This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 260: crazy woman

Every once in a while, the paper fan man would send the news about Hanbi City to the Jishan Sect disciples from Hanbi City for free.

Fang Yi has also received it a few times, and every time he will ask people to re-examine the truth.

Because the information given by the paper fan man is relatively broad, basically it is big news, it belongs to the nature of casting a wide net, and there is no focus.

If you want to confirm the situation of the father and daughter of the giant blacksmith, you need to inquire further.

Rao is so, this kind of popular news still makes many people grateful.

They are busy with sect affairs every day, and seldom have time to go down the mountain to let people inquire about the situation at home.

Now someone does it for me, of course I feel good.

It is through these small means that the paper fan man has become more and more popular in the hearts of these people.

After half a year, he has been treated like a small boss.

Now that the Qiumen was officially established, it can be regarded as a firm foothold in the extreme mountain faction and has a small force.

Although Fang Yi doesn't really care about such a small organization.

Because most of the people here are just starting disciples and scoundrels who have no potential and spend their days living there.

There are only a few people who are powerful or have great potential.

It's just that the former is not easy to control, and the latter requires the input of resources and emotions, which are not easy to control.

Due to the establishment of Qiu Men, the paper fan man is in a very good mood, and he is also very enthusiastic about Fang Yi, and he basically knows everything.

Through these days of inquiries, Fang Yi probably knew how Hanbi City was shattered and how the city owner insisted on this city.

And the evening meeting was killed in one pot by a group of people who were familiar with the traps in the defense of the city.

Now the inquiries to the paper fan man are basically about the news of the giant blacksmith.

Originally, Fang Yi didn't report much hope, but the paper fan man gave him a small surprise.

That is Ju Yushuang, who did not die, but suddenly disappeared a few days before the attack of Quansi Kingdom.

The giant blacksmith has been recruiting people to help him find him, but he couldn't leave Hanbi City, and one of them sent someone to send a message to the Jishan faction to find him.

It's just that before the news spread, it was invaded by the Quansi Kingdom, and the city was destroyed.

Asked if the source was reliable, the paper fan man revealed slightly proudly.

The eyeliner he arranged in Hanbi City survived the siege battle and escaped to the Extreme Mountain Sect, so he was able to know the news so much in advance.

If what the paper fan man said is true, then Ju Yushuang really might have survived.

Because Fang Yi had walked through Hanbi City several times in the past few days, but he didn't see Ju Yushuang's body at all.

The body was not found, and the news of the disappearance was heard. Naturally, there was a high possibility of surviving.

Although disappearance is not good news, it is better than seeing a dead body.

"Can you tell me what happened before and after Ju Yushuang disappeared?"

If someone else asked this kind of question, the paper fan man probably wouldn't answer it in a perfunctory manner.

But Fang Yi is different, this is the direct disciple of one of the Eight Great Elders.

It is still a rare disciple who has lived for more than half a year!

Although the big reason is that Jian Buwei is not among the sects, this achievement is unprecedented.

It is foreseeable that if Fang Yi can survive under Jian Buwei's 'teaching', his prospects and status are immeasurable.

Therefore, in the eyes of the paper fan man, Fang Yi is a super potential stock, which needs special attention and attention.

When people collect information, they will also pay attention to the situation of Fang Yi's family members.

For the situation of the giant blacksmith and the giant rain frost, you know a little bit.

"When Ju Yushuang disappeared, the only major event would be Quansi Kingdom. The small matter was that Hanbi City was in a lot of chaos, and a group of martial arts people poured into the city. out of the city."

Martial arts people?

Fang Yi moved in his heart and continued to ask.

The paper fan man thought for a while before replying: "It seems that there are the Four Seasons Sword from Qiushanmen, the mad woman from the Wansheng Palace, the Siyan Monk from the Sacred Heart Temple..."

and many more! The Mad Woman of the Hall of Fame? !

Fang Yi's heart moved, thinking of the day Guan Caotou died, as if he had asked Liu Yejian, the mother of Ju Yushuang, that she was killed by a mad woman.

Could these two crazy women be the same group?

After quietly asking all the sects one by one, Fang Yi has a spectrum in his heart.

"Thank you Senior Brother Huang for letting me know."

"You're welcome, you're welcome, I'll be my brother from now on, just call me if you have anything!"

The paper fan man was trying to win over people's hearts at the moment, Fang Yi's questioning, on the contrary, had a feeling of cooperating with him, showing his charisma from the side.

In the end, Fang Yi was doing him a small favor, otherwise he would have to perform on his own.

"Speaking of which, Junior Brother Singer is at the peak of nowhere and has been alone for nearly half a year, so his martial arts should have achieved a little, right?"

For this kind of question, Fang Yi just smiled and said humbly, "It's only half a year, and it's just starting, so there is no achievement, I guess it can't compare to Senior Brother Huang."

"Junior Brother Singer is humble, it must be different to be able to practice martial arts under that man."

There are many people here, and the paper fan man didn't want to mention the specifics when he saw Fangyi, and just used 'that one' to refer to one or two.

Fang Yi exposed this problem as if he were practicing Tai Chi.

After staying here for a while, Fang Yi left in a hurry early the next morning.

Riding a fast horse, Fang Yi hurried directly towards From here to Wanshengguo, if you go by water, the nearest and largest port is on Shuixincheng. .

If you go overland... that Fang Yi has no chance of catching up.

So only from this route, try your luck.

Do your best, listen to destiny.

Fang Yi has done what he can do, but if he still can't catch up, he can only consider saving people after his strength improves, or...just take revenge.

Even if Fang Yi hurriedly replaced his horses regardless of the cost, and ran all night, it still took five days to finally arrive at Shuixincheng.

As the night was approaching, Fang Yi took a night's rest, and only the next day began to investigate the situation at the port.

According to the paper fan man, the Wansheng Palace, like the paper kite club of the Quansi Kingdom, is the largest sect in the Wansheng Kingdom across the sea, and has an inextricable relationship with the Wansheng Kingdom.

This sect only accepts female disciples, and it is strictly forbidden for its disciples to marry and have children with other men.

Under such conditions of cultivation, it is no wonder that women in the sect act in various extremes, and are called mad women by people in all corners of the world.

Fang Yi breathed a sigh of relief after exploring the port for a day.

Because of the wind and waves, the last time we went to sea here was a month ago.

This means that a mad woman has to swim all the way across the sea, or go overland.

Otherwise, they must still be in Shuixincheng waiting for the ship to leave the port.

He turned to inquire about the whereabouts of the mad women, and after paying a dozen taels of silver, Fang Yi easily found out.

A few days ago, there was indeed a group of eccentric women, carrying a sleepy **** their backs, who came here to inquire about the time of the ships going to sea.

Fang Yi calmed down by asking about the details of the sleeping woman.

It is indeed a huge rain and frost!

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