This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 541: Clang Tun Island

Everyone looked desperately at the huge waves, oncoming.

When the light overhead was completely covered by thick dark clouds.

Everyone vaguely seemed to see that a huge shadow with a size comparable to several large islands suddenly drilled out of the sea.

"The shape of that thing... looks like the claws of some kind of crab?"

Between life and death, only four words appeared in the island owner's mind.

God of Gem.

Unexpectedly, the legendary **** actually survived in the fragmented sea!

God is in the world!

The island owner's body began to tremble, and for the first time, he felt that the world he knew was so unfamiliar.

It was also the first time I understood why the God of Gem was able to exist in the Fragmented Sea for so long and had such a great influence...

Unfortunately, this is also the last consciousness of the island owner.

In the next instant, a 100-meter-high wave engulfed the entire Wengyun Island and dragged everyone on the island into the sea.

The island-sized eye of the God of Gem only surfaced at this moment, glanced forward, and sank again.

As for the former Wengyun Island, it has been covered by sea water.

Gulang Island.

The big pirate Zack looked at the violently churning and rising sea with a gloomy expression on his face.

Gathering white light in his hand, he grabbed the person beside him. He roared loudly, "Why is the return of the Millennium Tide coming so many years earlier! This doesn't match the time you said at all!"

"Lord Zack, I, I don't know why the return of the Millennium Tide will be earlier. When the last tide appeared, I reminded you that there may be a time difference."

"Trash! A bunch of trash!"

Angrily throwing the man to the ground, the big pirate Zack looked at the rough sea.

"Lord Zach, what should we do now? The fortress project will be completed in two months, or just stay here..."

The latter words, even if needless to say, Zach already understands.

This proposal made him very excited.

Build the fort, mainly to fight against the mysterious dark wizard.

So the sooner you complete it, the more you can realize your ambitions.

And although the return of the Millennium Tide is terrifying, it is not hopeless for those who are prepared.

As long as it lasts for a period of time, the thousand-year tide will automatically subside.

The crisis will come naturally by then.

The only question is, is it worth taking such a big risk for such a time difference?

"Lord Zach, why don't I stay here and continue to be in charge of the progress of the project, and you and the second captain go to the Nether Sea to escape first?"

This proposal from Captain Three was almost exactly what Zach thought.

"Okay, I'll leave it to you here, others, get on the boat with me!"

The Zack Pirates are split into two.

Half stayed behind to continue construction work, and half sailed towards the Nether Sea.

However, they didn't notice that this time, the thousand-year tide return was more violent and longer than the previous ones.

The exit of the Fragment Sea is also the entrance to the Nether Sea.

All the ships of the entire Black Sky Pirate Group followed behind a steam battleship and slowly sailed towards the Nether Sea.

This kind of action seems to have been prepared in advance, everything is properly arranged, and the actual grasp is just right.

And the phenomenon of the tidal return of the huge waves in the sea caused by the debris did not affect them at all.

"Lord Heitian, may I ask which sea area we are going to next?"

The second captain of the famous Black Sky Pirates, who was frightening in the fragmented sea area, was bowing his head respectfully at the moment, bowing his head to ask for instructions to the girl standing on the bow.

The girl stroked her hair and felt the wonderful touch of the young body, and then said casually, "Continue to go deep into the Nether Sea."

This time is different from the past. It is not a simple return of the millennium tide, but reincarnation!

The phenomenon of tide return is actually not uncommon.

It's just that they usually appear frequently in the Sea of ​​​​Furious Waves, and the number of occurrences in other sea areas is limited.

People who have not studied this thing specifically may not know about it.

Moreover, the impact of this regular tide return can be said to be minimal. It is just a little ripple on the sea surface, and the duration is not long. It will return to normal in about ten seconds, and no one will care.

The Millennium Tide Return is based on a thousand years as the time point, with a deviation of about a hundred or so, there will be a large-scale tide return phenomenon, submerging most of the islands in the other six seas except the Nether Sea.

Basically, it is equivalent to a major purge, where natural selection eliminates a group of human beings whose strength, financial resources, or power are not up to the standard.

If the strength reaches the standard, you can rely on strength to plunder those islands that have not been submerged by the millennium tide and survive.

If the financial resources meet the standards, personal safety can be ensured by purchasing manpower, armed forces, or even directly purchasing islands.

Reaching the standard of power means that there are official forces escorting them, and they can naturally seek a place for themselves on certain islands.

Such islands that can avoid the threat of the millennium tide return are not few in each super sea area.

So as long as people don't kill themselves crazy the population problem is still guaranteed.

Moreover, the thousand-year tide returns once every thousand years. If there is a population problem, basically after three generations, almost half of it will recover.

The only thing that is of concern is that after the return of the millennium tide, people's fertility rate will inexplicably increase a lot, and it has become an unsolved mystery that even wizards can't figure out why.

As for the precious knowledge, those shipbuilding technologies, as long as they are big forces, will have information left, and there will not be a phenomenon of civilization going backwards for hundreds of years at once.

The older the forces are, the more handy they are in this situation, the details are handled just right, and the strength of the entire force increases steadily.

Other rising new forces will evolve into two endings after experiencing the return of the millennium tide again and again.

The first is to sink in and make no sound.

The second is to stabilize our position and keep our head down.

But compared with the old-fashioned forces, it is not a level opponent at all.

Therefore, the older the forces, the stronger their strength will only become. Just like the current Black Sky Pirates, everything is arranged in an orderly manner.

In fact, if it was just a thousand-year tide return, Wizard Ren would not be so furious after seeing the tide return phenomenon.

Therefore, he himself has experienced the return of the millennium tide several times, and it can be said that he handles it with ease and without pressure.

But the problem is... the vision this time is not the return of the millennium tide at all, but the reincarnation!

Reincarnation means annihilation and rebirth.

If you want to revive all things, you must first destroy all things.

After the beginning of reincarnation, the six major sea areas... No! The seven seas are no longer safe.

The first affected are the six outer super sea areas.

From the outside to the inside, the influence gradually increased.

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