This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 15: refugee camp

Wang Tian left, while Fang Yi stood up slowly with the help of his companions.



A group of eight people died and left, and Fang Yi was removed, and there were only five people left, three men and two women, all of whom were young.

These five people were in heavy hearts, and they were at a loss for the series of changes that had just happened.

It was clear that everything was fine before, but when I was outside to survive, nothing happened.

Unexpectedly, but at the gate of the capital, at the end of the destination...

"Come on, let's go to town!"

Hearing Fang Yi's words, everyone raised their heads in unison.

Yes, we're still going into town.

Life has too many trials and tribulations, but life goes on.

In front is the capital, also known as the Chaos City after the end of the world.

This is a new beginning, and life will usher in hope.

This is the real thought in the hearts of everyone who came to the Chaos City for refuge.

At least, before entering the city, this idea is very firm.

Walking to the entrance, the guards are heavily guarded, each with a submachine gun in his hand, fully equipped.

And from the look, it doesn't look like a novice, it should be a veteran who has seen blood.

Showing the black card, the group passed smoothly.

The familiar steel forest not far away gave them a kind of return to the glorious days before the end of the world.

But after walking a little further, they realized that the feeling just now was all an illusion.

Beggars in ragged clothes began to appear on the streets, and most of the pedestrians on the road were in a trance, with yellow faces and thin muscles.

Some mature women even marked the price on the street, not asking for money, but precious food.

It's a pity that the appearance of yellow skin and thin skin is not interesting at all, so there are almost no guests.

Along the way, Fang Yi discovered that food is the main trading currency here.

Basic foods such as rice and noodles are hungry and nutritious foods with extremely high purchasing power.

Foods like compressed biscuits, which are a bit lower, are also very shooty.

Non-nutritious or low-nutrient foods such as bread are the most common bargaining chips.

As for high-energy foods like chocolate, there is no market at all, and you can't buy them.

In addition to food as a bargaining chip, there is also currency trading in Chaos City, but it is very simple and uses a new currency standard.

The previous currency is all obsolete.

Fang Yi had checked before, and there was half a box of expired cookies on him, which should have been the original dinner of the team.

Fang Yi naturally wouldn't take out this only bargaining chip at will to trade with people.

When they arrived at the refugee check-in point, all six of them received a set of mats, worn quilts, and...a bowl of rice porridge that was almost a sight to the end.

This is all the benefits of new refugees.

Obviously it was just rice porridge, but the other five people were shaking all over with excitement.

Fang Yi naturally couldn't be left behind, so he suffocated excitedly, showing an unfinished look.

In fact, this bowl of rice porridge was so unpleasant that it almost made Fang Yi nauseated.

No matter what everyone else thinks so, he can't help but follow suit.

And there is really nothing in the stomach, as a hunger supplement, it is barely qualified.

Under the contemptuous gaze of the staff, Fang Yi took over a simple map.

In fact, it was a small piece of paper with a scribbled outline of a map from here to the refugee camp.

The six people carefully differentiated them before they found the location of the refugee concentration camp.

Two residential buildings, six abandoned factories, this is all the buildings in the refugee camp.

They were assigned to District 8, the last abandoned factory.

As we continued on our way, we saw more and more refugees on the way.

But most of them were like walking dead, as if they were just living for the sake of being alive, without the slightest bit of anger.

Many people are even coughing, do not know what disease they have contracted, and are carrying it hard.

Among them, the No. 7 factory was blocked by armed personnel, and screams and desperate screams were heard from time to time.

Only doctors in white coats and masks came in and out, and from time to time they brought out the bodies of some people.

The corpse was casually hung with a white cloth, and the doctor looked indifferent, as if he had been used to this kind of scene and was unmoved.

The skin of the corpse was abnormally blue-purple, with black spots, and there was a phenomenon of foaming at the mouth.

The flesh and blood had obvious decay, as if it had been bitten by a mouse, and the wound area was extremely disgusting.

Just as Fang Yi was observing all this, the youngest boy in his team.

Suddenly, his expression tightened, and he grasped the corner of Fang Yi's clothes.

Um? This reaction... Could it be?

With a slight movement in his heart, Fang Yi remained calm, shook the boy's hand and nodded slightly.

"Black spot disease... I didn't expect that there is even here in the Chaos City..."

"This is normal. The number of refugees adopted by the Chaos City is so large that the possibility of contracting this infectious disease is naturally not low."

"It seems that Chaos City's approach is to centralize all infected people for processing."

"Isn't that little rock..."

The sound of the companion's discussion, UU reading let Fang Yi understand the situation.

On the way here, Fang Yi did not do anything.

The information of several people around is set out.

As the backbone of the team, coupled with the trust of the past few months, Fang Yi wanted to steal the news quietly, and it was easy.

And the so-called little stone is naturally the young man next to him holding the corner of his clothes.

Grasping Xiao Shi's hand, Fang Yi deliberately lowered his voice.

"Shh! Stop talking about this!"

Fang Yi opened his mouth, and the others stopped in unison.

Seeming to understand the meaning, they cooperated with Fang Yi to quietly protect Xiao Shi in the middle, and crossed the No. 7 area together without any risk.

Coming to Area 8, near the abandoned factory, Fang Yi clearly felt a stench.

It's disgusting and nauseating, like people who haven't bathed in hundreds of years, relying on their own nose to emit the smell.

Walking into the factory, there are loud noises one after another.

From the outside, this abandoned factory occupies a large area.

But when I saw nearly a thousand people crowded together, the abandoned factory suddenly became extremely small.

Except for the two roads that are barely passable, almost every place is occupied by people and paved.

At a glance, Fang Yi found two special areas in the abandoned factory.

The first is the area of ​​the factory near the windows.

There are actually more than a dozen beds here, and these beds are the center, and a white line is drawn, as if the land is king. Within the white line, it is empty and clean, and no one is laying the floor in this area.

There were more than a dozen muscular men on the bed, looking fierce.

Fang Yi guessed that these guys should be the local snakes of the No. 8 abandoned factory.

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