This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 126: optimism

Do you think that the devil is like me, killing people, the six relatives do not recognize, and the teammates are all right.

Others want to be rewarded for ranking, okay?

Fans did not know the reason, and stood up in excitement.


Wiping off the sweat slightly, the host couldn't take it anymore.

This kind of strange flower that lived to the end, the Colosseum has been the only one for so many years.

"Then, after you left as a demon of a different blade, do you have any prospects for the future of the entire Colosseum?"

"What? I'm the boss of the Colosseum? Please put my ranking back to the bottom, thank you!"

Fans began to wave their flags wildly.

optimism! !

"I'm afraid this can't be done. In addition, this is your runner-up reward, please keep it."

The host immediately covered his face and walked away.

Really rewarding.

Hu Sanwan calmly accepted it, glanced at it a little, and suddenly his heart was shocked.

This reward is a bit powerful!

The first place is given to something special.

The body of freedom is equivalent to a one-way ticket to return home, and a potion to break through the extreme.

And the reward for the second place is a real basic medicine that greatly enhances the strength.

The number is very large, and it should be understood that the first place will leave the Colosseum.

So focus on cultivating the second place and make it the signature of the Colosseum next year.

It's a pity to meet the odd number of the woman with a long knife, and the **** like the tiger 30,000.

Everyone thinks that the strategy that Colosseum of Glory has been successful in for so many years will definitely not work this time, and they can only find new people to train it.

But they didn't know that after Hu 30,000 received the reward, his mind had quietly changed.

"Before, there were no resources, the strength was backward, and it was a vicious circle, so I couldn't improve. Now with these help, all the monsters at the top of the Colosseum will be wiped out. Maybe, next year, I can win a championship and get out of it. If the two perverts haven't killed the last black team member in this broken place, it shouldn't be, those two are too strong."

Although he thought so, Hu Sanwan had an ominous premonition for some unknown reason.

three days later.

The champion of the Colosseum of Glory, the celebrity of the soul world, the demon of the different blade, entered the space crack, the purpose is to be boundless.

Half a year later, Hu San Wan found out that there was an additional lieutenant in Hei Zhan's army, and he was called the Devil of the Different Blades.

A year later, Tiger 30,000, who could not wait any longer, won the championship of the Colosseum of Glory, and also chose the destination as borderless.

Boundless, into the dream forest.

"Chase! Never let it run away!"

A group of people quickly shuttled through the forest, chasing the green light group in front!

The one who rushed in front was a young man.

He has short black hair and carries a giant sword on his back.

His muscles are so capable, as if he had been trained to the bone.

"Rebel, where to run!"

When the green light group rushed out of the dream forest, the young man suddenly pulled out his giant sword and slashed against the wind!

The sinister slash, rising against the wind!

In an instant, it has expanded to a size of more than ten meters, and the speed has skyrocketed, cutting the light group off!

"Captain Kiriya! Great job!"

"Captain Kiriya, you are amazing!"

The immature team members behind them all showed their admiration.

One of the female players of the same age has eyes full of admiration.

The cut off light group turned into a little starlight, was sucked into the giant sword in reverse, and then fed back into Tongya's body.

The whole body was shocked, and the breath suddenly changed.

Profound and terrifying!

"Finally broke through. Now my strength is a mid-level secluded general!"

Put away the giant sword, Kiriya smiled and ordered the team.

"Everyone has worked hard, this mission has come to an end for the time being, let's go to camp first."


"Listen to the captain."

Several people followed the order, but the female team member suddenly spoke up.

"Wait! Kiriya, I have something to say to you."

Tongya was stunned for a moment, and quickly asked: "It's the previous investigation, did you find anything? Ghost, or a betrayal? Humans don't need to report."

"No, it's not like that"

With flushed faces, the female players waved their hands again and again.

"Oh what's that?"

"No, it's not appropriate to say it here."

so secretive? !

Are there any special discoveries?

Kiriya's expression became serious.

"Let's go over there."


The female players' voices were as thin as mosquitoes.

The other team members watched the two leave with a strange smile, and then left one after another.

"Captain, this dumb wood."

"Except for the emotional aspect, the captain is perfect in all aspects. It's a pity that I can't match the identity of Miss Fen, otherwise I would have competed a long time ago."

"Competing with Miss Fen of the royal family? Even you, don't have such thoughts."

On the other side, the female players finally gathered up their courage after twisting for a while.

"Captain Kiriya, I, I like you, please stay with me!"


Kiriya was stunned for two seconds. After pondering the sentence for a while, after confirming that it was not a code word or something, he calmly left three words, turned around and left.


The female team member trembled as if struck by lightning.

Looking at the departing back, his voice trembled.

"Is it because of my background? Is it because of my noble background that you feel that you can't stand high? Captain Kiriya, I don't care about that!"

The footsteps still did not stop.

"We can elope! As long as Captain Kiriya is willing to do things like bloodline purity, it's all the family's idea, I just want to be with you"

The figure has disappeared from sight.

Tears fell to the ground.

The girl's heart is broken.

"Why don't you even give a reason why!"

After an unknown time, when she looked up again, Miss Fen's eyes had already turned scarlet.

Why, force me to go that way. Why do you have to force me to kill the one I love the most with my own hands to fully activate the power of the bloodline.

Is this love!

Love love love love love love love love!

The power of blood circulates throughout the body.

Breath, suddenly rise!

The blood of the royal family, the realm of the most powerful soldiers!

Moreover, this breath is still improving, and the realm of secluded generals does not seem to be far away.

On the other side, when I went to the Tongya in the camp, I inexplicably felt that the atmosphere of the camp seemed a little wrong.

The eyes and expressions of the people around him looked at him with a strange feeling.

A few minutes later, Kiriya learned that Miss Fen had been transferred from his team.

An hour later, there was a large flow of people in the camp for members of my team, and some unfamiliar members of the Spirit Catchers settled here.

Kiriya's feelings for the game are indeed numb and indifferent.

But the sense of smell of danger is very keen.

At this time, he didn't feel wrong yet, so he wouldn't be alive anymore.

"Hope is just an illusion. Otherwise, the next plan will be greatly affected."

However, when members of his team were replaced.

When the leader of Miss Fen, whose strength had suddenly skyrocketed, stood in front of him, Kiriya understood that he was still optimistic.

"Miss can you tell me why?"

Hearing these three words, Miss Fen's smile suddenly bloomed.

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