This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 107: Cage Broken

Get an explosive power boost in a short period of time, and cooperate with your teammates to complete the dungeon clearance conditions during the power holding period.

This dungeon, in this opening, should have been played very easily, and even many conflicts were unnecessary.

It turned out to be this situation...

If the black cage cannot be broken, everyone including her will die at the hands of the Ancient Eye Demon King.

Xian Sanbu wants to contribute to this, even if it is not for himself, but to create a chance for his teammates.

However, the body hasn't fully returned to control, and it can't exert any force at all.

"I can only hope that the main force can last a little longer, and I hope that Dongmenzui and the others can hide well, and persist until I regain my strength, break the black cage, and create life for them... In this case, even if I die on the spot, it doesn't matter. As for the follow-up strategy for the dungeon, we can only leave it to them to do it themselves."

When Xian Sanbu was sitting and thinking in his heart, his eyes did not leave the Demon King of Ancient Eyes.

At this time, the ancient demon king had already rushed to the end of the large force.

In just a blink of an eye, the Demon King of Ancient Eyes rushed into the crowd like a cannonball, causing a **** storm.

That picture is like waves entering a flock, and at most of the ends, a scarlet hurricane hangs up, and wherever it passes, there are mourning everywhere, a mess.

"The Demon King of Ancient Eyes is chasing after him!"

"Run! Run! The light is ahead! Expand the gap and we can escape!"

"Lord Ancient Eye Demon King, we were originally the subordinates of the West Wing Demon King, and we are willing to surrender to you!"

The large army does not only include humans. In fact, monsters are the main component.

After all, human beings are limited in strength, while monsters are much more prosperous, and they also have an advantage in quantity.

Some monsters chose to kneel and beg for mercy on the spot after knowing that they could not escape.

However, facing them, only the sharp wind blades cut their bodies neatly into countless pieces of meat, and the big mouth in the eyes, sucked into the mouth, and swallowed them all!

"! Eat! Eat!"

Flesh and blood seemed to make Tata become more excited, but at the same time, Xian Sanbu felt the upgrade in his body, and it seemed to become weaker.

Both fragile and powerful.

This feeling is quite strange.

Immortal three steps are somewhat

Strong and fragile, coexist as one, giving people a weird feeling.

Xian Sanbu even doubted how long he could live when the Demon King of Ancient Eyes killed everyone in the black cage?

one day? One hour? Or a minute?

It seems that the hospital of life is constantly being extracted by some existence in the void. The more killing, the more accelerated the self-destruction.


The Demon King of the Ancient Eyes roared again, and the man had already rushed to the middle of the large army.

And the vanguard of the large force has already rushed to the bright spot.

Boom boom boom!

The storm-like attacks all slammed into the wall of the black cage.

However, the result made everyone feel desperate.

Because of the black cage walls, under the furious offensive, they did not move at all!

The tiny cracks that I didn't know who caused it were still the same size, without any change.

"One more time! Let's attack together!"

"That's right, unless we have the ability to deal with the irrational Ancient Eye Demon King, our only way out is to break the cage!"

Looking back at the Demon King of Ancient Eyes who was in the middle of nowhere, looking at the level of LV98, the terrifying existence that was only one level away from the first-generation Demon King and the first-generation Hero.

Everyone understands that there is only one way to go back to confrontation!

The attack became even more frantic, and the killings from the rear were pressing closely.

Humans and monsters joined forces in desperate situations, but the result was so powerless.

Even...under the storm-like attack, the crack in the black cage was slowly repairing.

This scene changed everyone's expressions.

"This... how is this possible!?"

"Could it be that this black cage has the ability to absorb attacks and repair itself?"

Everyone stopped and stared blankly at the slowly repairing black cage, feeling the shimmer gradually weakening until it disappeared completely.

As if watching the last hope, completely extinguished.

The cracks merged, and the cage returned to darkness.

The scene fell into complete silence, only the crazy killing of the ancient eye demon continued.

He couldn't escape, and he couldn't defeat the Demon King of Ancient Eyes. In such a desperate situation, everyone lost confidence.

"It seems that it's not just us, the little bug inside has also regained his senses."

At this moment, outside the cage, the lazy voice of the leader of the Dark Sect suddenly sounded.

" can't break the formation until death. If you want to ask why...of course it's because, this formation, only the power of the Demon King can break it! The Demon King of Ancient Eyes is ours, that I am afraid that the sinful demon king has already been solved by him, so you, the caged birds, are absolutely unable to escape..."


Darkness engulfed the west wall and shattered with a bang.

The fragments of the sky covered Jingyue's body overwhelmingly, making his words come to an abrupt end.

The dazzling sunlight shone into the dark cage, projecting the back of a boy punching on everyone.

At this moment, the scene was silent.

Everyone stared blankly at the boy, motionless.

"Who...who...who broke my death squad!"

The first person to react was Jingyue, the leader of the dark sect.

I saw a black shard on his face, looked down with a gloomy face, and swooped down.


The second person to react was the Demon King of the Ancient Eyes at the back.

Just like when Xian Sanbu looked at each other, he suddenly sensed something and rushed towards the young man like a madman.

"East Gate..."

Just as Xian Sanbu wanted to give a loud reminder, he suddenly stopped.

I saw the young man's figure, under the attack of the two, suddenly blurred.



In the next moment, as if frozen, the young man knelt down on one knee, pressed down with his left hand, controlled a mass of frantically struggling creatures, raised his right hand high, maintained the momentum of punching, and smashed another mass of shadows into the air.


The flying shadow fell to the ground, like a dead dog, struggling and twisting, but was unable to get up.

Xian Sanbu looked carefully, and the person who was knocked into the air was the leader of the Dark Sect—Jingyue!

And the controlled shadow on the ground is the ancient demon king who is only one step away from God!

Just one move, one face-to-face, Dongmen Zui will solve the two super strong men at the same time...

Xian Sanbu couldn't help covering his mouth and looked at his teammates in the distance.

At this time, the words on the boy's head finally slowly emerged.

Mutant Demon King LV95!

"Another super demon king at the level of the five major demon kings!"

"Where did this guy... come from?"

"Don't worry about him, since the black cage is broken, let's run for our lives!"

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