This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 503: head of thor

() In the Nether Sea, anything is possible.

The entire Nether Sea is changing all the time, and it is extremely dangerous. Even the existence of a wizard would not dare to approach it easily without adequate preparation.

So the Eternal Compass is indeed worth the price.

Glancing at the VIP seats, the person who finally took the picture of the eternal compass was a strange old man with a face, an aquiline nose, and a gloomy face.

In addition to the eternal compass, the host successively auctioned some witch tools, or rare materials, and even the auctioneer did not know what it was, and brought out strange stones from the nether sea.

There are more than 100 of these stones, and the first dozen of them were sold at high prices.

But after everyone found out that the stone could be sold by the pound, the interest dropped all of a sudden.

For things of unknown origin, most of them are just a novelty.

Since it is not a rare thing, it is naturally uninteresting.

In the end, even the host felt a little embarrassed and accelerated the auction process of these odd stones.

Fang Yi took the opportunity to buy a piece at a low price, feeling quite a bit of a leak.

But when he got the strange stone, he realized that he had made a loss.

"Alien Black Stone: A strange stone that can completely absorb even light sources. The specific function is unknown."

The shape is oval, like an egg.

The size is only the size of a palm, and it feels cold in the palm of your hand.

Not cold, but shade.

Feel it carefully, it seems that there is a cold aura that seems to be there, emitting from the black stone and seeping into the palm of your hand.

But what this means is unknown, it can only be said that this thing is a bit strange.

As if to appease everyone's emotions, and as if he had anticipated this situation, the host finally took out the three finale auction items.

The first to unveil the mystery is a women's parasol with lace trim, which looks extremely beautiful, even stunning.

Seeing this umbrella, most of the men present frowned slightly.

Only a small number of women showed surprises on their faces and their eyes glowed.

These women began to shake their male companions, or acted coquettishly, or ordered, secretly gathering energy, ready to take this thing.

Fang Yi naturally had no trouble in this regard, and quietly waited for the host's introduction and explanation.

The duo of the Black Bone Pirates didn't even look at this thing.

The two of them seemed to have a very clear goal. From the moment they entered the market, they did not make a single shot for the things auctioned so far.

All the funds are reserved to wait for the appearance of the target item, and the attitude that it is inevitable has been revealed.

Fang Yi listened with great interest while listening to the host talking eloquently to the women's parasol.

Simply put, the role of women's umbrellas is not to shade, but to gather sunlight.

Through the devices, materials and flukes in the women's parasol, the properties of sunlight are changed, so as to achieve the effect of skin care and beauty.

From the perspective of Fangyi, it is a mobile sunbathing collector with better effect, with some skin rejuvenation and beauty effects.

That is, an upgraded version of cosmetics commonly found in modern copies.

It is said that the female wizard Xifeng, who has passed away for many years, is refined from the iron mirror tree silk unique to the Safflower Sea, supplemented by more than 100 kinds of materials.

The main purpose is to make the thousands of flukes perform repetitive work in the interlayer of the parasol to play a role.

This kind of sucking worm, white and fat, looks like a cricket, lives on sunlight, and has no self-consciousness.

They work by absorbing sunlight and then releasing an odd light that penetrates the skin and evaporates the body's blood directly.

This kind of light has been processed by the sunshade of the Xifeng wizard, and this has the current effect.

According to the host, this thing has changed hands many times, because there is a problem with the device inside the parasol, causing thousands of lights of death to be directly irradiated, and the host's blood will be drained to death in an instant.

Now that it has been circulated several times, it has only fallen into their hands.

Now that it has been repaired by professionals, there will never be any more problems, which can be guaranteed by the official reputation of Zhongcheng Island.

In the host's words, since they dare to speak out, they will definitely guarantee the safety of the parasols.

However, this is because the host thought too much. In the face of beauty, these women don't care about safety at all, and they offer high prices one after another.

The price keeps rising, and the host is happy to smile.

In the end, the official scientific name of the witch weapon was 'parasol sucking', which was taken away by Hans, the captain of the Wanli Pirates, at a high price and given to the female companion next to him.

He was kissed several times while laughing, and there was a loud voice.

Hans is in his fifties, and the female partner next to him is only in his early twenties. The two are intimate together. This picture...

Fang Yi turned his face away.

This dog food is poisonous.

With the ownership of the parasol, the focus of everyone on the scene began to shift to the second auction item.

The red cloth was lifted, and what was displayed in front of the crowd was a statue of the head of a ship.

The front is engraved with a strange face, the mouth occupies 90% of the area, the eyes and nose are all squeezed into the forehead, and the proportion of facial features is seriously imbalanced.

The mouth is open, with only two black front teeth, which seems to mock and ridicule, giving people an ominous feeling.

"The head of Sol, also known as the 'Senyan Door', a witch tool."

This line of words is written on the label of the head portrait.

At this stage, Fang Yi's financial resources are of course unable to buy anything.

The reason why he stayed here, in addition to gaining knowledge and increasing his knowledge of this dungeon world, was to know what the two-man team of the Black Bone Pirates wanted.

It's a pity that the Black Bone Pirates looked at this thing a few more times, but they didn't show any urgency or special mood swings.

The host talked eloquently again, and introduced the origin of the head of Sol clearly.

This is an incredible ancient witch tool. The wizard who made this witch tool has long been submerged in the long river of history, and there is no record.

No one knows how long the head of Thor has existed, only that it is very ancient.

I don't know how many people have handled it, but I didn't expect to go around and it will fall into the hands of the auction.

The head of Sol knows many secret things about the seven seas. In short, it is a complete database.

Mount it to the bow and it will activate successfully.

However, the next thing is the troublesome beginning.

In order to make the head of Thor work, answer the captain's various questions.

The first thing to do is to make the head of Thor comfortable.

Yes, it is comfortable to serve.

In the beginning, its needs are very small, very weak, just help it wash its body, or feed it some delicious food, so that it can answer questions.

Even if it is impossible to answer, the punishment given is very light, insignificant and very safe.

The only problem is that in the beginning, the memory that Sol's head unlocked was not much, and he could only answer some simple questions.

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