This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 105: kill old man

"Uncle Liu?"



The carrion mermaid who just made a sound was slapped on the head by Fang Yi.

The voice suddenly got stuck in the air.

A huge force slammed its body off the lake.

Carrion Mermaid: ? ? ? .

The carrion mermaid seemed to be stunned, and before he could react, he slammed into the giant tree on the shore.


The body of the big tree swayed violently, and at the location of the impact, the fracture marks spread.

Fortunately, the carrion mermaid's vitality was tenacious enough to hold it.

After being sluggish for more than a second, the carrion mermaid roared suddenly and stood up with its fish tail.


"It's your sister!"

In a blink of an eye, the carrion mermaid who just got up was directly stepped back to the ground by Fang Yi.

The soil sank suddenly, and the carrion mermaid was directly printed on the ground.

This time, the carrion mermaid was completely unable to move.

"Can you speak human language? Why pretend to be Liu Wusheng?"

Fang Yi has tried several times, and now he has come to three conclusions.

One, this guy is Liu Wusheng, but I don't know why he lost his mind and turned into a ghost.

Two, this thing is something like Liu Wusheng's clone, but it has lost contact with the main body.

Third, this guy is not Liu Wusheng, but he definitely has an intersection with Liu Wusheng.

Fang Yi didn't have much time to explore the truth of the matter.

He will, there is only one way - physical interrogation.

Simply put, it's a hammer.

Hammer until this ghost doesn't pretend to be crazy and spit out all the information.

If the carrion mermaid is really Liu Silent, waiting for the reply to the sanity, the big deal is an apology.

Judging from Liu Wusheng's initial attitude towards Yijia losing money.

Even if he hammered the real Liu Wusheng to death today, he probably wouldn't have any complaints.

Moreover, Liu Wusheng is a guardian, even if he really dies, he will only carry out the next reincarnation. Maybe he will meet again, and he can find a way to restore his memory, which is not too much.

Thinking of this, he stepped on the carrion mermaid with his feet, Fang Yi raised his right hand, swung it round and hammered it down.


The carrion mermaid's chest cavity sank immediately, his hands and feet lifted up unconsciously, and slowly fell.


The sharp cry sounded again.

Scarlet eyes, staring at Fang Yi.

With that look, I can't wait to swallow Fang Yi alive, like an irrational beast.

In this regard, Fang Yi just raised his fist again expressionlessly.


The groove in the chest suddenly went down a lot, and it became completely deformed.



Without the slightest hesitation, the physical interrogation method hurried again unreasonably.

This time, Fang Yi seemed to be a little heavier, almost flattening the carrion mermaid's chest!

That appearance, replaced by ordinary people, should have been out of breath long ago.

But the ghost was tenacious in the end, and he roared again without fear.

"It seems that you are determined not to open your mouth. Anyway, Liu Wusheng's news was just a coincidence, so I just came to check it out. Since you won't say it, don't blame me."

The words on the mouth are flat and light, and it is really indifferent to start.

Almost as soon as the words fell, Fang Yi's hands turned into afterimages and hammered down.

dong dong dong dong dong!

Like drumming, it even played a sense of rhythm.

When Fang Yi pulled his hand, the carrion mermaid was already bloody, and he couldn't even find a place for his face, and he didn't move at all.

"The mouth is so tight... eh?!"

Fang Yi was about to stand up when he suddenly stopped.

Because he felt that with the death of the carrion mermaid, the breath that originally belonged to Liu Wusheng also broke away from the carrion mermaid and slowly lifted into the air.

In the next instant, the breath split into dozens of strands and escaped in all directions.

"This is?!"

Fang Yi was stunned for a while. Could this be Liu Wusheng's body, split into countless clones in order to escape?

Or, is this part of the Guardian's reincarnation process?

Fang Yi doesn't know much about the special species of guardian, so he can only speculate to this point.

It seems that there is no point in continuing to pursue these escaped breaths, and Fang Yi finally ignored it.

"Forget it, the main quest is more important."

The strength has soared, and Fang Yi feels that with his current strength, killing ordinary generals is not a big problem.

If it is at the level of red, it will be a little troublesome.

You can win if you fight, but it's hard to say if you can kill.

As for the map extorted from the village chief of Lushu Village, the area marked is not large, and it records all the people in the village, ghosts that cannot be driven away.

With the strength of the villagers, the strength of this ghost is self-evident, and it is almost certain that it is at most the level of the fog.

After some planning, Fang Yi decided to try to kill all the ghosts marked on the map.

In the Absolute Nether Realm, the number of ghosts is insufficient, but here, the ghosts have not only increased in quantity, but also in quality, so Fang Yi naturally harvested them well.

"Little darlings, your favorite rations will be delivered to your door in person."

With a slight smile, Fang Yi embarked on the journey.

Borderless, Moon Spirit Cave.

A young man with white hair and empty eyes sat cross-legged in a dark cave.

Suddenly, a breath of his own from the outside easily passed through the layers of protective formations and directly penetrated into the body of the white-haired boy.

The next moment, the white-haired boy suddenly stood up with a face full of horror.

Two lines of hot blood tears flowed out of the empty eyes.

"Why... the young master appears here!"

The originally pale complexion suddenly became extremely difficult to see.

He raised his right hand and slapped it on the stone table next to him.


The stone table was split in four or five on the spot!

"No! Even if the plan is to be terminated, you must go to the young master immediately! According to the family... the blood of the benefactor, he is the only one left, and there is absolutely no room for loss!"

With both hands clenched, Liu Wusheng took a sharp step.


In the next moment, his brain seemed to be constantly stabbed by thousands of thin needles, the whole person lost consciousness for a moment, and his body slowly tilted down.


If he lost consciousness, it took about ten seconds for Liu Wusheng to slowly wake up, trembling all over and struggling to stand up.

"The injury...recovery is too slow. At the level of King You, it's really not something that can be done with a trick. Even if you take the lead in a sneak attack and launch the strongest attack in a prosperous state, the result is only that I was severely injured unilaterally."

cough! Cough cough!

Qi and blood surged, and he subconsciously covered his mouth and coughed a few times.

There was blood all over his hands.

"If you want to take revenge for the Yi family, you can only use strength and strength, with the help of King Lin Wu and the power of the Spirit Catchers who recently joined the family... No! Now is not the time to think about this, Young Master... Young Master..."

Consciousness began to blur again, and he fell down again.

It wasn't until two days later that the intermittent aura of the outside world returned to his body, and he woke up again, dragging his disabled body and rushing to Green Shade Lake firmly and slowly.

"Even if you fight for this old life, you must never let the young master have an accident!"

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