This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 53: black rain

At that time, the news reported that dozens of beams that could not be analyzed, could not be refracted, could not act on any object, and were completely incomprehensible scientifically, fell from the sky.

No matter what equipment or means are used, it is impossible to detect the composition of these beams, and it is impossible to understand the principle of beam formation.

At the same time, even with the most advanced telescopes at the time, it was impossible to observe where the source of the light beam was.

At that time, some scientists speculated that these beams were very likely to be irradiated outside the solar system or even the Milky Way!

This is dozens of existences that far exceeded the understanding of human society at that time. It is transcendent, it is also a miracle, and it is more likely to be the footprints of high-latitude creatures.

This caused an uproar in the society, but in the end it was anticlimactic, and it slowly disappeared within a month, and there was no response at all.

Like fireworks blooming, bright and splendid, fleeting.

After the aftermath, it was like being suppressed by someone, and the news was quickly blocked, and no one cared about it anymore.

More than ten years later, the Kuroshio came and the end of the world broke out, and no one paid attention to the old things more than ten years ago.

Unexpectedly, this matter will be mentioned again from the mouth of the four masters.

Facing the questioning of the four masters, the fat boss smiled and said nothing.


The high-altitude helicopters also landed one after another, and the main members of other families also stood behind their own owners, including a few familiar faces.

The head of the Gao family, the muscular old man, stood behind him who almost killed Wang Su.

The head of the Huang family, behind the beautiful woman, stood Huang Xiaodian, but he was obviously far away from the head of the family, and his status seemed marginal.

As for the rear of the Wang family, the brothers and sisters of the Wang family are standing on the left and right. Judging from the degree of protection around, the status is very high.



The ground trembled slightly, the fighters controlled the helicopter to take off again, and the tanks in a row in the distance were heading towards this side.

In addition to encountering buildings to make detours on the road, other times are directly pushed, and wherever they pass, there are all cars and debris that have been rolled into scrap iron and debris.

All the fighting forces of the four major families are gathered here, and a big battle is about to break out.


The three cadres of the black street were okay, they stayed quietly behind the fat boss, unmoved.

But the expressions of their subordinates became obviously tense, and one of them even swallowed his saliva and looked around, looking like he was looking for an escape route.

This move, in the hands of a group of people who were nervously preparing for the battle, seemed a bit conspicuous.

After all, the others were just nervous, but they didn't mean to run away, and they didn't look around. They looked like they were dying, and their loyalty was full.

But that guy was obviously different, he felt like he was panicking, his psychological quality was not of the same level, or he had absolutely no confidence in the black street forces.

Fang Yi looked at it carefully, and it was a little familiar. It was the last time that the Kuroshio fired a rocket launcher, but he was intercepted by the artilleryman halfway.

With a move in his heart, Fang Yi secretly wrote down this person and did not act impulsively.

Even with some speculation, now is not the best time to get your hands dirty.

When the war between the two sides starts, and you are caught in a melee, you can fish in troubled waters by yourself.


At this moment, a cool liquid suddenly dripped on the tip of the nose and spread.

Fang Yi was stunned and looked up...

Tick ​​tock... tick tock... cluck!

The drizzle that just fell, suddenly turned into a downpour!

Black rain? !

Why did it appear so early? Didn't the last Kuroshio fall at dusk tomorrow?

Moreover, at that time, the black rain was not so urgent, but it was drizzling for a while before it turned into a downpour.

But now...

Is this because after the reincarnation, the falling time of the black rain has become earlier, or has it become a random value?

and many more!

If it is said that the black rain has arrived ahead of schedule, doesn't that mean...


In the direction of the dam, there was another loud noise.

Only this time, the sound was completely different from that explosion.

Although it was not so obvious under the cover of the blasting sound, Fang Yi was keenly aware of it.

When the line of sight surrendered in the distance, a large number of black tides rushed out from the gap of the dam.

With the momentum of destroying the sky and destroying the earth, it engulfed all the nearby houses.

Seeing this scene, Fang Yi's heart sank.

As expected, the time of the black rain and the Kuroshio had already advanced.

If this trend continues, does it mean that there will be less and less time for free movement after reincarnation.

In the end, even as soon as he appeared, he had to face the black rain and the Kuroshio.

In this way, the self who was born outside the city is completely at a disadvantage by nature.

If you can't enter the city in time, you can't delay the time of being engulfed by the Kuroshio, which is equivalent to losing a lot of free movement time.

In addition, the threat of black rain is very large, and the long knife girl is an example.

If the Kuroshio also added the threat of death at the back, the longer it was delayed, the slimmer the hope of winning.

It has to be done quickly.

In addition to himself, there are two other players in the current instance.

The known information is a player's id only.

There is also a suspicious guy in the black street forces, maybe a player.

At the beginning, Fang Yi also suspected the identity of the fat boss, but now it seems that it should be an NPC.

"Black, black rain! It's raining black!"

"Patriarch, retreat first! We can't fight this battle!"

"What a violent black rain, I have never seen such a rush, such a violent black rain!"

The black torrential rain poured down, and the people of the four major families were all panicked, and the fighting atmosphere that was about to break out disappeared.

In contrast to the black street forces, except for the increasingly flustered member, the others only showed unexpected expressions in the face of the black rain and the Kuroshio, but there was no fear or retreat at It's the back of the mind that has given up his life.

"The Patriarch, the Patriarch of the Bai Family is dead, and the [Black Rain Response Layer] cannot be opened for the time being. Let's go back to the family first. It's too unfavorable to fight against them in this situation!"

"Yes, even if you defeat them, the ending will only be a loser!"

Losing a family owner, the authority of the Black Rain Response Layer will take time to adjust, and it cannot be done in a short period of time.

Therefore, the black rain response layer has also become a useless decoration.

In this case, forcibly fighting is tantamount to self-destruction.

The rest of the four great families tried to persuade them one after another, but unfortunately the four great masters did not respond, because they understood that this battle was inevitable and there was no way to retreat.

The head of the Bai family is an example. The fat boss has already destroyed the Bai family. This murderous intention cannot be avoided by running away.

Turning around and fleeing now is equivalent to taking the initiative to reveal flaws and letting others slaughter. To find this site, please search for "" or enter the URL:

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