This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 42: nowhere to run

With the opening of the [Black Rain Response Layer], a faint beam of light fell from the sky.

The dignitaries sitting in the helicopter all smiled.

Chaos City can be abandoned, ordinary people have nothing to do with them.

As long as their five great families still exist, as long as the resources in their hands are still with them, it is not difficult to build another chaotic city, it is just a matter of time.


As soon as they thought of this, there was a sudden noise from above.

Looking up, everyone could not help shrinking their pupils, and their bodies suddenly froze, as if seeing some extremely terrifying picture, they froze in place, and their faces were full of horror.

I saw the [Black Rain Response Layer], accompanied by a faint falling, and a black tide as black as ink.

As if the crowded tide has found the only gap, it slopes down like a waterfall!


The highest flying helicopter was directly hit by the black waterfall on the spot. If it was hit by a heavy object, it fell down on the spot and lost control.

"Why, why is there a Kuroshio on it?!"

"Could it be that the entire chaotic city has been completely wrapped by the Kuroshio?!"

"Stop! Let [Black Rain Response Layer] stop!"

stop? easier said than done?

This kind of influence can affect the large-scale equipment in the entire city of chaos, and it requires the patriarchs of the five major families to be present and operate together.

It's not that the [Black Rain Response Layer] is so difficult to control and requires so many manual operations. It is simply the result of the distribution of rights.

When the inner city was broken, they urgently passed the authority and set the opening time of the [Black Rain Response Layer].

Wait until the opening time is close to let the helicopters all take off.

Now if you want to close it, five people must go back and close it.

However, when people go down, no matter the black waterfall above or the black tide below, it will be enough to destroy the entire city of chaos.

Despair rises and chaos spreads.

The net of heaven and earth, there is no escape!

The high-altitude straight lifts scattered indiscriminately, avoiding the waterfalls that fell from the sky.

The waterfall is getting bigger and bigger, like a heavy object, falling directly on the building below.


The iconic factory building of the Bai family was directly smashed out of a hole, and as the waterfall expanded and descended, the hole continued to expand, and it was estimated that it would be destroyed soon.

Due to the expansion of the [Black Rain Response Layer], more and more helicopters were hit by the waterfall and fell down.

A member of the Chen family's black and white team, looking at the chaotic situation in front of him, took a deep breath and seemed to have made up his mind.

Turn over and grab with both hands!

Before he could even react, the two black and white teammates beside him were directly caught by the throat and held high.


"Chen Yan... you actually... betrayed..."

The temperature rose, and the hot hands clenched hard.

Crack clap.

The throat bones of the two were as fragile as bamboo poles, and they were broken in one fell swoop.

That night, the members of the Black and White team who surrounded and suppressed the daughter of the Chen family and fought against the giant snake head on, died tragically because of a sudden attack by their companions.

"Chen Yan, what are you doing!"

Throwing the two corpses below, Chen Yan slowly turned back.

"Master, what do you think?"

As soon as the figure moved, the person sitting in the passenger seat was directly grabbed by one hand, twisted slightly, and his neck was directly crooked to the side, breaking his vitality.

"You, you're crazy, you even killed Young Master An?"

Throwing the body away, Chen Yan sat in the passenger seat.

"It doesn't matter if I'm crazy or not. The important thing is that if you want to survive, you have to listen to me, understand?"


Seeing Chen Yan's eyes squinting slightly and her red palms getting closer, the driver was so frightened that his face was pale and beautiful and he quickly stopped speaking.

"Fine, that's right."

The helicopter team was in chaos, and no one noticed that a traitor appeared in the Chen family and took a helicopter.

Under the threat of Chen Yan, the helicopter gradually flew towards the edge of the chaotic city.

Chen Yan's idea is very simple, since it is a net at the moment, there is nowhere to escape.

Then let's see, who lives longer.

It was the [Black Rain Response Layer] that was completely opened, and he was submerged by the waterfall.

Or the Kuroshio below will engulf all the buildings first and win the final victory.

It's just a gamble!

The only thing Chen Yan cared about was that after the Kuroshio hit, the dungeon announcement never sounded.

Could it be that the players are all randomly in the five major families in the inner city, so they are still in a safe state?


The expansion of the [Black Rain Response Layer] caused the waterfall that descended from the rear to become a river-level scale. Chen Yan quickly collected his heart and let the driver fly to the edge of the city.

If it weren't for the fact that he couldn't fly a helicopter, this man wouldn't even think about surviving.

When Chen Yan let the helicopter escape, he didn't notice that he killed the black and white corpses, one of which fell from the roof of a high-rise building.

On the roof, stood a young man who had a panoramic view of the previous scene and held a black epee in his right hand.

At this moment, the young man's eyes are looking towards the helicopter, showing a thoughtful expression.


The corpse fell to the ground, and there was a loud noise, and the body was bloody.

Only the saber was safe.

The black epee disappeared out of thin air, and the young man picked up the saber and looked up to measure the current distance between the helicopter and himself.


As if he knew something, he suddenly drew out his saber, raised his right hand, and pointed the tip of the knife in the direction of the helicopter.

The muscles in his right hand were tense, and there were faint white awns gathering together.


The next moment, the saber came out of his hand, with the sound of howling wind, UU reading www.uukanshu. com flew straight towards Chen Yan's helicopter!

Time seemed to slow down at this moment.


The noise of the helicopter covered up the sound of the knife breaking through the air.

It wasn't until the chills all over her body stood up and she felt horrified that Chen Yan seemed to realize something, and suddenly moved half a step to the side...


As soon as he took this half-step, his figure suddenly froze, and he was directly carried forward by the giant force coming out from behind.

Fortunately, the knife only pierced through his left shoulder, and it won't kill him, but his left arm must be useless...


Chen Yan just thought of this, the saber with uncompromising energy, after piercing through Chen Yan's left arm, pierced directly into the driver's throat and stabbed it in the opposite direction.

The pupils contracted, Chen Yan seemed to have a clear understanding, and his face turned pale.

"Do not!"

The driver's hands were drooping, his eyes dazed.

The helicopter began to spin and fall.

He kicked the driver's body away and pulled out the saber on his left shoulder. Chen Yan grabbed the remote control stick with one hand and frantically controlled it, trying to control the balance of the helicopter.

However all this was to no avail.

He didn't know anything about helicopter control, and he didn't know how to stop the helicopter from falling.

The Kuroshio below was getting closer and closer, and Chen Yan showed a look of despair.

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