This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 137: old and new

The old face shook his head slightly.

"I don't know the importance of this battle... Well, it's pointless to say these things. You said you would solve the Son of Prophecy, how do you plan to act?"

"Some time ago, I turned against a captain in the Black Slash unit. I already have a complete plan and can create a suitable assassination opportunity. The one who executes this assassination plan will be me and the other nine. You general, let's do it together!"

What? !

The old face changed slightly.

"Shadow, you..."

"King, there is no need to persuade. The army of Jueyou can still function normally without me, without you..."

General Shadow did not say any more, but the meaning was already clear.

There was a long silence on both sides.

After a long while, the old face let out a long sigh.

Assassination means going deep into the enemy camp.

Risk is self-evident.

Almost dead.

In order to eradicate his own worries and have no worries, General Ying has done this for his sake, so King Jueyou can only devote himself wholeheartedly to this war.

Whether it's for General Shadow or everyone in the Jueyou army, this battle must be won!

"Ying, I know your determination. I will also do a good job of being a King You, the responsibilities and obligations that I should fulfill! But you need to reveal the detailed assassination plan first..."

five minutes later.

After listening to the plan, King Jueyou suddenly raised the volume.

"What?! Of the nine people you brought, seven are generals from the Spirit Catcher?"


The Shadow General looked calm.

It seems that there is an idea for this assassination plan.

Two high-ranking generals within the Jueyou Army, and seven generals borrowed from the Spirit Catcher.

Finally, add yourself, the strongest general.

This assassination plan is sure to succeed!

Taking a deep breath, General Shadow slowly discovered this time and reported it to King Jueyou.

"King, during the previous period, when you were busy capturing the whereabouts of the Son of Prophecy, there was actually a series of incidents on the side of the Spirit Capture Clan.

Pieces and pieces are the patriarch of the spirit-catching clan, the granddaughter of the direct bloodline, who fell in love with the civilians in the clan, and because of love and hatred, they pursued and killed for a long time, causing trouble all over the city. rumor.

Major events include, [the former royal family], the current [rebel], Liu Wusheng, returned to the spirit hunter!

It is rumored that he will unite with the [Old School] revivalists to form the [Anti-Spiritual Faction] faction and fight for power with the current royal family.

However, after being hunted down and wanted by the current royal family, he disappeared.

But also because of this, old-school thinkers who have been suppressed for tens of thousands of years have surfaced one after another.

The interior of the Spirit Catchers is now almost in chaos. Both the new faction and the old faction urgently need the support of our third party, so it is very easy to borrow powerful combat power.

I have sent this information to your room before, but your mind is all on the Son of Prophecy...

I hope that after my successful assassination, you will regain your former glory, and you will be able to make good use of this information to defeat King Lin Wu, and keep… keep on… winning until you reach the ultimate we all yearn for…”

The figure of King Jueyou was slightly shocked!

Ever since Hei Zhan joined the command of King Lin Wu, King Jueyou has been thinking day and night about how to get rid of this serious worry.

Even the emphasis on this war has been reduced a lot.

Unexpectedly, when he was distracted, so many things happened on the Spirit Catcher.

In these cases, the Spirit Catchers handed over to them, and it was only possible that General Ying paid a great price to inquire about them.

The follow-up cooperation matters are also planned by General Shadow.

If King Jueyou is the spiritual banner of the Jueyou army, then General Ying is the brain of the Jueyou army.

Combining the two is invincible.

But all this, compared to the Son of Prophecy...

King Jueyou slowly closed his eyes.

"Ying, I remember everything you, go in peace."


It was obvious that the assassination plan was to die, but General Ying showed a smile.

Salute respectfully, General Shadow retreated to the door.

He took out a letter from his pocket and checked it.

On the white paper, a few lines of words were written briefly.

And the place where it was signed was a person's name - Tiger Thirty Thousand.

Time is boundless, Yueling Cave.

The place where Liu Wusheng was recuperating from his injuries was now crowded with people.

No, it should be said, crowded with spirit hunters and... betrayal spirits!

They gathered together noisily, had heated conversations, and from time to time there were sounds of curses and even hands-on sounds.

But most of them restrained themselves before the battle escalated.

They seemed to be waiting for someone, and every once in a while, they would look a few more times in the direction of the hole.

The small gang of four or five of them seemed to be whispering.

"It's really spectacular. I didn't expect that one day, the spirit hunters and the betrayal will stay in the same place peacefully, without blood fighting."

"Indeed, I am afraid that apart from that lord, no one else can have such prestige and call on so many people."

"However...Elder Liu is still alive, which is really shocking. I remember when I listened to Mr. Liu's lecture, I had heard the legend of Elder Liu, and I always thought it was a legend. Purify..."

An old man in the gang slowly stood up at this time.

"This can only mean that hundreds of thousands of years have passed, and we have not even revealed the tip of the iceberg for the power of the spirit hunters... or the power of the abyss of the world."

The candles on the walls of the cave illuminated the old man's face.

It was the old teacher who taught Wutong in the Spirit Catchers!

Several people next to the old gentleman also stood up.

They are of different ages. Judging from their appearance, they are already in their 50s or 60s, close to the form of an old man, but they are very respectful to the old gentleman, as if the teacher is teaching, and they are listening ~Old Zang, you don't know, we were really shocked when you came to us on your own initiative. are also a proponent of old school thinking. "

The old man shook his head slightly.

"The old school, the new school, these are not important. I just want to know that after the identity of the traitor was exposed, the elder Liu clearly said that he would seal his memory, stay away from the spirit-catching clan, and never have any relationship with the spirit-catching clan. Even if he was not hunted and purified by the powerful people in the clan, why would he suddenly come to his door after tens of thousands of years, and provoked a struggle between the spirit-hunting clan factions, and even recruited these traitorous spirits... uh!"

The old man's mouth was immediately covered by several people beside him, his face changed slightly, and he struggled nervously.

In terms of knowledge, these former students are naturally less than one ten thousandth of his.

But in terms of strength, the old gentleman is absolutely inferior.

Those people around, wanting to kill him is no different from killing a chicken, it's as easy as the palm of your hand.

However, the old man seems to have misunderstood this time.

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