This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 465: backyard fire

The so-called pirate ship, in addition to the pirate flag as the iconic feature, is that the ship will have more armed forces.

As long as there are rhetoric, for example, it was formerly a pirate ship, but it has not been transformed since then, it has been used as a merchant ship. Or the boats left by the predecessors are too old and have no money to repair.

There should be no flaws found by the ship repairers.

In the final analysis, people who repair boats are also doing things for money. If the money is in place, they will not talk about it casually, so as not to kill themselves.

When Fang Yi was thinking about these things, Jiming Town in front had appeared at the end of his line of sight.

At the same time, he has also confirmed in his mind which people in the team are suitable to be accepted as younger brothers, and has also excluded some people whose temperament and physique are not up to standard.

Just as everyone cheered and prepared to accelerate towards Jiming Town...

Boom boom boom boom!

Suddenly, a loud explosion sounded in the distance.

Looking at the sound, it is the direction of Jiming Town.

The billowing smoke slowly rose to the height of the town.

Everyone couldn't help but stop in unison, with a look of surprise on their faces.

"Then, what is that movement?!"

"It seems, it seems to be the sound of artillery bombardment."

"That direction is the pier. Is there any ship attacking Jiming Island?!"

"Could it be the accomplice of the former pirate..."

As soon as these words came out, everyone's attention was focused on Fang Yi.

His face sank, Fang Yi calmly analyzed: "Impossible! This group of pirates has only this number! It should be a new group of pirates who are attacking Jiming Island..."

When everyone heard the words, they were suddenly enlightened.

"Indeed, this possibility is more likely!"

"The pirates are so rampant now! They dare to attack Jiming Island directly!"

"...Not good! My child is still at home!"

"My family also works at the dock!"

Everyone was talking and worried.

Fang Yi moved in his heart, took the lead in the charge, and ran towards Jiming Town.

"What are you waiting for, everyone go back with me and help the mayor to defend against pirates!"

As soon as this move came out, it immediately gathered people's hearts.

These people are all locals in Jiming Town, and their families live in Jiming Town.

Now that the pirates attack the island and the safety of the family is threatened, they naturally want to go back to help as soon as possible.

Otherwise, if the pirates were to capture Jiming Island, the consequences would be unimaginable.

"Rush rush!"

"Follow Mr. Gale!"

"Defend the home!"

If it is normal, nearly a hundred people charge together, the momentum is still very fierce.

But now, under the cover of the continuous roar of shelling from the dock, it seems a little small.

Rushing into Jiming Town, Fang Yi found that the town was already in chaos, screaming everywhere and townspeople fleeing and hiding.

The armed units that usually patrol are now maintaining law and order, and there is no one guarding the door at all.

Boom boom boom!

Boom boom boom!

The continuous bombardment of shells made everyone's heart sink again.

Some people started to leave the team to check on their families.

Some people expressed their willingness to follow Fang Yi to meet the enemy at the dock.

With the rest of the people, continue to sprint towards the pier.

The shells were bombarding more frequently, the sound was clearer, and the momentum was very frightening.

Some artillery shells even exploded directly on the street, causing casualties and screams from the wounded.

With his eyesight, Fang Yi can detect the attack of the artillery shell in advance and predict the trajectory of the artillery shell.

With the team constantly avoiding the offensive, approaching the pier at a very fast speed.

After approaching a certain distance, Fang Yi finally saw the situation of the pier.

Immediately, he was stunned for a moment, and his movements paused for about half a second before returning to normal.

On the other side of the pier, there is a battle going on.

But the object of the battle was not the pirate Fang Yi thought.

It was the battle between the Voyage Breaker and Mayor Doug.

The Wavebreaker has eight artillery pieces on its side, bombarding the pier.

It's just a certain distance away, the accuracy of the head is very poor, and it often hits Jiming Town.

In more than a dozen fortresses at the dock, artillery was also launched to counterattack.

You come and I go back and forth between the two sides, and the fight is inexorable.

Fang Yi didn't know how the two sides met, but now it seems that in the short term, the Wavebreaker should have the upper hand.

Because the dock fortress was blown up and collapsed two, while the Wave Breaker was only damaged, and there were only a few holes.

However, in the long run, the Wavebreaker has no source of supplies, and it is only a matter of time before it loses.

After realizing this, Fang Yi observed carefully for a moment.

Immediately, it was discovered that the Wave Breaker was fighting back while driving the ship to the sea, which belonged to a state of fighting and fleeing.

It should have been blocked by the artillery of Jiming Island, and he couldn't escape for a while.

"Why didn't Mayor Doug send a boat to hunt him down?"

With doubts, Fang Yi continued to observe the situation of the battle. Only then did he realize that there were three wrecks of sailboats belonging to the official forces in the port area. The flags were floating on the water, which looked a bit desolate.

... This Nima, kill me.

I don't know if these three ships were sunk before the or after the war.

If it is the former, it means that the Wavebreaker has been planning for a long time and wants to make big news.

However, judging from the situation where the other side is fighting and fleeing, the latter is more likely.

In any case, this hatred value is full. If the Wave Breaker is retained today, everyone on board, one of them will be counted as one, and they will all die.

"Poor old blacksmith Daisy..."

Fang Yi's heart flashed with regret. As far as he knew, the old blacksmith Daisy was most likely a player, and now he belonged to the ship's blacksmith of the Wavebreaker.

If the Wavebreaker is defeated, this guy will also be killed by the mayor, which is considered to be dead at the hands of the system forces.

Of course, if Celta gets a foot in the way, the head will be counted on her, it's up to the woman to realize it...

Fang Yi just thought of this when his pupils suddenly shrank slightly.

Because he saw Celta and the mayor in the largest fort in the dock.

It seems that this woman feels that there are players on the Wave Breaker and wants to occupy the welfare of the head.

This is the advantage of a high identity starting point. After discovering players, you can take advantage of your identity to harvest head count.

Where is Fang Yi, with nearly a hundred subordinates, but can only stare at the two sides who are shelling each other.

Of course, the disadvantages are also obvious.

As long as Fang Yi exposes the green hat incident, Celta will be killed by the mayor in minutes.

However, his fate was not much better.

This is a double-edged sword. Fang Yi is not ready to detonate before he is ready to retreat.

Focusing on the fighting situation, Fang Yi moved his mind.

The Wave Breaker was very "stable" a few days ago. Except for weightlifting protests, making trouble for the death of the crew members, and asking for an explanation and compensation, there was basically nothing out of the ordinary.

As a result, he led the team out to search for three days, and the Wavebreaker had such a big action.

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