This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 401: Overall strengthening


Subject No. 1 took a step forward, stretched out his thumb and index finger, pierced the eyeball on the palm of Subject No. 305, drilled into the eyeball, and caught the little tadpole precisely.

Fresh blood flowed out, and the little tadpole inside shook its little tail in panic, as if trying to break free, but unfortunately it was just doing nothing.

Without thinking much, Subject No. 1 closed his hands, opened his mouth wide, and swallowed the tadpole in one bite.

As the tadpoles entered their stomachs, the No. 1 experimental subject could clearly feel that the strange creature was like a fish entering the sea, and could freely shuttle through the organs in the body, becoming as if there were no entities, and swimming along the blood circulation.

When the tadpole completed a blood circulation, Subject No. 1 felt that his strength increased instantly.

At the same time, his body surface began to excrete sweat, and it soon became rainy.

The surface of the skin becomes sticky, as if some liquid adheres to the surface.

"One, remember, you only have ten minutes. During these ten minutes, your strength will gradually increase over time, but at the same time your shape will gradually change towards the shape of a frog.

Ten minutes later, if you haven't spit out the 'ghost tadpole', you will become a 'ghost frog' and will never be able to return to your original body. And the number of ghost tadpoles in the body will rapidly multiply, devouring its body.

At that time, whether you can still be resurrected to the original state, or even whether you can be resurrected, is unknown. "

The words of the three hundred and fifth experimental subject will make the experimental subject No. 1 come back to his senses.

There is a limit to any ability.

The resurrection ability, which is as strong as the No. 1 experimental body, is only a judgment based on his own practical experience and the information of the research institute.

If the body is changed by other experimental subjects, no one will know if its own ability is still there.

Subject No. 1 would not take this risk either.

So within ten minutes, he must end the fight and spit out the ghost tadpole.

Even the actual calculation, it is impossible to delay the ghost tadpole for ten minutes, and it must be prepared a minute or so in advance.

Because the ghost tadpole seems to be enhancing the host's ability, it is actually assimilating and transforming.

By swimming along the blood circulation again and again, it changes the host's physique, and at the same time, like a parasite, it absorbs the host's nutrients and strengthens itself.

When it was completely 'ghost frog transformation' in ten minutes, the ghost tadpole had become very powerful, and it took a lot of effort to 'spit' it out.

All of this information was told to everyone by Experimental No. 305 when the plan was designated before the war began.

This ability is time-limited and has side effects.

After the body shape changes, it takes a long time to recuperate before it gradually returns to its original appearance.

In addition, the next time the ghost tadpole is absorbed, the ghost frog will come earlier.

As an ability carrier, the No. 305 experimental body has been studied by the Lingyuan Research Institute for many years, and its own physique has long reached the point where it can no longer continue to devour ghost tadpoles.

Otherwise, in less than ten seconds, it will turn into a ghost frog, and if it lasts for a while, it will be completely impossible to remove.

Therefore, he was locked in a small dark room by the research institute a long time ago, at the level of semi-abandonment.

It's basically the same as keeping a pet. Feed some food at a fixed time, and then pick a ghost tadpole for research, and no one cares anymore.

Those days lasted for a long time, and it also made the No. 305 experimental body hate the Lingyuan Research Institute.

Even after escaping from the institute, this hatred did not weaken.

That's why he responded so actively to the call of the No. 1 experimental subject and dedicated his strength to the experimental subject's war of resistance.

Now that victory is so close, Subject 305 is very excited.

He looked at the leader of the other experimental body alliance.

"Okay, I'll come second."

The top hat man saw the reaction of Subject No. 1, and also pierced his eyeball and ate the ghost tadpole.


Compared to Subject No. 1, the top hat man's reaction was more intense. As his body stretched, he heard the sound of bones rubbing against each other.

Immediately reminded to slightly increase the circle.

Obviously, for different physiques, ghost tadpoles have different amplifying abilities.

Although the ghost tadpole is the ability of the No. 305 experimental body, he himself only has the power to create the ghost tadpole, but he has no way to control it.

The only one who can really control the ghost tadpole is the host himself.

However, after the limited event is exceeded, the control of the body probably does not lie with the host.

This point has been emphasized many times by Subject 305, and other people naturally understand the importance.

After the others swallowed the ghost tadpoles, their strength increased a lot.

Ten minutes is neither long nor short.

In the ever-changing battlefield, time must be raced.

The others looked at each other and rushed towards the army of the research institute again.

Only subject No. 1, the man in the top hat, and subject No. 173 with a horse face remained in place.

"Old horse, it's up to you whether you can take down Jian Feng and break through the boundaries of the copy!"

The man in the top hat lowered his voice and gathered his hands behind the No. 1 subject.

With the grimace wriggling, two black wings like bats grew from the back of Subject No. 1.

Winged grimaces, scrambling to emerge snarling roars and screams, look eerie.

Although there were some discrepancies with the plan on the final step, the situation was much better than expected.

"Don't worry, I will definitely win Jian Feng! By the way, if you have a chance, you can get rid of No. 11 first. So that you won't have too many dreams at night."

Subject No. 1 tried the newly acquired wings, and then glanced at the red figure in the sky.

"Number 173, let's start, let's give Jane a big surprise."

"…no problem!"

Number 173's voice trembled a little, and his forehead was covered in sweat.

Because in his palm, a multi-faceted glass ball the size of a fist is condensing.

Like a delicate piece of art, Meilun is beautiful under the sunlight.

In peaceful times, this was enough to make him an artist.

It's a pity that this is the center of the battlefield, so No. 173, after condensing the multi-faceted glass ball, used the body that had just been strengthened, with the arm that had grown webbed and connected the fingers, and threw it hard into the sky. .

The powerful force and precise aiming head suddenly turned the multi-faceted glass ball into small black dots, rushing straight towards Jian Feng's position.

It is a pity that Jian Feng controls the psionic machine, fights with the red giant chain, and constantly changes positions at high altitudes, making the original accurate head-sighting lose its meaning.

At this moment, a large number of particles suddenly appeared on the left and right sides of the multi-faceted glass sphere, condensed into two magnetic spheres, and moved synchronously with them.

As the magnetic ball trembled violently, the multi-faceted glass ball turned and tracked in mid-air, constantly adjusting its direction, and firmly locked the red figure.

"Twin tow ball!"

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