This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 582: The real power of Wanling Artillery

clap clap. . шщш.㈦㈨ⅹS.сом is updated very fast.

The sharp blade suddenly clapped his palm lightly.

"...Originally, I thought that Feather Thorn's evaluation of you was a bit inflated, but now it seems that you are indeed not simple."

"Hahaha, Ming Shang, you now know how powerful this guy is. Don't worry, this is just the tip of the iceberg, this enemy is definitely worth fighting for!"

The laughter fell, and the three looked at each other again and nodded slightly.


"Go to war!"


In the next instant, three orders sounded almost simultaneously.

The black 'color' light ball gradually converges towards the main gun muzzle of the ghost ship...

All the artillery ports on the side of the battleship were all opened. Hundreds of 'door' artillery pieces were all aimed at Fang Yi's Black Finger...

The bow of the Blackfinger opened, and a dark gun muzzle gradually appeared...

"Ming Shang, Feather Thorn, for this reunion, I have prepared a big meeting ceremony."

Just because of the gathering energy of the Wanling Cannon, the Black Finger shook violently, as if it was overwhelmed and might fall apart at any time.

Boom boom boom boom boom!

Blackbeard's battleship, the first to complete the preparations for the attack.

The artillery bombarded out from the sky, forming a dense firepower network in mid-air, blocking all Fang Yi's escape routes.

"Dong'men' is drunk, eat my cannon!"

Blackbeard excitedly waved the machete in his hand and roared like a madman.


The Necronomicon Cannon was not far behind, accumulating energy to the extreme and bursting out.

The speed was as fast as lightning, turning into a beam of light, instantly surpassing the firepower network in front, and sprinting towards Fang Yi.

At this moment, Fang Yi's thinking became extremely agile.

He noticed that behind the two attacks, behind the two-man group, the figures of the gods had appeared again, but they fled towards them in a panic.

And the reason for their panic is the huge shadow that is constantly compressing towards the side of the road that cannot be seen at the top.

At the same time, at the position where the last round of the pillars of the gods merged, a thundercloud flashed with electric light, and it sprinted out, and a deafening roar was heard in the air.

"Gail the Ghost!"

At this moment, at this point where many parties 'intersection' meet.

Fang Yi has treasured it for a long time. The Wanling Artillery, which has been raised for half a year, has finally gathered energy!

boom! !

Tens of thousands of beams blasted out from the muzzle of the Wanling Artillery.

Each beam exists independently, with different colors and colors.

These light beams 'intersect' with each other, 'interlaced' with each other, and merged together in a spiral shape, and in the blink of an eye, they became a huge beam of light with a width of 100 meters.

The colorful 'color' has been completely transformed into a rich black 'color' because of the 'interlacing'.

Compared with the black 'color' of the Necronomicon Cannon, the black 'color' of the Wanling Cannon is a bit more illusory and illusory, as if this attack did not come from the Wanling Cannon, but a 'shoot' from another time and space. , deep and illusory.


The 100-meter-thick black 'color' beam completely engulfed and... absorbed Ming Shang's undead cannon beam and the feather thorn super firepower net!

All attacks were directly detonated in the huge beam of Wanling Artillery, turned into light and heat, and then absorbed into the beam of Wanling Artillery, causing the volume of this beam to instantly increase by dozens of meters.

Seeing this scene, Blackbeard's excited expression instantly solidified.

The sharp-blade god's "color" stayed for a while, and quickly shouted.

"Hide away..."


The sound of the sharp blade has not yet fallen, and the violent energy beam has already whizzed past!

He watched helplessly as the energy penetrated between the ghost ship and the battleship.

He watched helplessly as half of Blackbeard's body was completely engulfed by the beam.

Only a shocked expression remained on half of Blackbeard's face.

What was taken away by this beam attack was not only Blackbeard's half face, but also half a battleship and half a ghost ship.

Just like the beam of death, after penetrating the two battleships, the power not only did not slow down at all, but instead became stronger and faster, rushing directly towards the gods behind.



Before the gods could react, the energy beam had penetrated the six gods, causing them to scream and collapse, 'stimulating' a huge 'wave' thousands of feet high.

The blood is like a gushing, dyeing the red sea.

It was different from the soft, ticklish attacks of the previous pirate group.

This all-purpose artillery attack effectively killed a **** and shot him on the spot.

He also inflicted heavy damage on five gods. After he fell, he cried and screamed, but he couldn't get up again.

The sudden terrorist attack made the other gods froze in place, too frightened to act rashly.

However, everyone didn't realize that this was not the final swan song of Wanling Artillery.

After that beam caused such great damage, killed the gods, and sucked the blood and flesh of the gods, its power increased again, the beam area expanded again, and it charged towards the pillar of the gods.

That terrifying power, even if it is so far apart, still makes people tremble!

Even Lily, who is well-informed and doesn't know how many years she has lived.

Seeing such a terrifying blow in mid-air, the cold 'hair' was still standing upright, trembling all over.

It is the trembling of the soul, not the consciousness, not the body.

That kind of pure destruction, extreme darkness, and deep nothingness, even Lily, was the first time she felt it.

That 'door' artillery... I recognize it, and it is called Wanling Artillery.

It has been obtained in history, and it is rumored that when it is the strongest, it only has the firepower of destroying the island.

how now...

At the beginning, Lily also tracked down the whereabouts of Wanling Artillery after hearing the rumors, but she has never found out the specific whereabouts.

After that, no news of Wanling Artillery came out, and I don't know where it sank.

Later, Lily got the twisted artillery and built a steam battleship, and her thoughts about the Wanling artillery gradually faded, and she did not pay any more attention.

I didn't expect to see Wanling Artillery again here, and its power is a hundred times more terrifying than the rumors!


Just when Lily was thinking about there was a loud bang in the distance, and then the whole world seemed to vibrate and trembled violently.

what happened? The source of the loud noise just now was... No, it's impossible, it's impossible!

After realizing what might have happened, an indescribable feeling gradually rose from my heart.

She turned her head a little stiffly, looking at the source of the sound.

There... it is the direction of the pillar of the gods.

The smoke caused by the explosion is dissipating, and the previously invisible 'shadow' has transformed into a solid.

Behind the frightened gods, in the middle of the pillar of the gods, a huge 'hole' appeared!

Through the entrance of the 'hole', you can even see the scenery 'color' on the other side of the pillar of the gods!

"No, it's impossible! It's impossible!"

Lily was dumbfounded, unable to return to her senses for a long time.

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