This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 308: pull

Cold sweat swept across the cheeks of the Gold Medal Killer, his face became gloomy, and his hands trembled slightly.

"First-class... No! This is probably the strength of a quasi-peerless master!"

Taking a deep look at Kuande and kindness, the few gold medalists shouted loudly: "Retreat! All retreat! Monk Kuande, remember what you said today, only today, today and today! After today, don't stop us again, otherwise Our paper kite club is not easy to mess with!"

This kind of remark seems to be a scene, but the rare look of kindness and kindness changes.

"That's it, all of you Kuande have a face, and Kuande will also give you a face."

Fang Yi felt a little speechless when he heard the words.

The meaning of this stuff is clearly that I don't care whether I live or die tomorrow.

Although this is something the two of them are well aware of, is it too much to say it directly in person.

The gold medal killer took a deep look at Kuande, then took the lead in retreating, and soon disappeared.

The original crisis situation of ambush from all sides was instantly disintegrated because of Kuande's action.

"Dayinzhang... Monk Kuande, how about teaching me this martial arts?"

"Amitabha, don't talk in sleep, little benefactor, leave early."

Well, as expected.

This kind of unique knowledge, how can it be so simple to spread to others.

Fang Yi estimates, if you really want to learn.

First of all, we must find a way to join the Sacred Heart Temple, and secondly, we must improve the favorability of the monk Kuante.

In the end, it may be necessary to complete the test of the monk Kuande to have the opportunity to learn this unique skill.

If Fang Yi is desperate, it is time to make a desperate comeback.

It is possible to take this route, to do everything possible to learn the unique skills, to retreat for many years, and to raise the martial arts to the level of a peerless master.

When the final exit, it is the moment of turnaround.

But now, if you want to win a copy, there are still many ways.

There are many ways to win.

Even he still has a huge advantage, there is absolutely no need to give up his martial arts, and take this route that takes a long time to develop and is very risky.

Leaving the Sacred Heart Temple, Fang Yi rode a fast horse and quickly ran towards the border of Yongzhou Kingdom.

In one day, you can't actually run very far.

But Fang Yi's intention was not to simply escape, but to pull the formation.

If the people of the Zhiyuan Society want to catch up with themselves, they must pursue them with all their strength from now on.

At that time, the formation will definitely produce divisions.

One-on-one, even in the face of a gold-medal killer, Fang Yi is not wrong at all.

But if you face the situation of the previous siege, it will be less fortunate.

Therefore, we must first bring the situation back to our own favorable side, and then find a way to face the pursuit of the paper kite killer.

Three days later, Fang Yi threw down the fast, foaming horse at the inn, threw out the money, replaced it with a brand new Maxima, and continued to run.

He could feel that the pursuit behind him showed no sign of stopping, and he followed closely behind.

Continue on the road on horseback, and ride without a hitch.

Half a day later, a group of shadows flew over the inn continuously, chasing and killing in the direction Fang Yi left.

The so-called Maxima at the post station is not really a thousand miles a day, but a relatively excellent fast horse.

But compared to the flying speed of those paper kites, it must be much stronger.

The advantage of the giant paper kite is that it ignores the terrain and can chase and kill in the air, which is convenient for locking the target's position.

But this advantage lost its meaning after Fang Yi chose to run in a straight line.

Running in a straight line minimizes terrain obstructions and increases the speed of fast horses.

Even if the advantage is leveled, the giant paper kite certainly cannot catch up with the meaning.

However, among paper kites, there are also performance gaps depending on the color.

Ordinary paper kites are really getting more and more unable to keep up with the rhythm, and the distance is getting farther and farther.

But the golden and silver paper kites can gradually narrow the distance.

Although it is very subtle, as long as it continues to chase and kill for a month, it is entirely possible to intercept Fang Yi.

At this point, Fang Yi appears to be somewhat passive.

Even if his demonization power reaches the perfect state, he is still a mortal and needs to eat and rest.

Otherwise, the mental state and physical state will decline rapidly, thus affecting the escape speed.

As for the paper kite killer, he had already prepared and carried a large amount of instant dry food, which was completely affordable.

In the end, he was a professional killer, and he took the initiative to attack. He prepared more comprehensively than Fang Yi, which made Fang Yi fall into a passive state.

"But... it will be my turn to fight back soon!"

Fang Yi licked his dry lips, making his spirits tense again, and his speed suddenly increased.

After these three days of pulling, the formation of the paper kite club has become out of touch.

As long as you persist for a few more days, you can start to fight back, and in turn, kill all the people who are chasing and killing!

The gold-medal killer in the sky looked at the little black spot running down below, and frowned.

He felt a tinge of unease in his heart, but it was quickly forgotten.

For this task, the president has given a death order, and he must go back with Ge Changqiu's head, so there is absolutely no room for loss.

The long hunt continues.

Zhi Yuanhui's pursuit this time was very high-profile and did not hide it at all.

Because Fang Yi was running at full speed, and Zhi Yuan wanted to catch up, he had to run at full speed, and there was no way to take into account the effect of concealment.

Therefore, the news that Fang Yi was being chased by Zhi Yuan was still spread by someone with a On the seventh day, when Fang Yi saw the gate of Baiyan City in front of him and a large crowd with weapons gathered, he His face darkened.

He was in a very bad state at the moment, he was running away continuously, and he didn't even have time to eat well.

Basically, it's all about changing the location of the horse, buying something casually, and gobbling it down on the road.

Compared with the special dry food made by Zhiyuan Club, the effect is too poor.

The physical fitness has not been able to recover, and the mental state is also very poor after running for seven consecutive days and seven nights.

If you directly confront this group of people, it will be more fortunate than fortune.

"It took too long to pull..."

Fang Yi is now wanted by both the Jishan faction of Yongzhou and the royal family of Quansi.

It can be said that it is not too cool for a person to get double rewards.

Anyone with a bit of strength would not mind trying to intercept Fang Yi and try their luck to see if they could kill Fang Yi.

Fang Yi had encountered this situation before, but the news had not yet been passed out safely, and the number of interceptors was not large, and the strength was weak.

But now, the group of people in front of them, at first glance, are not good, all of them are fierce and evil, in line with the image of people in the rivers and lakes.

Sighing, Fang Yi glanced back.

The paper kites that used to cover the sky, now there are only three left, hanging alone in the sky.

One gold and two silvers, this is the person that Zhiyuan Club still insists on in the end.

In the back of these three paper kites, far away, five or six small black spots can be seen, and they are chasing here.

Fang Yi's plan to pull the formation can be said to be very successful.

The only thing I didn't expect was that it took so long to complete the pull, which led to the leakage of information, and the sensitive period when I was wanted, encountered interception.

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