This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 32: quick fix


The extremely fast stabbing is so fast that it is too fast to react. At least with the physique of the three-step magician, it is too late to dodge the action, and it will be directly penetrated!

It's over, it's over! It's all the guy's fault...

At the juncture of life and death, Xian Sanbu's brain is still clear, and he is trying his best to do evasive actions.

However, her physical fitness limits her strength, and none of her player skills can handle the current situation.

So at that time, she knew that she was finished.

And the culprit is definitely...


A black afterimage flashed past, and Xian Sanbu's body suddenly lightened, with a strange touch.

At the same time, everything around was moving backwards at high speed.

That's right, it's all because of Dongmenzui who came to save people now! Otherwise, how could I be so embarrassed!

"Put me down!"

"I haven't despised you yet."

Stopping the movement, Fang Yi threw it casually.


Xian Sanbu directly landed on his buttocks, and screamed miserably on the spot, some tears appeared in his eyes, and he quickly held back.

"I only want to save people now? If you hadn't distracted me just now, how could I have avoided this attack!"

"Wow, who started tit-for-tat first? Also, can you give some respect to the LV15 blade spider in front of you?"

"Maybe it's female?"

"...Is this the point? Can you stop thinking about targeting me and throw your temper at it?"


As soon as the voice fell, a big head suddenly hit the top of the nest, and a big hole was smashed from top to bottom.

The gravel rolled down.

In the dust, the LV15 blade spider, which was marked as a punching bag, finally revealed its true face.

The overall appearance is not much different from that of the eight-clawed spider, except that it is larger, and all eight legs are sharp blades.


As soon as it fell, the blade spider opened its big mouth, roared loudly, and saliva flew.

Although the body is huge, the movement is very fast, sprinting towards the two of them.

"Three steps of immortals, it's time to reflect your rare professional power, come on!"

Fang Yi shouted loudly, then turned around and shrank behind Xian Sanbu.

"You, a melee class, actually hide behind me?!"

"It's you who bragged about your great career. Didn't I give you a chance to perform?"


"Don't look back, here we come!"


The six legs of the blade spider, after approaching the two, immediately waved at high speed.

Not only sharp, but extremely fast.

But this time, Xian San Bu was already prepared. Four vines were attached to her body, and she moved at high speed with her, easily avoiding all attacks.

As for the meaning, it is even simpler.

He has a lot of fighting experience, and it is not difficult to avoid such a simple and straightforward attack after the level is improved and the physical fitness is improved.

Although the first wave of attacks failed, each leg of the blade spider was a deadly attack. Through staggered waving, the attack rhythm could not be stopped at all, and the two of them were constantly pushed back.

"Three steps of the fairy?"

"I know!"

Bang bang bang!

The number of vines on the ground suddenly soared, like a whip, continuously slapping the blade spider.

Unfortunately, the effect is not ideal.

Although the attack frequency is high, its power is limited, and it cannot even break the defense.

From this point of view, this blade spider should be the boss in this monster's lair.

It seems that because the attack did not work, he lost face in front of Fang Yi, and Xian Sanbu's face was a little ugly.


At this moment, the hissing sound of eight-clawed spiders came out one after another in the distance, and they quickly approached here.

"Xian Sanbu, can you do it? That's the real skill."

It's nothing to go against the wind and waves, and if you can reverse the wind and the waves, you're going to die.

A LV15 blade spider, coupled with the siege of those ordinary eight-clawed spiders, the situation is definitely not good.

Xian Sanbu frowned.

Really? Since you said so...

"Summon - The Lips of the Demon World!"


Smoke appeared out of thin air from the ground, and a huge flower that almost filled half of the passageway, shyly waiting to be released, appeared in front of the two of them.

This flower has only two petals and is shaped like a human lip, which looks rather disgusting.

In the flower bud position, there is a large mouth, all of which are sharp and sharp, lined up in a circle.

Is this the professional skill of the Lip Flower Master?

Fang Yi stayed aside, wondering how this thing was going to attack, when he saw this strange flower, tearing its mouth open, Eminem swallowed Xian Sanbu! Swallow it!

"Fuck?! Immortal Sanbu, you were swallowed!"

"Sit down! Normal operation!"

The voice of Xian Sanbu came from the strange flower, making Fang Yi feel at ease.

What the **** is the normal operation, how can there be summoned items controlled by the swallowing summoner...

The huge and cumbersome strange flower rushed towards the blade spider.

The dancing blade caused countless scars to appear on the strange flower instantly.

Although not deep, the injuries are intensive.

The old dark green juice flowed out of the wound and dripped to the ground.

However, this kind of attack cannot stop the momentum of the strange flower.


Two heavyweight monsters collided, causing a lot of smoke and Fang Yi looked carefully, there seemed to be only one way of attacking the monster, and that was swallowing.

Just when I hit the blade spider, I just swallowed half of the blade spider directly.


Seemingly feeling that the boss was in trouble, the rest of the eight-clawed spiders accelerated and rushed to the battle scene.

At this moment, the smoke has gradually dissipated.

What was displayed in front of Fang Yi was the scene of the blade spider half body being engulfed in the mouth of the monster.

The eight long legs with blades exposed outside were still struggling fiercely, but unfortunately, as time passed, their movements became weaker and weaker, and it was estimated that they were not far from death.


The eight-clawed spiders mobilized and rushed towards the strange flower, as if they wanted to rescue the boss.

But how could Fang Yi let them succeed like this.

Holding the beheading battle axe tightly, Fang Yi directly greeted him.

Bladed spiders are indeed trickier, but octopus spiders are not a problem.

It's just that the number is relatively large, and you need to be careful when fighting.

Rushing into the pile of eight-clawed spiders, Fang Yi was almost invincible.

Axe after axe, the eight-clawed spiders fell to the ground one by one.


When the monsters finished digesting and hiccupped, Fang Yi had already done everything.

The corpses of eight-clawed spiders all over the ground made Xian Sanbu move slightly in his heart.

With the strength to cut down so many eight-clawed spiders, even if it is against the blade spider, it has the power to fight.

In other words... this guy's character strength is on par with himself?

No... not like that.

As soon as this result came out, Xian Sanbu denied himself.

Because she understands that there is an absolute strength gap between the Lip Flower Mage and the Axe Warrior.

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