This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 50: Tianmeng

The blood and tears of the villagers turned back to normal tears.

The flesh and blood of cattle and horses is wriggling and reborn.

The eyeballs that had been buttoned out also reappeared from their sockets.

Everything seems to be back on track, as if everything before was just an illusion.

Looking around, the village at this moment is just one of countless ordinary villages, and there is no difference.

It's like... hibernation after the hunt, the camouflage is flawless.

Tapping Tapping Tapping...

In the distance, I seem to think of the sound of horse hooves again, from far to near...

Shepherd's Village, the old woman's house.

"Little brother, did you hear anything just now?"


The man in white answered loudly again.

Only in the voice, there are obvious signs of impatience.

This is the tenth time he has answered this question.

In front of him was a tall and thin old man.

That is the wife of the old woman.

However, compared to the old woman, the old man's physical condition is obviously worse.

This can be seen from memory loss and severe behind-the-ear conditions.

"Oh! No! I thought there were firecrackers set off outside! Let me catch it again this time, and I must slap those little guys on the ass!"

The old man's voice was also very loud.

As if he was behind his ears, it meant that everyone else was also behind his ears, which made the man in white feel uncomfortable.

Ignoring the old man, he walked into the yard.

The old woman's house, although the location is a bit remote, the house is indeed big enough.

In the courtyard alone, there are a full eight rooms for people to live in.

One of them has already been settled.

What the man in white is going to do now is to visit the guest.

When he heard the old woman say that the guest was waiting for someone, he already had an idea in his mind.

The summoning order of the Heavenly Alliance is not just to summon the two of them, but to gather all the nearby members of the Heavenly Alliance.

I am afraid that the guest is one of the members of the nearby Tianmeng.

After all, the location of Muniu Village is so remote. As the old woman said, under normal circumstances, are there outsiders coming?

If it weren't for the summoning order, it would not be an exaggeration to say that it is isolated from the world.

Since it is determined that the other party is a member of the Tianmeng, it is basic etiquette to say hello in the past.

The man in white intends to go out to find a partner after visiting Tianmeng's companions and persuade her.

In the wilderness, living alone outside, after all, makes people feel uneasy.

Even if she is a first-class expert, in the eyes of the man in white, she is still a woman who needs her own protection.

"If she really refuses, I can only live with her in the wild."

Thinking of his partner, the man in white shook his head with a headache, but his eyes were full of doting love.

Depressing his mind, he stopped, and he stood at the door of the room.

Knock on the door twice—

dong dong.


"Xia Fu Xin, like Xiongtai, is a temporary guest at Granny Zhuo's house."

"Oh. Got it."


The man in white was stunned and scratched his head.

This is not right.

I have exposed my family, why did he react like this?

Those who will come to such a remote small village in the near future must be due to the receipt of the summoning order from the Heavenly Alliance.

Having already revealed the identity of the outsider, it is equivalent to revealing the identity of the members of the Tianmeng.

But the people inside...

"Brother, we are all outsiders, and we may be able to take care of each other after getting to know each other."

This means, in fact, very obvious.

The Tianmeng summoning order, I don't know what to make people do.

By getting to know each other, they can also take care of each other during the task process.

In fact, this request is very reasonable, and there is no reason to refuse.


Sure enough, just after his voice fell, the door opened a gap.

"come in."

Although his attitude was a little colder, the man in white didn't care.

The members of the Tianmeng are all martial geniuses, and their strength is at least the level of first-class masters.

Judging from the sound, the person inside was slightly smaller than himself.

It is normal to be so young, to have such strength, and to be a little arrogant.

Pushing the door and entering, the golden sunlight spilled into the room, and the layout inside was clearly illuminated.

There are only some rudimentary furniture and wooden tables and chairs for hospitality.

And beside the table and chair, stood a person... a person who didn't know how to describe it.

He has a body size of two meters, but judging from his appearance, he seems to be only a teenager.

"Brother... Taiwan?"


"Ah! Good, good."

The man in white came back to his senses and sat opposite the sturdy young man.

Despite restraint, there is still an eerie feeling.

"Dare to ask Xiongtai... Guigeng this year?"

The strong young man grinned, didn't speak, just sat down.

The man in white immediately realized that he should not ask such sexual questions.

But he felt that he had probed some information.

The size of the martial arts is full of surprises.

It is not without martial arts that change your appearance, change your body shape, and prolong your life.

Maybe, the one in front is the one who practiced this kind of cultivation technique.

In other words, the actual age of the other party may be older than himself!

The mentality changed, and the attitude of the man in white became slightly more respectful.

"Xiongtai, Mingren don't speak secretly. Xiongtai, do you know why the Tianmeng called me to wait this time? You came two days earlier than me, so you should have some clues."



Fang Yi was stunned for a moment, but his face remained calm.

His fingers tapped on the table, as if he was considering something. In the end, he slowly looked at the man in white, lowered his voice, and said solemnly: "I can't reveal too much specific information. I can only tell you that this time, it will be a little tricky."

Tricky? !

The silver man froze in his heart.

"When I received the summoning order from the Heavenly Alliance, I already knew that things would not be easy. After all, everyone in our Heavenly Alliance is at least a first-class expert, and even if we face ghosts, we can still be on our own. Get up... what's the name of Xiongtai?"

"By hope."

"Brother Yi, can you give me the bottom line, do the ghosts in this crusade have a powerful presence at the mist level?"

Fang Yi frowned, suddenly got up, walked a few steps back and forth in the house, and finally looked straight at the man in white.

"Since Brother Fu has come to this point, let me tell you the truth - yes!"


The man in white took a deep breath.

Actually... there really is!

"No wonder... No wonder the summoning order is used to worry about the members of the nearby Tianmeng. If there is indeed a mist-level existence, then it's no exaggeration to be careful!"

After pondering for a while, the man in white suddenly sensed that a line of sight had been staying on him.

Looking up, Fang Yi was staring at him.

Just thinking about it for a while, the man in white suddenly understood something.

With an embarrassed smile, he cupped his hands.

"Thank you for the information, Brother Yi. This is my little intention. If you need any help in the future, you can tell me directly. Also, when the team leader arrives, when the team gathers, if Brother Yi doesn't dislike it, you can come with us. action."


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