This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 11: Enter future copy

In theory, the higher the level, the better, but now this distance is enough, and there is no need to use the points for this for the time being.

The rest is suspended animation and drunkenness.

One is the yin man's magic skill, and the other is to improve the frontal combat ability.

"Forbearance: It can be upgraded, consumes a lot of physical strength, and the damage to the body will occur after a delay of 1.05 seconds. It requires 8,000 points."

"Drunken like mud: It can be upgraded, and when you are deeply drunk, your body can change like mud.

Note 1, the increased physical burden may cause irreversible serious injuries.

Note 2, the maximum deformation degree is strengthened, which can form fleshy wings and increase the short-term flying ability.

Note three, the duration is slightly increased.

Note 4, 8,000 points are required. "

The same is 8,000 points, the effect of drunkenness is even more significant.

The problem is...the increased burden on the body.

No actual test has been carried out, and Fang Yi is not sure how serious this aggravation is.

Slightly, it may be internal bleeding or bone displacement, body deformation or something, and if it is serious, it may be directly killed on the spot!

It is said that it is eight thousand points, but in fact, if you want to fully utilize the drunkenness, you must cooperate with many small skills.

Every time you upgrade, you need to upgrade your small skills synchronously, adding a lot of extra points, and the consumption is definitely not low.

On the contrary, forbearance of this magic trick, the effect is much simpler.

Although the improvement is not large, 0.5 seconds is enough to do a lot of things.

One is making great strides, the other is making steady progress.

Which one should I choose...

Fang Yi fell into contemplation, weighing the pros and cons.

After a long while, he finally made a decision.

Get drunk, level up!

Personal points decreased like a tidal wave, and finally stabilized in the early 1000s.

At the same time, Drunk was raised to two levels.

Glancing at it, if you want to level up again, you also need victory points.

With the last thousand points, Fang Yi went to the [Game Plaza] for a walk again.

In the end, he returned to the independent space, leaving only 500 points for backup, and all the other points were used to increase the size of the item space.

The item space that seemed a little crowded at first suddenly expanded a lot.

This is a necessary expense. If it is not raised now, it will have to be raised in the future.

After all this is done, Fang Yi is ready to open the copy again.

Ancient, Medieval, Modern, Modern, Future…

Five types of dungeons, accounts in the new area, only the future dungeons have not been played yet.

The future copy only represents the future era, and does not necessarily mean that it will be a high-tech world.

The degradation of technology, the extinction of species, etc., are not unpredictable things in the distant future.

Taking reality as an example, the time when the sun goes out can already be predicted.

Although there is still a very, very long time, but within this period, if the problem of interstellar navigation cannot be solved, or the ability of interstellar navigation is too weak, and the extinction of human beings cannot find a planet suitable for survival, then the future world will be a darkness. .

Or experience a few more world wars, resulting in technological and knowledge gaps. The so-called future world is probably not much different from the ordinary farming world.

At most, there are all kinds of high-tech relics that cannot be understood.

The same is true for future copies of "Fantasy", but it is more imaginative.

Therefore, the future copy does not mean a high-tech sci-fi copy, but has many possibilities.

In fact, in a sense, the word [technology] can also be counted as one of the secondary entries.

It's just that the system evenly distributes the secondary entries [Technology] into secondary entries such as [Mecha].

As long as some specific secondary entries appear, there is a high chance of encountering future copies of high-tech backgrounds.

In addition, if there is a high-tech copy, there is also a very important problem, that is, the hierarchical structure of the player's basic skills.

If dinosaurs had civilization, the future world they envisaged should be a super-fantasy future world based on dinosaurs.

But the fact is that the future world after the extinction of the dinosaurs is a world dominated by humans.

If the dinosaurs traveled to the present, it is estimated that they would be confused. How could the world become like this in the future.

The same principle applies to humans.

In future copies, even species may change.

If the level of technology is too high, and there is no basic skills, even if there is an opportunity, you can only stare blankly and cannot convert it into combat power.

People like Fang Yi who don't plan to take the technology route have not learned any basic skills in technology, let alone transformed them into personal skills.

Even if I randomly get a high-tech copy, I will only take some technological products that ordinary people can use as a supplement, and have no other ideas.

For example, high-tech glasses with multiple functions such as thermal imaging and ultraviolet scanning are a powerful tool for most stealth skills.

Another example is high-performance radar, which has a certain similarity with his own six-way vision skills, but in terms of details, there are two Which is better to use, it is not easy to say, according to the situation , have their own advantages.

But if others don't have six-way vision, a high-performance radar can make up for the shortcomings of reconnaissance in many aspects.

However, such items require a lot of points, which are basically linked to the official power of the dungeon, plus the randomness of the dungeon, so it is not difficult to obtain.

Fang Yi's current role development has just started, and there are still shortcomings in many aspects.

If you can randomly get a future copy with a high-tech background, you should be able to get a lot of good things.

Anyway, the short board needs to be filled a little bit. When the secondary entries cannot be upgraded, it is also an option to get what you need from other dungeons.

After the second level entry is upgraded, even if it is a martial arts book, you can obtain a variety of skills and items with similar functions, and it can better match your own development route, which is naturally the best choice.

Now, naturally, one or two can be considered in [Future Dungeon].

Click [Future Dungeon], select [Single Mode], and take a photo of the palm to confirm.

The mechanical system beep sounded in my ears.

"Player [East Gate Drunk], choose to enter [Future Dungeon]."

"World generation in progress..."

"Importing the NPC intelligence system..."

"Player matchmaking in progress..."


"Copy build completed."

"Player match is over."

"Please choose whether to enable [Extra Options]."

After Fang Yi chose [No], the familiar black stone gate rose from the ground.

After confirming his state, Fang Yi's bear's paw was attached to Shimen.

Shimen squirmed, engulfing his body.

The familiar darkness surged again.

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