This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 404: white light

After finding that the underground alliance was not a threat, the top hat man naturally returned his attention to Fang Yi.

As for the ability of Guiwu to kill his life, he used it more and more with ease, and he felt the power of this ability more and more.

Originally, the top hat man also thought that after the dungeon breakthrough, he would bring out the dungeon with his own experimental body's death transfer ability.

But now, he wants to order the copy with Guiwusuo.

Because of this ability, in terms of current performance, it is really strong and a bit against the sky.

At this moment, even if he is fighting against Subject No. 1, he is confident of winning.

This means that it doesn't matter if you tear your face off with the No. 1 subject now.

With his current strength, he can capture Jian Feng, and he does not need to use the hand of others.

The only problem is that Ghost Mist's life-threatening abilities cannot be replenished.

Use a little less.

The top hat man estimated that either only the original owner of the black fog man's ability could increase the number of ghost faces in the ghost fog.

Or you just haven't found a way yet.

In any case, he is very satisfied with this ability to 'pick up'.

It just seems that because of the incompatibility of his abilities, he sometimes suddenly cannot sense the ability to transfer death.

This is not a good phenomenon, but there is no need to worry for the time being, because the situation here has been completely controlled by him!

The top hat man didn't know that the strength of the ghost fog was linked to the number of deaths, or the number of souls.

When the black mist of the black mist man filled the audience before, it absorbed a large number of the souls of those who just died.

So when the black mist shrinks back to itself, the number of souls it contains is terrifying.

Therefore, it can be converted in one fell swoop, and the ghost fog that can only appear theoretically can be brewed.

Now the top hat man regards the overloaded ghost fog ability as a normal state, which naturally causes many misunderstandings.

In fact, if anyone masters the ghost fog, they can absorb the soul of the dead and convert it into a ghost face.

It's just that there is an upper limit on the number of ghost faces depending on the individual's physique and ability.

But now this upper limit has long been broken through and has become an overloaded state, and naturally it cannot transform new souls.

From time to time, the man in the top hat feels that the ghost fogs his life and refuses to obey orders, and it is so difficult to control, which is also the reason.

Now, the ghost fog is far beyond the limit that the top hat man can control, and he may be attacked by the ghost fog at any time.

It's just that he didn't know it himself.

Controlling the grimace, he kept climbing, gradually engulfing Fang Yi's psionic machine, and the top hat man showed a proud sneer on his face.

Fang Yi's psionic machine has no protective measures in the cab.

So when Grimace rushed to the cab and rushed towards Fang Yi, the top hat man seemed to have seen the sound of the double kill announcement.

But when he saw that Fang Yi still maintained a faint smile on his face even before the grimace was engulfed, he suddenly thumped in his heart, and there was a faint sense of ominousness.

Before he could think deeply, the cab of the psionic machine suddenly became bright white.

The dazzling light is unusually dazzling.

People can't look directly, they can only avoid its edge and close their eyes.

Before closing his eyes, the top hat man vaguely saw the grimace covered with the entire psionic machine, screaming and falling to the ground.

As if taking off his clothes, the 'grimace coat' was peeled off layer by layer.

When the top hat man completely closed his eyes, the screams became dense and intense, as if all the ghost faces bound by the ghost were screaming in unison.

In the end what happened? !

The top hat man felt bad in his heart, and tried to control the ghost fog, but the result seemed to be cut off, and he couldn't get a response at all.

Fortunately, this phenomenon has occurred before, so the top hat man patiently tried again.

As a result, I tried more than ten times in a row and got no response.

At this moment, he felt that the situation seemed to be out of his control.

Because of this feeling, it was as if the ghost fog had lost control of his life.

If this really happened...

Cold sweat quietly ran across the top hat man's cheek.

The power of Guiwu Suo's life, he knows better than anyone else, if he is devoured by this ability and gets caught in it, it will definitely not end well.

Especially when his own death transfer ability is still disturbed.

At this moment, the top hat man felt the dazzling light in front of him, and became a little sad.

Immediately, he opened his eyes quickly.

However, the next moment, the man in the top hat froze in place, his eyes widened.

In front of him, the sky is full of ghosts, filling the air.

Those looming grimace, like beasts out of the cage, choose people and devour them, like crazy.

Those people in the underground alliance seemed to be free from the shackles of ghosts, and they all fled in all directions, unable to break into an army.

After those grimaces were out of the top hat man's control, they became even more ferocious and ferocious.

When they encounter anything, they will attack them in groups, roaring and rushing to bite.

The man in the top hat even saw a man surrounded by thousands of grimace.

In the blink of an eye, only the scarred human-shaped bones were left scattered on the ground.

Like locusts crossing the border, it makes people feel hairy.

At this time, the top hat man also realized that he was actually restraining the ability of Ghost Mist by controlling his life before.

The power of Ghost Mist Suffering is far more powerful than he imagined.

Just uncontrollable ability is a double-edged sword.

When the tip of the sword is aimed at the enemy, it is a peerless sword.

But when the tip of the sword is pointed at, it is a life-threatening magic sword.

The people who are now attacking the underground alliance because of the large number of people in the underground alliance are more likely to be attacked.

When Guiwu Suosheng turned around and attacked himself...

Thinking of this, the man in the top hat should not shiver.

He was bitten by thousands of ghost faces and devoured them to death.

Even he would not try this method of death.

There is still a window period that cannot be sensed in the death transfer, and he does not dare to take this risk.

Trying to continue to sense the ghost fog, the top hat man gradually found a little sense, making the nearby ghost faces stagnate for a moment.

Although it was only for a moment, it represented the right direction.

However, when he wanted to go further, he suddenly saw particles of light gradually converging in the sky.

That familiar feeling made him subconsciously look up into the sky.

It was the No. 11 experiment, sitting in the cab of the psionic machine intact.

There seemed to be some kind of enchantment around the eleventh experiment. There were thousands of grimace floating around, but none of them rushed towards him.

No... More than not, it's as if these grimace are afraid of the No. 11 experimental body, directly detouring!

How is this going…

The doubts in the top hat man have just arisen, and there are already answers.

Because he saw that little Zhengtai, his left hand was holding a strange Buddha statue that was severely cracked, almost divided into two halves, and emitting a faint light, and his right hand was cooperating with his feet to control the operation of the psionic machine.

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