This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 489: 7 Great Seas

As for Fang Yi, he had already left the scene after he obtained the heart of a knight just now.

At the same time, there were ambush people who were not found by others from beginning to end.

These people are all good players that Fang Yi spent a lot of money to find, and they are extremely obedient.

Most of them are not local people, but come from the surrounding seas to pan for gold.

Therefore, there is basically no psychological pressure to deal with Mayor Doug.

As for the so-called dissemination of scandal news, it was just to fool Mayor Doug.

After all, as long as he is dead, no matter how much revenge on Mayor Doug, it is meaningless.

As for their real role, they are actually just running over to save themselves when a situation arises.

As long as he is still alive, spreading the scandal or taking revenge is not a problem.

Fang Yi estimates that Doug didn't just compromise because he was threatened by scandals.

Most of it was related to exposing Celta himself and saving his life indirectly.

Back in town, sleep all night.

The next day, Fang Yi researched the heart of a knight, while waiting for news from the wizard apprentice.

Although greedy is not enough to chew, but since you have the opportunity to become a wizard apprentice, you still have to give it a try.

In this period of gathering of wind and clouds, Jiming Town is unprecedentedly lively.

A lot of information that could not be inquired before can now be inquired as long as there is money.

Therefore, Fang Yi took a good look at the information about this dungeon world, and also found some clues about the previous big screen brushing event.

The world is divided into seven super seas by the ocean.

They are the Safflower Sea Area, the Extreme Water Sea Area, the Azure Sea Sea Area, the Honkai Sea Area, the Fragment Sea Area, the Turbulence Sea Area, and the Nether Sea Area.

The distribution of the six sea areas is like a deformed sea turtle, safflower, extreme water, azure and other sea areas, which form the head, limbs and tail of the sea turtle respectively, while the nether sea area forms the body of the tortoise.

The reason why the turtles composed of the seven sea areas are deformed is because the nether sea area representing the body is the smallest in all sea areas.

But at the same time, it is also the most dangerous, almost all of them are natural disasters, and no one lives at all.

But because it contains countless treasures, it attracts groups of people to go to this sea area for adventure.

It is rumored that the world's first wizard and first knight appeared because they obtained the treasure in the Nether Sea.

Regarding the Nether Sea, there are many rumors, both true and false. Basically, there is not enough strength, and there is no qualification to enter this sea.

Except for the nether sea area that represents the body, it is quite deformed.

Representing the tail fragment sea area, it is also like a broken tail, which is cut in half.

It obviously has the largest continental area in the world, but because it is too scattered and there are many islands, its overall strength is the bottom of all sea areas.

The elegant sea area where Fang Yi is located belongs to the subdivision area of ​​the fragmented sea area.

As for the remaining super sea areas, there are big and small, and each has its own characteristics. From the perspective of sea turtles, it is seriously top-heavy.

"Doesn't that mean that if we want to communicate with other sea areas in the Fragment Sea Area, we must pass through the extremely dangerous Nether Sea Area?"

Fang Yi could not help but ask the source of the information strangely.

The latter nodded of course.

"That's right."

"No, if this is really hungry, then who would dare to cross the sea? Don't people in each sea go their own way, close their country, and not communicate with the outside world?"

"No, although the Nether Sea is dangerous, if it is only a marginal area, and the experienced old captain leads the team, the risk is still acceptable. And because of the isolation of the Nether Sea, the characteristic products in each sea area can be found in other sea areas. They can be sold at extremely high prices, and the profits here are huge.”

Saying that, the news provider showed a look of envy and yearning.

However, people like him are only the bottom-level personnel in the news organization who specialize in selling news.

If it wasn't for death, he would basically be unqualified to traverse the Nether Sea with a boat in his entire life.

Hearing this, Fang Yi's thoughts surged in his heart, and he had some opinions of his own.

If you want to leave the fragmented sea area, you have to face the natural barrier, that is, the nether sea area.

Any player will be locked in their initial sea area before they are fully prepared, otherwise rushing across the sea will be suicide.

If you want to cross the Nether Sea, there are rigid requirements for the player's strength in all aspects.

A strong ship is definitely essential, and an experienced old captain leads the way, and that is also a must.

There are also various preparations that need to be made in order to cope with various situations that may be encountered in the Nether Sea.

Basically, if you are a captain yourself, if you want to gather these conditions in a short period of time, you will inevitably have a storm in your own waters and make a name for yourself.

Otherwise, it has been developing steadily, and if the turtles are developing rapidly, when the players meet the conditions for going to sea, basically other people have already driven super battleships to roll over the entire sea area.

Just like Wizard Ren's steam battleship, if the player drives a battleship of this level to sweep the sea, it is basically unstoppable.

As for choosing to follow the boat flow, following the local official forces, the merchant ships of the super chamber of commerce, and going to sea together, that is another matter.

It is equivalent to handing over one's own destiny to the hands of NPC, and one day the whole ship will sink due to the wrong order from above and die in the hands of the system.

Both options are a matter of personal choice.

Naturally, Fang Yi didn't need to say much, he chose Captain Liu.

It is better to control your destiny in your own hands.

As for the previous big event that refreshed the screen, there are three things in total, which may be related to this.

They are the tomb island of the Jackdaw wizard in the Honkai Sea, which surfaced. The tide in the Wild Waves Sea rose again, submerging more than a dozen islands. As well as a ghost ship that rushed out of the Nether Sea, it destroyed ten battleships stationed at the entrance of the Honghua Sea, successfully entered the Honghua Sea, and at the same time angered three wizards, causing the entire Honghua Sea to be wanted.

There are only three major events that have occurred recently.

And the incident that caused a stir on Jiming Island and caused a lot of uproar in the incident of wizard Ren's apprenticeship, in the face of such a big event, is nothing.

After all, the matter of a wizard taking an apprentice is a huge event on Jiming Island, which is enough to trigger a change of power and a turbulent situation.

However, looking at the entire fragmented sea area, it is not a big deal at all.

The existence of wizards is indeed a transcendent existence in the elegant sea area subordinate to the fragmented sea area, and it is rare to see it in a hundred years.

But in the entire fragmented sea area, it is not so special.

With a general understanding of the situation, Fang Yi has a bottom line in his heart, and his eyes are no longer as dark as before.

Previously, due to issues of identity and strength, the vision had been limited to Jiming Island and some surrounding islands, and it was completely unclear about the entire world pattern and distribution.

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