This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 6: double entry

And that picture is the picture taken by Xian Sanbu's friend's screenshot when he went online.

This little thing is actually used to sell points for profit... I really don't know how the dead word is written.

Fortunately, the number of pageviews did not meet the illegal standards, and the impact has not spread.

Otherwise, if Xian Sanbu really pursues it seriously, he will be able to find the poster through his account, file a lawsuit in reality, and ask for financial compensation!

After all, in this day and age, keyboard warriors are not so good.

The content of the reply, from the exclamation at the beginning, to the abuse at the back.

It eventually evolved into a unified reply of spit and incense.

Posting a fraudulent post, the person who posted it was sanctioned by the system, and everyone naturally didn’t mind stepping on it.

Fang Yi has seen a lot of this kind of farce, so naturally he is not interested.

It is estimated that there are only new districts now, and there are still new ones who dare to play this method.

If the forum really has a post about Xian Sanbu's follow-up gossip, Fang Yi naturally doesn't mind watching.

After all, from the gossip content, he can also analyze whether Xian San Bu will return to the new area, and whether he will join his team.

"Dongmen Zui, I've done it here. What did you want to say about the dungeon selection?"

The long knife girl finally sent a message, closed the forum, and Fang Yi replied.

"In terms of dungeon selection, if you have no special needs, I hope to choose ancient dungeons."



So simply?

Fang Yi had also prepared some rhetoric and secondary dungeon selection. Unexpectedly, the long knife girl directly chose to agree.

This operation made Fang Yi a little unexpected.

Choosing an ancient copy is not a whim of Fang Yi.

He had looked at his own development before.

Obviously, the main combat skills are still internal skills and body skills.

But these two skills, with the increase in the strength of the copy, have gradually become insufficient.

In this case, it is naturally the ancient dungeon with the highest probability of the entry of [Martial Arts], so try your luck.

Whether it is to learn new internal skills, or to concentrate on development, it is a good choice to improve the original skills in the dungeon.

It's not that other dungeons can't improve internal skills and movement skills, but the degree of fit is very low, the speed of improvement is very slow, and the result is twice the result with half the effort.

"Then... let's start ranking?"


The voice fell, and a ranking inquiry box popped up in front of Fang Yi, which was sent from the long knife girl.

Press the OK button, and an illusory huge golden hourglass appears in front of Fang Yi.

The first grain of sand falls...


The ground of the independent space wriggled, and a huge bronze mirror slowly floated up.

When the bronze mirror was completely stabilized, layers of ripples immediately radiated from the whole body, rippling outwards.

Without hesitation, Fang Yi reached out and touched the bronze mirror.


An unusually large suction force sucked Fang Yi into the bronze mirror.

When he opened his eyes again, Fang Yi couldn't help but smile.

Familiar scenes are always reassuring.

Finally... it's time for a dan!

Under the gray sky, five towering round stone pillars, like the five fingers of a person, stand between heaven and earth.

On the other hand, Fang Yi, on the pebble pillar of the index finger and the pebble pillar of the thumb, stood a pink miniature suckling pig with small wings staring at the dead fish.

The suckling pig was still chewing something, and its mouth did not stop.

On the other three fingers, there are three spherical black mists standing, unable to see the main body image.

After hesitating for a while, Fang Yi switched the chat mode to group chat, and then shouted to the little suckling pig: "Silent and unintentional?"

The little suckling pig raised his eyelids and glanced at him.

"if not?"

... It's fine to be the person himself. He's a giant panda, and he doesn't seem to have the qualifications to say anything about his image.

Looking forward, a light curtain seems to cut off the world, dividing the world into two halves from top to bottom.

On the other side of the light curtain, there is also Wuzhi Mountain, and the five groups of black mist in Shantou are looming, like a hunter in the dark night, mysterious and quiet.

"Welcome all players to [God's Summit] for a fierce confrontation."

"The dungeon has been constructed, please prepare ten players."

"Dungeon mode: 5v5 confrontation in the rank competition."

"Dan level: Bronze level."

"Type of copy: Ancient copy."

"Copy number: 876396."

"Secondary entry for copy: martial arts, supernatural."

"Dungeon Strength: Level 5."

"Copy bp value: 100."

The copy bp value is related to what you can choose to use in each copy.

Skills, items, oddities, pets…

Anything will take up the bp value.

This is equivalent to a person holding a backpack into the copy.

The backpack is the bp value and can only hold so many things.

Therefore, you need to pick and choose, and you need to make adjustments according to the content of the copy.

A trick like this can still be used in the early stage of the competition, but it will be difficult to eat when you need it later.

Even if there are teammates to share the pressure, different adjustments must be made according to the different dungeons.

On the field of play, too.

According to the information provided by the arena, adjust the personal props in the arena.

This is a very test of the player's personal ability.

Developmental players, all with developmental skills, rely on the dungeon to develop and take off and win.

A wave of players, all with powerful skills in the early stage, strive to kill everyone in the early stage and win.

According to different gameplay, different personal development routes different team needs, the bp value will be allocated to different things.

If you just go to the dungeon with the strongest skills without a brain, you will most likely be abused badly.

Because of the powerful skills, you may only bring a few, which will occupy the full bp value, resulting in no other means to use.

He may be killed by someone before he encounters the enemy.

Of course, there are also teams who will deliberately let all the main players have powerful skills and play big tricks, but the winning rate is generally not high.

The bp value is not fixed.

Depending on the strength of the copy, make random adjustments and floats.

In the Bronze-level rank competition, a common skill may take up a little dp value.

But as the rank goes up, the strength of the dungeon increases, and the previous common skills can be brought into the dungeon with only a bp value of 0.1.

Now is the first rank match, and players don't have much, so the bp value can be said to be very abundant.

Compared to this, Fang Yi is more concerned about the secondary entries of this dungeon!

Martial arts! Spooky!

Double secondary entry!

This is a very rare phenomenon!

Means risk, means opportunity.

Fang Yi is not afraid of risks, but opportunities make his eyes light up.

"It's actually a double entry?!"

"Fuck! It's hard to play!"

"Does the team have a great god? The fifth floor is willing to play a copy, please lie down and win!"

The index finger, ring finger, and the black fog ball on the little finger all expressed their opinions.

The one who asked to lie down just now was the guy standing on the little finger,

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