This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 272: Extreme Mountain Chaos

Going back and grabbing Wan Changshou's hands, Fang Yi nodded vigorously, tears squeezed from his eyes, and his face was full of excitement.

"Longevity, it's me! I'm still alive! In the past ten years, you have suffered!"

"Brother! Brother! I don't hurt me..."


When the brothers met, it was the time when the emotions were brewing to the extreme.

But at this moment, there was a sudden sound of footsteps outside.

The expressions of the two of them changed at the same time.

"Brother, let's talk about the old things later. Come over here!"

Confirming that Fang Yi is really his brother, Wan Changshou no longer has any worries, and told Fang Yi where the drawings of Wanshoutong were stored.

To him, this thing is just a life saver.

He was imprisoned by the Extreme Mountain Sect and restricted his personal freedom.

Since he wants revenge, he is also powerless.

But the meaning of the square is different, and there is no restriction on actions. If you can get the blueprint of the ten thousand pigeon tube and study it with great concentration, maybe you will really have the opportunity to make this thing.

At that time, whether it is to take revenge against the Jishan faction or to rescue himself, there will be room for him.

Originally, Wan Changge, as the eldest son, was the one who should know the blueprint of Wan Changge.

It's just that Wan Changge's qualifications are extremely poor, which disappoints his family.

That's why he shifted his focus to Wan Changshou, preparing to let Wan Changshou inherit Wange Villa.

But he didn't expect to be sent to destroy the door by Jishan.

Wang Changshou, who was entrusted to them by them, became a prisoner of the extreme mountain sect. With only the secret of the ten thousand pigeons, he could survive in the world, and there was no possibility of revenge.

On the contrary, Wan Changge, who was abandoned by them, hid with concentration and had a chance for revenge.

Before the footsteps approached, Fang Yi quietly left the place and went straight to the exit.

But it's only halfway through—


Suddenly there was a loud rumbling outside.

The entire Sword Buried Cave trembled slightly, making people feel chills.

what's going on? !

After rushing out of the forbidden area, Fang Yi saw that the main sword peak hall was blasted several gaps and fell into a sea of ​​fire.

The crowd was like ants, rushing towards the main hall of the main sword peak.

The attacking crowd, judging from their clothes, were clearly from Tianluomen.

Above the main hall, there are two teams of people confronting each other.

Jian Buwei, Zhong Nantian, and Xi Yuankong were among them, standing on the side of the retreating elder.

It seems that there are only two people who have rebelled, and one of them is also a retreat elder!

Of the eight elders, two died.

The other two are traitors, and only four elders stick to the extreme mountain sect.

If that's the case, it shouldn't be a big problem to keep the foundation of the Extreme Mountain Sect.

But the problem is, beside the two traitors, there are still many masters of Tianluomen!

With just one glance, Fang Yi concluded that if there is no miracle, the Jishan faction will face extinction.

Even if this calamity is passed, the Jishan faction will exist in name only, and will never regain its former glory.

However, this has nothing to do with Fang Yi.

Taking back his sight, Fang Yi quickly descended the mountain, preparing to rush towards Wu Peak.

Tianluomen's attack route is very tomorrow. From the very beginning, it directly locks on the main building peak. Coupled with the release of the sect elders, it can be said that it is a green light all the way to hit Huanglong.

He didn't pay any attention to the situation of other mountain peaks at all.

As long as you suppress the person who builds the main peak, the others are just small fish and shrimps, just take care of it slowly.

So the heavy rain and frost should still be very safe.

Going down the road, there were countless small-scale battles on the road, and he avoided them all.

When he came to the entrance, Fang Yi's heart sank.

Sure enough, a large number of people from Tianluomen gathered at the door, and they were fighting with the disciples of the extreme mountain sect.

Fortunately, there is no long inside

-----This is a gorgeous dividing line--

Novel netizens, please note: Please pay attention to the rest of your eyes when reading for a long time. Recommended reading:

---This is a gorgeous dividing line---

The veteran masters are those who have not entered the ranks of third-rate masters.

This made Fang Yi see a chance for a breakthrough.

With a loud roar, he immediately joined the Extreme Mountain Sect team.

During the melee, Fang Yi made few shots.

But every time you make a move, an enemy must fall.

Or die on the spot, or lose the ability to fight.

Continue to save stamina for every deadly attack.

Soon the situation became clear, and the people of the extreme mountain faction gradually advanced.

And the gradual retreat of Tianluomen, the disadvantage is getting bigger and bigger.


At this moment, a dark shadow fell from the sky...

Do not! It should be said that it fell from the sky!

That attitude, it was like being shot down here by a forceful slap.

The place where this person landed happened to be in the area where Fang Yi was.

Due to the sudden arrival, everyone couldn't react in time, and they were immediately overwhelmed by many disciples of the extreme mountain sect.

When the person got up and looked around, his face suddenly sank.

"It's Mo Feiyan, Tianluomen's full moon and double knives!"

"This person is a master who has been famous for many years, and he is also an important combat force of Tianluomen. Let's all go up together and encircle this person here!"

The crowd shouted and attacked.

But Fang Yi stepped back.

It's not that he can't beat this person, but now is the time when the two major sects are fighting.

If you don't keep your strength and stamina, you'll be afraid that you won't even know how to die.

There are still many experts like Mo Feiyan in Tianluomen, killing one and another.

Fang Yi didn't really work for the Jishan faction, how could he work so hard?

Facing the crowd's encirclement and suppression, Mo Feiyan sneered.

The two knives in his hand emitted a faint white light, and he suddenly drew a circle with himself as the center!


The attacking Jishan Sect disciple did not expect that Mo Feiyan could still attack ruthlessly even when he was surrounded and suppressed.

Some people raised their swords to block, some people retreated to dodge, and some did not retreat but advanced.

However, the result was no exception.

The long sword is head is flying high.

More than a dozen people closest to Mo Feiyan died on the spot.

A dozen heads flew up together, and a dozen corpses fell together.

Not to mention how shocking this picture was, it stunned everyone.

Therefore, they did not notice that among the dozen or so people, one person was still alive and successfully defended against Mo Feiyan's attack.

That person is Fang Yi!

He touched the small gap on the black iron epee with some distress, and then looked at Mo Feiyan coldly.

Ma Dan, I haven't used this epee a few times before, and it ended up being cut open by someone.

The sharpness of those two full moon scimitars should be so perverted!


While Fang Yi was staring at Mo Feiyan, the other party was also staring at Fang Yi.

Since he got the full moon scimitar, no one has been able to attack completely with weapons.

With a sharpness value as high as 6 points, there are still weapons that can block my attack?

Mo Feiyan frowned.

Tianluomen intends to annex the Jishan faction and has issued a large number of tasks.

It was during this period that Mo Feiyan made great contributions, worked hard and sold iron, and then exchanged martial arts points for this pair of weapons.

Since then, every battle will be won, and there will be no disadvantage.

Unexpectedly, today I actually encountered two guys who could block my weapon attacks in a row.

His eyes lusted over the black iron heavy sword in Fang Yi's hand.

It can block the attack of a weapon with a six-point sharpness value, and that epee is worth thirty points at least.

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