This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 130: debut (modified)

If there were such a group of men earlier, even Dongmen Zui would not be my opponent.

A pity, a pity.

When Hu Sanwan sighed, the people on both sides below had already scuffled together.

Howling Barracks, although ordered by the battalion commander, gathered most of the subordinates together and formed a formation.

But in a hurry, the effect was too weak, and it was broken up into a mess of sand in a short while, and they went their separate ways.

If this goes on, defeat is only a matter of time.

With a gloomy face, the battalion commander looked up at the middle-aged strong man suspended in the sky.

"Catch the thief first to capture the king!"

Whoosh whoosh!

The sound of breaking the air rang almost three times at the same time.

The battalion commander turned into three shadows, rushing towards Tiger Thirty Thousand from three angles.

"Want to meet me? Ask my personal guard first!"

As soon as the voice fell, four figures immediately sprang from below, and they shouted in unison.

"Overlapping Realms!"

Four fields of different forms are attached to a figure at the same time.


laugh! laugh! laugh!

The figure suddenly froze.

Poisonous green liquid flowed out from the whole body, and it was raging on fire!

His body trembled slightly, as if he was bound by something, unable to move.

"Double control, plus the violent output of one fire and one poison, I will ask you what to charge!"

Tiger 30,000 laughed wildly with pride.

Since the capital's setback, he hadn't felt so happy for a long time.

Sure enough, cruelty to vegetables is king!

Players don't dare to think about it, a female devil, a big pervert, all can't afford to offend.

The only one that might be provoked is playing stealth and shrinking tactics.

Naturally, the anger can only be borne by these NPCs.

However, the overlapping areas that the bodyguards have temporarily broken in are still flawed, and there are obvious deficiencies in coordination.

After blocking one figure, he couldn't keep up with the other two figures, only the one with the highly toxic liquid caught up with one.

However, before it came into being, it was dissolved.

"Being able to break through here, I have to admit that you are still a little real. It's a pity that even if you pass five levels and kill six generals, you won't be able to touch me at all!"

Soldier Field!

Tiger 30,000 stepped back and directly indented into the translucent black solid.


In the next instant, the two figures collided with the translucent black solid almost simultaneously.

A solid black solid, two deep dents were knocked out on the spot.


Tiger 30,000 was startled.

After Long Knife Girl left, his secluded soldier domain dominated the Colosseum of Glory for a while.

Unexpectedly, some battalion commander in this district almost broke his life-saving Dafa.

"Captain be careful!"

"Captain, here we come!"

The four bodyguards also followed at this time.

Overlapping fields, cast again!

The two figures were dodging in the left and right directions, but there was still one figure caught.

"Did you miss the real body again, then, I will do it myself!"

Looking at the last figure, Hu Sanwan swooped down.

With the entire You Soldier field, even the people and the field, smashed it directly.

The pupils shrank, and the battalion commander suddenly stopped moving, as if he was ready to reflexively take this move.

Soldier Field!

The densely packed ice crystal snowflakes suddenly spread under his feet, forming a foothold in mid-air.

As the distance between the two approaches, the two fields directly collide!

Click, click, click!

A large number of ice crystals were directly rolled into powder by the translucent black solid.

Like the top of Mount Tai, the ice crystal field can't bear this force at all!

However, in the collision between the two, a large number of scratches gradually appeared on the black solid, leaving a large number of ice crystal traces, which were clearly exposed in the dark night.

However, the battalion commander's heart sank.

But he did not back down, instead he stimulated all his strength and went head-to-head!

At the same time, he roared loudly and gave the final order.

"Retreat! Go from the air, the whole army retreats!"

The competition of high-end combat power greatly affects morale.

When the realm pair was defeated, the battalion commander knew that they had no chance to come back in this night attack.

But not completely lost.

The other party's reckless behavior also freed the originally blocked high altitude.

As soon as someone breaks out of the siege, bring the news to the upper level.

Then, support will arrive soon, and there is still a silver lining.

Hearing the command of the battalion commander, the ghosts in the ground lifted off almost without thinking and fled in the direction of the outer army.

"Don't let them run away! Lord Hei Zhan said, not a single one can stay alive!"

When the 30,000 tigers were in chaos, the tall and slender beauty, the deputy captain in charge of the command, immediately stood up and organized personnel to intercept it.

Fortunately, the response was fast, and under the panic of those ghosts, there was no way to escape, so they all entangled again.

If you kill them, it will take time to fight, but as long as they are entangled, it is impossible to let them off the battlefield.


The tall and slender beauty breathed a sigh of relief.

The new captain is a bit unreliable.

Mustache also leaned over at this time.

"Teacher, I think the new captain's strength is mediocre. Why did Lord Hei Zhan not choose you as the captain, but let him airborne? Why?"

"Lord Hei Zhan's thoughts, how can we figure it out? We just need to do what we should do."

For a time, both of them remembered the earth-shattering battle when they first met Fang Yi.

The dissatisfaction that had just risen in Moustache's heart disappeared immediately.

In this world, after all, the strong have the right to speak.

boom! !

Just then, there was a loud noise from behind.

Looking at it, the smoke and dust were filled with smoke and dust, and it seemed that there was some smooth huge object that pressed down on the ground neatly, and the whole ground sank a layer.

"How's it going! Let's see how you resist this time! Hahahaha!"

Tiger 30,000's wild and smug laughter made the two of them immediately understand what happened there.

The battalion commander of the Howling Barracks should have been completely defeated.

However, this kind of thing can be defeated by a tall and slender beauty, so Xiao Hu is still not convinced by this airborne captain.

When the night wind blew, the smoke and dust over there immediately filled the air, covering the battlefield here.

After a while, a ghost rushed out of the smoke and fled directly in the direction of the Jueyou army.

"Not good! A ghost has escaped!"

The tall and slender beauty's face changed slightly: "Chase!"

But before she could make any move, a figure catapulted out from behind.

"I come!"

Looking at it, it is 30,000 tigers!

However, Hu Sanwan said it nicely, and it seemed a little difficult to catch up with this ghost.

Because the speed of this ghost is not much slower than Tiger 30,000.

"It can only be handed over to him. We jointly blocked the scene and ensured that other ghosts would not escape again."

"it is good!"

The tall and slender beauty and the mustache began to organize a tightly manned blockade network, while Hu Sanwan, who was in pursuit, was secretly anxious.

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