This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 141: Inner ghost

Fang Yi didn't have the energy to rectify one by one for the time being.

We can only hurry up and carry out the general attack with the Jueyou Army, so as to kill the chickens and show the monkeys, and rectify the army in the course of the war.

This kind of thing can't be rushed.

Compared with this trivial matter, there is now a more important matter that needs to be solved by myself.

"By the way, Ei Ying, and Hu San Wan, you two stay."

The long knife girl and Hu Sanwan, who were just about to leave, couldn't help but stop their steps, came to Fang Yi's side, and sat down again.

Hu 30,000 seemed a little rambunctious, as if he didn't care much about anything.

On the contrary, the long-knife woman was serious, and seemed to have some kind of expectation. From time to time, she glanced at Hu Sanwan next to her, with a cold look in her eyes.

Wait until everyone else leaves.

The meeting room became quiet, and there were only the three of them left.

"Dongmen Zui, if you have anything, just say it, no one around is listening."

Hu Sanwan yawned and lay softly on the conference table.

Fang Yi was about to speak when the woman with a long knife suddenly made a sound.

"Tiger 30,000, your performance during this period of time is obviously different from when you first joined the Black Slash Army. Can you tell me why?"

"Huh? Yes? I've always been like this."

Hu Sanwan glanced at the girl with a long knife and laughed a few times.



The long-knife woman suddenly drew her sword.

Before Hu 30,000 could react, the two-meter-long special-shaped knife had been placed directly on Hu 30,000's neck.

"Just now is the last chance I gave you, since you don't cherish it, then"

The stinging pain hit, and the blood was slowly spilling out.

"Wait, wait! Devil head, you're crazy! I'm your teammate!"

In the face of the gap in strength, Tiger 30,000 has no resistance at all.

Coupled with the panic for a while, it is only now that I can react.

The originally sloppy demeanor suddenly turned into a panicked look.

Because he felt it, the killing intent of the female devil locked him firmly.

This is not a joke, I am really going to send myself a copy!

"Teammate? I think it's a traitor!"

The long-knife woman slowly increased her strength, and the wound on Tiger Thirty Thousand's neck gradually expanded.

It is foreseeable that if we don't stop it, Tiger 30,000 will really die at the hands of the long-knife woman.

"Seven days ago, an unidentified ten-man squad passed by the outpost barracks you are guarding.

You didn't report it, you let them go easily, and even recorded it in the file. If it wasn't for me, I'm afraid no one would know about it.

Three days ago, you mysteriously disappeared for about an hour with an envelope and returned empty-handed.

A day ago, when you were out, I sent out to track your subordinates, mysteriously lost contact, and there was no news.

And you, Enron to the army.

I don't know what tricks you're up to, and I'm not interested in knowing.

As long as you're dead, everything you've planned, everything you've prepared for, will be in vain, right? "

Simple and crude.

The voice fell, and the long-knife woman instantly raised all her strength and directly attacked!


Hu Sanwan's pupils dilated, so frightened, he subconsciously looked in a certain direction.

And the figure that was supposed to be standing there disappeared without a trace.

At the same time, an arm covered with jet-black scales, the right hand, firmly grasped the long-knife woman's special-shaped knife.


A dull voice suddenly sounded.


This is the full blow of the long knife girl, but it can't shake the hand of this ghost scale!

She followed the ghost's hand, and her eyes gradually rose.

"Dongmen Zui, what do you mean? He is playing infighting, and you don't want to win? Then hand over the military power, and I will fight this battle! I will find the last black team member, and you can just lay down for me!"

The sharp eyes, with a strong murderous aura.

Not only because of Fang Yi's actions at the moment, but also because in this dungeon, Fang Yi is far superior to her strength.

To say it's jealousy isn't quite right.

It should be said to be dissatisfied.

If she had the same starting point, she was confident that she would be able to achieve the level of Fang Yi.

"Just a little bit more luck"

The long knife girl suddenly trembled.

As if thinking of something, his expression darkened.

This idea came up again.

If 'that person' was also in this game, and if I knew what I was thinking at the moment, I would definitely say: The gap is the gap. If you don't admit this, how can you improve!

"Wordless and mindless? Wordless and mindless!"

Fang Yi's voice brought her thoughts to reality.

When she came to her senses, she said coldly: "Why, you still need to protect the tiger 30,000? He must be unhappy that you are going well in this dungeon, and you have secretly made a mess. Maybe you have already joined forces with the Jueyou Army to bring us down. The information was sent out."

Fang Yi smiled helplessly: "That's why I said it just now, Tiger 30,000 is the bait I sent out."

What? !


The long-knife woman was slightly taken aback.

"What's the meaning?"

"On the surface, Hu 30,000 is an undercover agent of the Jueyou Army, but in fact, he is our man."

"Could it be that the 30,000 tigers took refuge in the Jueyou Army and you ordered them?"

"Yes, Hu 30,000 has a relatively clean foundation and is in a good position in the army. It is most suitable for him to be a double agent."

The long knife woman frowned.

"You trust him so much?"

"Trust in this thing depends on constraints and interests."

Fang Yi didn't say it explicitly, but the meaning was clear.

With his current status, in the combined force, there are a lot of materials at his disposal.

Taking certain pieces of secluded artifact as a reward, as a reward, Tiger 30,000 will naturally take the bait, after all, those are all good things that can be exchanged for points.

As for the girl with a long knife, she was trustworthy, Fang Yi had already given her several secluded weapons unconditionally.

On the bright side, it is to increase the combat power, but in fact, it is to send her to increase the dungeon harvest.

And Fang Yi himself, full of personal pockets, is not a problem at all.

Only the tiger 30,000, who need to pay due labor and risks, can get these things.

"To put it simply, Hu 30,000 is indeed an undercover agent. However, he is our undercover agent. I asked Hu 30,000 to take the initiative to contact the Jueyou Army, falsely surrender, and provide information."

"That's it, that's it, big sister, I just eat it. You two are the bosses. I just want to drink some porridge and use some secluded weapons to exchange points. There is no need to cut my head and send me out, right?"

Tiger 30,000 is pitiful and authentic.

Looking like this, he almost knelt down and shouted, "Hey man, forgive me, I have something to say."

The long-knife girl only then retracted her knife and looked at Fang Yi indifferently.

"Then he has been acting nonchalantly these is because he has already obtained the secluded weapon, and he has no other needs other than the requirement of living to the end, so he is showing no desire and no desire. That is to say, Has what you asked him to do?"

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