This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 434: multiple routes

Now the merchant ship Baiyun has no idea where it has gone.

The anger of everyone on the Wave Breaker is hard to dissipate, and they can only wait for the mayor to come forward to mediate the conflict.

The island now has a large number of members of the Wave Breaker gathering in demonstrations.

Fortunately, they just held up a sign and scolded the islanders, and didn't do anything radical.

But the impact is still very bad, anyway, from the discussion of everyone in the tavern, they don't like those guys very much.

Fang Yi was sure that there was absolutely no dungeon announcement last night, so the dead James must not be a player.

But whether the murderer is a player or not, that's not necessarily the case.

After all, it is all too common for players to kill the wrong person.

Coupled with the fact that he immediately fled by boat after the murder, the level of suspicion suddenly increased a lot.

Silently writing down the name 'Gary', Fang Yi continued to collect other information.

After all, everyone else has already gone to the sea, and I just want to hunt down and kill, but I am powerless, so I can only write down the suspect.

If Gary is really a player, that's a lot of luck.

According to the gossip news in the tavern, this cargo is a sailor with a boat. Needless to say, his physical fitness is much stronger than that of ordinary people, and as soon as he comes out, he can get on a ship and start a journey of sailing.

All that was left to do was to rebel against the captain, seize the ship, become the boss, and the power developed.

After drinking rum one cup after another, there were more and more people in the tavern, and as they came and went, the recent gossip was taken out as a talking point.

After a few glasses of wine, these drunkards get carried away and say everything.

It's a pity that the content of their discussions is too messy, and most of them are mostly bragging.

The only thing worth caring about is two.

The first one is Dai Xi, the owner of the sharp-blade weapon shop in Weapon Street. He suddenly sold his assets this morning and became the exclusive weapon blacksmith on the merchant ship Breaking Waves.

The Merchant Ship Breaker was the merchant ship where the dead James was.

He is still arguing with Mayor Doug to make up for the loss.

Originally, they were preparing to set sail today, but now that they are dead, it is estimated that they will not be able to leave for a while.

The second piece of news is that among the orphans adopted by the Gem Church, a thirteen-year-old boy named Sam suddenly disappeared last night.

They are currently launching a manpower search, but many people said that they had seen the orphan on the dock this morning, and they couldn't help but suspect that they went to sea with the Baiyun.

As for the Gem Church, it's just a group of churches that worship some kind of mythical monster in the ocean.

It is said that the God of Gem, a sea crab as large as a mountain, has the power to destroy the island, and is also the guardian of the island, and can bless the island for long-term peace.

Whether the owner of the weapon shop or Orphan Sam, they have obviously made abnormal behaviors, which are worth paying attention to.

However, according to the news, Orphan Sam should have secretly boarded the Baiyun, which is going to sea, so you can ignore it for the time being.

Just sort out the information a little bit.

It is suspected that there are three players.

Gary, the sailor of the White Cloud, Sam the Orphan of the Church of Gom, and Daisy, the owner of the Blades weapon shop.

According to the news, the first two people should have already gone to sea with the Baiyun, and even if the player is suspicious, there is no way for them to catch up and kill them.

On the other hand, Daisy, the blacksmith who is about to become the merchant ship of the Wavebreaker, can take a good look at it.

Of course, he must confirm Daisy's identity before the Wavebreaker leaves Jiming Island, otherwise, once the Wavebreaker leaves the sea, it will be difficult to meet again.

Continue to drink, listen to the tavern news, and the time passes by.

It wasn't until the sun went down and the afterglow of dusk fell into the tavern that Fang Yi swayed and stood up.

"The system prompts: You have entered a state of light intoxication."

It's really just a light intoxication.

The powerful liver, in this dungeon, finally played a role, increasing Fang Yi's drinking capacity.

In addition, unlike Gail yesterday, Fang Yi had been drinking rum all the time and did not change the type of drink, resulting in his intoxication level not rising.

When I got to the back, I even drank boiled water, and I didn't feel at all.

Of course, on the surface, Fang Yi was still pretending to be drunk, and he couldn't fake it even with the smell of alcohol.

Before it was replaced, Mike had already come to Fang Yi to collect the money.

But today, he remained motionless and respectfully watched Fang Yi leave.

As for collecting the money, he didn't mention it, because he was called by the big fat man to talk about it before. As for Fang Yi's wine money, it is enough to keep an account.

Today is not the same as it used to be.

Yesterday Fang Yi was a homeless, street beggar.

Today Fang Yi is a capable general of the mayor's fiancée, an elite subordinate.

This status gap is not a star and a half, and the natural treatment is greatly different.

Pretending to be drunk, Fang Yi left the Jiming Tavern three by one.

Basically, the news that I want to inquire about has a lot of gains, and there is no white bubble on this day.

News about Mayor Some strange rumors about the former maid Celta, and even heard news from Charlie.

That's right, it was the object that the poor and sour pirates wanted to ambush yesterday, and it was only after they were caught by themselves.

That Charlie is a local rich man with a lot of money. Recently, he is trying to find a way to make himself an official position and a knighthood.

For this reason, I have made many trips to the homes of famous people with surnames on Jiming Island.

It is rumored that Charlie visits secretly at night in order to avoid the big shots from being bribed.

Of course, most people didn't believe this rumor. On the contrary, Fang Yi was a little shaken after he bumped into the group of pirates who were squatting honestly last night.

I don't know if the pirates are too stupid to believe the rumors, or if Charlie really walks at night.

Fang Yi has analyzed these news in his heart.

There are many routes ahead.

Facing the risk of exposure, joining the Wave Breaker with the old blacksmith Daisy, sneaking into the merchant ship, and leaving Jiming Island, this is a route.

In the follow-up, you can kill the captain of the Wavebreaker to seize power, or follow the captain honestly and silently accumulate strength to hide your identity.

In a word, if you get on the Wave Breaker, you can start a lot of development routes in the follow-up, but it is also quite troublesome to operate.

First of all, we have to find a way to sneak into the Wave Breaker. It is a merchant ship with stable members. He has no specialties, and when he has a murder case in hand, it is difficult to join through formal channels.

If you use your own skill, "Basic Basic Blacksmithing", you may be able to grab a job from the old blacksmith Daisy and recruit him as a special recruit.

But why did he have this ability, where did he learn it, and why the income was better than the old blacksmith Daisy at a young age, there is no good excuse to explain it.

This development route has good prospects, but it is cumbersome to operate and full of obstacles.

Therefore, it was temporarily put on hold by Fang Yi.

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