yi put down the giant blacksmith's body and rushed into the inner room quickly.

However, the house was turned upside down, but Ju Yushuang's body was not seen.

Could it be that the giant blacksmith made the giant rain frost escape first?

Or... the rain and frost died on the road or somewhere in the city?

Fang Yi checked the entire blacksmith shop inside and out, and his heart gradually sank.

The things in the blacksmith's shop showed signs of being rummaged before he came, and it seemed that the soldiers of the Quansi Kingdom should have done it.

In this way, the giant blacksmith should also be killed by the soldiers of Quansi, but what if the heart was taken away?

After carefully examining the giant blacksmith's injuries, Fang Yi found that most of the giant blacksmith's corpse was mainly stab wounds, which was in line with the fighting style of the soldiers of the Quansi Kingdom.

It seems that this account is indeed to be counted on the head of Quan Siguo.

After confirming that there were no omissions, Fang Yi took the giant blacksmith's body away, took the shovel with him, and came all the way to Zhufeng Mountain.

Put down the corpse, dig a hole, and put the corpse in.

When the soil is filled, it is considered safe for the master to enter the soil.

Taking the wooden sword that had been practicing swordsmanship as the tombstone, Fang Yi simply worshipped and said in a low voice, "I promised you to protect Ju Yushuang, but now her whereabouts are unknown. If you want to see people in life, you want to see corpses, no matter what. , I will definitely give you an explanation."

If Ju Yushuang was alive, Fang Yi would have taken good care of her before leaving the dungeon.

If Ju Yushuang dies, Fang Yi will bury her body here too, accompany the giant blacksmith, and avenge them.

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