This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 23: 1 blood battle

Song Hui hurriedly said, wanting to go with those guys in white coats, but unfortunately no one paid any attention.

Song Hui was locked in the room by himself, and the group left in a hurry.

The room became quiet.

Song Hui frowned slightly, but did not notice that the figure outside the window showed a silent smile at this time.

However, before Fang Yi could make a move, the entire residential building shook violently again, causing a certain tilt.

This power...

Boom boom boom!

Looking up again, more than a dozen black tentacles appeared on the top floor, which had smashed through the wall.

In the dark, dancing wildly.

Looking back, he took out the black iron epee.

With the tentacle cover above, you can completely let go of your hands and feet.

Internal force instillation, all-out sword!


The steel plate was broken in two on the spot and slammed into it.

The glass was shattered into pieces, completely destroyed.

"what's the situation!?"

Song Hui looked back and saw two cracked steel plates, accompanied by a large number of glass fragments, coming towards him.

His pupils shrank, and he hurriedly raised his right hand.

"Blade Shield!"

As soon as the voice fell, a golden bracelet appeared out of thin air at the wrist.

The bracelet seems to be composed of countless small pieces of metal, which looks very technical.

As Song Hui's thoughts turned, it suddenly turned into countless small positive directions, clinging to Song Hui's arm.

After a while, a small round shield was formed, and the top part was extended and turned into a sharp blade.

Although the body of the sword was pitifully short compared to an ordinary long sword, it was not much different from a dagger, but the slightly flickering electric light on it showed the extraordinaryness of this thing.

The blade shield blocked the steel plate in front of him, Song Hui smiled coldly.

This kind of attack, in his... eh? !

The attack that was completely defended just now suddenly became a bit stronger.

As his arm sank, Song Hui couldn't help but take two steps back.

Someone behind the steel plate? !

With the steel plate blocking, you can't see the enemy's eyes.

Coincidence? In other words, if I already understand my skill mechanism, if I don't look at it, my illusion will not be activated.

But if the other party wants to attack, they have to take a face-to-face with themselves!

A mere piece of steel doesn't even cost my life, just seize the moment... here it is!

Crack clap.

Sandwiched between the two forces, cracks began to appear in the middle of the steel plate.

Song Hui's blade shield also cooperated together, and the crack expanded instantly...


With a loud noise, only half of the steel plate was broken in half again.

The moonlight fell, and in the middle of the steel plate, a cold light flashed.

However, Song Hui was already prepared, so how could he be caught?

Blade shield mentions...


The two objects collided, making a loud noise of Jin Ge clashing.

The figure that was originally stabbed, but also because of this blocking, the figure paused for a moment.

It's now!

Eye of the pupil, Mu Qing's eye!

Illusion, no place for silence!

The pupils were a little more cyan, and strangely expanded to the entire white of the eye.

Song Hui stared at the figure in front of him and performed the illusion to the extreme.

Using Mu Qing's Eye to increase the effect of illusion, the side effects are not small.

In the afternoon, he was only dealing with ordinary people, and naturally there was no need to use skills with sequelae.

Now, the situation is completely different!

But in the next moment, his heart was suddenly shocked.

Because the figure in front of him is the guy who played against him in the afternoon.

"It's you?!"


The only thing that responded to Song Hui was the epee that swept across.

The epee trembled slightly, with layers of wind pressure, with astonishing power.

"You actually closed your eyes and fought with me? Courting death!"

Song Hui naturally knew the weakness of his illusion.

But sometimes, this weakness can create alternative checks and balances.

Just like now!

In order not to fall into the illusion, this guy chose to close his eyes, which is equivalent to voluntarily giving up his visual ability.

A blind man, Song Hui doesn't think he can't win!

But having said that, facing the oncoming epee, Song Hui was too late to dodge.

Blade shield!


Just as the shield blocked the epee, a huge force directly took Song Hui to the shield and hit him hard.


The body flew upside down, Song Hui directly knocked a big hole in the wall, opened the wall of the next room, and finally stopped forcibly.

"what's the situation!?"

"Cough cough cough! Are you finally going to let us out?"

The room next door is also a place for black spot patients.

However, compared to Song Hui's independent room, the situation next door was obviously much more shabby, with a group of people huddled together in a mess.

The riot caused by Song Hui spread to the whole room at once, and the discussion suddenly became one after another.

Song Hui moved in his heart and quietly shifted his position, with a sneered sneer on his face.

Actively closing your eyes and giving up your visual ability, in such a chaotic room, it is absolutely impossible to find yourself by hearing!

But that guy is so strong, didn't he use all his strength just now...

Do not!

Song Hui suddenly thought that since the white pigeon broke into the boat, there were three swords in total.

Most of the power of the first two swords was used on the steel plate, creating unexpected effects and weakening the effect in disguise.

Only the last sword is the full display of Shicheng's power!

Such a tyrannical power, this guy is taking the power-enhancing route...


The thin and illusory lotus flower almost disappeared from the feet of the white dove, like an illusion.

In the next moment, the figure of the white dove disappeared from the spot in an instant, turning into a galloping black shadow, and it sprinted straight at the exact position of Song Hui.

how is this possible? !

And... so fast!

Song Hui's expression changed slightly, and he quickly raised his blade shield, ready to meet the enemy.

This situation is completely different from what he thought, why even if this guy lost his vision ability, he still seems to have his eyes open and knows his every move.

Could it be that this guy has other means of investigation? !

Song Hui is not a new player, and knows that he wants to take the specialization development route.

Therefore, resources are invested in illusion, and there is not much investment in physical fitness. It is relying on equipment to support the scene.

Generally speaking, the enemies he encounters either die from illusions, or become blind due to taboos and destroy the Great Wall.

But the guy in front of him is completely different from the Mengxin he encountered before!

Indeed, at the back, there will be many players with different detection methods, and they can easily perceive everything around them even without eyes.

Song Hui originally thought that he would encounter this kind of enemy only in the dan rank competition, but he did not expect to encounter it now!

hateful! Originally, I thought that if I won this dungeon, I strengthened the illusion, so that even with closed eyes, it can affect the perception of the enemy to a certain extent...

Hu Hu Hu.

When the wind pressure comes again, the epee will cut.

Song Hui's eyes narrowed, as if he had made some kind of decision, a dagger appeared out of thin air in his empty left hand.

If you can't dodge it, you'll exchange your life for injury.

This right arm will be given to you!

Correspondingly, leave my life behind!

One blood is mine!

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