This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 103: Game quality

It was the first time Fang Yi had seen Xian Sanbu show such an expression. To be honest, it was a little scary, like a raging volcano that was being restrained with all his strength. . fastest update


That is the foreplay of the storm, that is the final calm.


"Dongmen Zui, what you said... are all true? Are these all the messages that Qian Qianzhi asked you to convey?"


"There is no falsehood."




Xian Sanbu suddenly stopped, and her hair fell, covering her entire face, making it impossible to see her expression or what she was thinking at the moment.


But judging from the slightly trembling body, the heart is not peaceful.


"You... why are you here, and all of you are together... This, this welcome ceremony is too grand."


At this moment, a thick male voice suddenly came from the front.


Following the sound, a sturdy muscular man was excitedly looking at the three in front of him.


But what puzzled the muscular man was that only two of the three teammates glanced at him, and they really only glanced at him, and then immediately withdrew their eyes, put their attention back on the side, and said nothing, with a gothic loli style on the upper body. , the lower body is the body of the sin demon king with a disc.


"This... what's the matter with this? Could it be that I'm admitting the wrong person?


This is so embarrassing.


No, according to the teammate's sensing ability given by the system, the three people in front of him are indeed his teammates.


But what's with this attitude...


The muscular man was really confused.


In theory, the system can't go wrong, but what's wrong with teammates not recognizing people?




When the muscular man was at a loss, the Demon King of Sin suddenly uttered a word clearly.


In the next instant, a chilling terrifying killing intent burst out from the Sin Devil King's body.


On the spot, the muscular man couldn't help shivering, feeling that he was caught in the wind and could be killed by the sinful demon king at any time.


This killing intent, this chill... I'm not a teammate, definitely not a teammate!




While the three of them were still terrified by the chill, Xian Sanbu suddenly roared in the sky!


Bone-piercing chill, bone-piercing killing intent...


That will, that attitude, those who didn't know it, thought that this guy was already mad and wanted to kill people in reality.


Fortunately, Xian Sanbu has not lost his mind to this point, but his face has become very ugly, giving everyone a stinky look.


"Dongmen Zui, and you all, cooperate with me fully. I need to clear this **** map quickly, and then go back to District 9 immediately!"


Although he was in a very bad mood, his attitude was also very bad.


But Xian Sanbu actually didn't go offline directly, but planned to endure this feeling, finish the dungeon, and then go about his own business.


This quality, let alone the ink leader and the muscular man.


Even Fang Yi was a little moved.


You must know that in his early years, his temper was high, and if he should quit, he would quit. It was unreasonable.


Of course, the rules were not perfect at that time, and the punishment was very small.


Now, under normal circumstances, not many people are willing to forcibly retire.


The problem is that the situation of Xian Sanbu is still not a normal situation.


At this time, I can still restrain myself, think of my teammates, and don't lose my temper directly.


This is definitely the standard template for good teammates in China.


To use Fang Yi's words to describe it, it is: a strong and strong female man.


As for Captain Ink, he was both admirable and speechless for this kind of behavior.


After all, another meaning of being a good teammate in China is to care for orphans.


Everyone already knows that the gaffe has developed to such a degree that the God of Immortal Sanbu can endure to finish the dungeon first... This kind of game ethics, can't be learned if you can't learn it...


"Are you Dongmen Zui? Then she must be the **** of Xian Sanbu, worthy of being a god, she has become a demon king! And head of ink, you are really amazing, a full-level wandering swordsman, this is a high-level profession Well, it's too strong!"


After hearing Xian Sanbu's words, the muscular man immediately confirmed the identities of the three.


It's just that Fang Yi and Head Ink were mistaken.


This made Head Ink very embarrassed and felt that he couldn't hold his head up.


Before entering the dungeon, he was desperate to fool the newcomer and let him join the team.


Who would have thought that after entering the blood-stained map, he would be so miserable, the kind of shameless human.


But embarrassment turns into embarrassment, and the misunderstanding still needs to be resolved.


"That... the head, in fact, I'm the one with [ink in my stomach]."


"What?! You are Captain Ink? But your rank..."


"It's a long story, let's not mention this, what's your situation on your side? Why did you come here with the teleporter, what is your current occupation, and what is your strength?"


A series of questions were asked, which really made the muscular man divert his attention.


When he briefly described what happened after he entered the dungeon, everyone suddenly realized.


To put it simply, the beginning of Muscle Man is a bit similar to Fang Yi, but the basics are much better. In the background of the character, he once saved the life of a brave man by chance.


Therefore, the upgrade and job transfer can be described as very smooth, and there are not many waves.


When it was time to support the Thelma Empire, he, as a close friend of the brave man, also brought him here.


Just because of lack of strength, he was assigned a relatively easy job, and was assigned to this area to be responsible for clearing up.


Indeed, in this area, the strong people were either killed by Fang Yi or Xian Sanbu.


The rest are basically weak chicken monsters like Captain is nothing to worry about.


Displaying the occupation and level above the head, it really is only a full-level common occupation of the wind element.


However, it is only one ordinary occupation away from the advanced occupation, so the strength of the bright side is actually only a little lower than Fang Yi.


A demon king like Hexian Sanbu is naturally incomparable, but other aspects are quite good.


The high-level occupation that is about to be transferred has a better grade than Fang Yi's wandering swordsman. It can be seen that the brave man is really cultivating a muscular man.


"Okay, let's talk about the old things, let's talk about it later. Now cooperate with me to kill the heroes who came out of the teleportation array!"


Xian Sanbu obviously felt that it was not difficult, and his temper was also quite irritable.


The three of them knew why Xian Sanbu became like this, so they didn't say much, but acted according to her intentions.


There is the inner ghost of the muscular man, the people who teleported down, and he knew exactly where everyone was going.


Therefore, it is very convenient to choose the target and choose the path.


"Brother Dongmen Zui, you said that Immortal Sanbu can advance only by killing strong human beings. Is this true?"


"of course it's true."


"But... this is completely inconsistent with the information I learned in the Sunset Empire,"


"I don't know the specifics, but... After Xian Sanbu entered the dungeon, there was no introduction to the background of the dungeon characters."

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