This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 49: robbery

She, who had just gained strength, still wanted to take revenge on the black helmet corpse who embarrassed them before and find her way back.

Where do you think that in terms of strength progress, the opposite is the real skyrocketing.

Even if Xian Sanbu was more confident, he would not dare to say that he would be able to face the Purgatory Demon Bull and the Demon King and win.

And judging from Fang Yi's description, these two monsters are already extremely strong, and even the head of the group was killed in one blow...


Although very unwilling, but reason still occupies the upper score.

Following Fang Yi and fleeing to the exit, Xian Sanbu soon realized that something was wrong.

"Your way... is not for the exit!"

"Take a detour, I have a place I want to go."


As soon as Xian Sanbu asked the exit, Fang Yi suddenly stopped.


Looking forward, a group of people are in a huge room, anxiously carrying things.

" the warehouse? Oh! It makes sense. Anyway, I'm not going to stay in the Hidden Injury Corps anymore. It's better to loot the warehouse and grab the supplies! The most important thing is..."

Xian Sanbu licked his lips greedily, and walked slowly towards the group of people. The clothes and skin on his body gradually assimilated into a green leaf-like existence.

With a big wave of his hand, hundreds of leaves scattered out of Xian Sanbu's hands, turned into sharp hidden weapons, and swept away at the group of carriers.


These people did not expect that Xian Sanbu would suddenly shoot at their own people, all of them were stunned, their reactions were half a beat, and they were all hit.

Either died on the spot, or suffered varying degrees of injuries.

Is this the power of the Flower of Sin? There is indeed something.

You must know that the transporters in front of them are all members of the Hidden Injury Group in the 30s and 40s, and they are not ordinary people.

As a result, he was confronted by Xian Sanbu one by one, causing serious casualties.

Seeing that the level of Xian Sanbu has been raised by one level, Fang Yi understood that she was about to start a killing spree.

"Hahahaha, great! It feels great! If only I had discovered this blind spot earlier, I wasted so much time groping for the spicy chicken profession. Dongmen Zui, this time I will give you credit for this dungeon. Fly with you!"

"Who is flying with whom is not the key, I just want to ask you, are you planning to kill humans to improve your strength in the future?"

"That's natural. With the potential of the Flower of Sin, as long as the level goes up, even the Demon King is not my opponent!"

"That is to be the enemy of the entire human camp, and at the same time, there is no backing from the Demon King camp."

"What is the human camp? Even if it is not regarded as a human being, it is not a problem. As long as the strength is strong enough, no force is needed, and I have such potential now!"


Another unprepared person...

In this regard, Fang Yi can only express that you are happy.

There is actually no problem with the theory of the three steps of immortality.

When personal strength rises to a certain level, camp, position, and identity are all irrelevant.

The problem is that it is too self-confident to be so arrogant without even developing strength.

"Actually, we can consider joining the Demon King camp."

Fang Yi made a casual comment, and crossed the group of indignant gangsters who were desperately trying to find Xian Sanbu.

For them, a very powerful professional had no power to fight back in front of Xian Sanbu's Sinful Flower.

Although it was only through sneak attacks that they could easily suppress and solve these guys, it also showed how obvious the current strength of Xian Sanbu was improved.

When Fang Yi found the Resentment Beads stored by the Hidden Injury Corps, he couldn't help but feel happy. He picked out the high-quality Resentment Beads and put them all in the bag.

Previously, the Moonlight Knight also devoured those high-quality resentment beads before becoming a purgatory demon bull and becoming so powerful.

If Fang Yi wants to replicate this success, he must also have this high-quality grudge pearl.

But the strange thing is that there are not many high-quality resentment beads here.

Judging from the human and material resources invested by the Hidden Injury Corps, this should not be the only result. Even counting those eaten by the Moonlight Knights, the number is still too small.

A flash of light flashed in his mind, Fang Yi remembered that when the head of the regiment had ordered some grievance beads before, he deliberately took some high-quality ones, and the rest was taken into the warehouse.

But the head of the regiment has never eaten those grudge beads, so where did these beads go?

Could it be that... behind the Hidden Injury Corps, there are actually some big forces that control them, and they are just the Golden Corps who work for the forces behind them?

Inside information of the regiment leader, and the Moonlight Knight's reaction to the Imperial City shield...

The details that were originally ignored, in retrospect at this moment, have already shown some tendencies, but at the time, I hadn't realized it yet.

It is not a coincidence that the Hidden Injury Corps came to the underground tomb, and it was not the adventure group's own intention to block it. All of this is the instruction of the people behind the scenes, and the Hidden Injury Corps is just a **** of the people behind the scenes.

It seems that the situation in the imperial is more complicated than I thought...

"Why are you in a daze? You came to the warehouse to find these grudge beads?"

After dealing with the remaining members of the Hidden Injury Group, Xian Sanbu came to Fang Yi's side.

"No, not only resentment beads, I also need equipment."

As soon as the beads were collected, Fang Yi threw the beheading battle axe and searched in the warehouse.

Ten minutes later, when the entire underground tomb was crumbling, the two left the warehouse of the Hidden Injury Corps fully armed and fled to the exit.

Fang Yi was already heavily armored, a [purple] quality, [superior] performance, and the purple axe of punishment was on his shoulders.

This is what an axe warrior should look like, where he was scurrying around with an axe in hand.

Next to Xian Sanbu, is a black robe, holding a staff with green light in his hand, which has the feeling of a mysterious mage.

Now just from the appearance, both of them are like high-level professionals who have experienced many battles, but the professional level above their heads exposes everything.

In fact, in the warehouse of the Hidden Injury Corps base, there are still many areas that have not been explored. Unfortunately, time is running out, and the underground mausoleum is already showing signs of collapse. The two dare not delay and can only give up.

Don't you see those people in the hidden injury group have completely abandoned the warehouse and ran desperately towards the exit early.

Supplies can be collected again, and if life is gone, it is really over.

When the two rushed to the stairs at the entrance, Fang Yi's axe warrior level had reached the level of LV30.

The level of Xian Sanbu is still LV5.

Because of this journey, the Hidden Injury Group, which has been rarely seen, is only a member.

After all, the two of them spent a lot of time in the warehouse. During this period, others must have escaped long ago.

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