This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 152: After the war

"Successful, successful?"

The place was silent.

Everyone stared blankly at the headless corpse in disbelief.

That was General Ying, the last most powerful general, actually died in the hands of Hei Zhan's lieutenant.

Remember that this lieutenant did not have any special record, how could he be so powerful?

Everyone looked at each other, shocked by the tragic death of General Ying.

But they didn't find that the sharp blades that shuttled back and forth in the sky suddenly switched their spearheads and aimed at the reinforcements on the ground.

Whoosh whoosh!

It was just a momentary pause, and the sharp blades in the sky pierced down!

"Black... cut!"

Before everyone could react, the black slash cut off all these sharp blades in one step!


The long knife girl seemed to have found a new target, and looked straight at Fang Yi with those eyes that were almost falling off their sockets.

The body turned into an afterimage, dragging the long tongue with sticky saliva, and charged straight towards Fang Yi!


The next moment, the ground trembled suddenly.

A human-shaped pit more than ten meters deep suddenly appeared.

In the deep pit, Fang Yi was pressing the woman's face with one hand, yawning lazily.

"Almost enough, don't do extra things."


Her head was injured and her body was covered in blood, but the woman with a long knife was still as mad as ever, her long tongue wrapped around Fang Yi's arm and went upstream, as if she wanted to lick Fang Yi's cheek and taste it.

Although the body was firmly pressed to the ground, the limbs were still struggling frantically, and the five fingers of both hands grasped Fang Yi's arms more than once.

Sanity has not returned.

But Fang Yi knew that the girl with the long knife should be sober.

Push with a little force!

boom! !

The ground exploded, and the smoke filled the air.

Originally a deep pit of more than ten meters, it suddenly expanded to hundreds of meters!

Looking down into the pit, I could only see a black spot, which seemed to be firmly stuck in the ground seam, unable to move, and fell into a coma.

Fang Yi and Long Dao Nu do have a strength gap.

But for the time being, it hasn't been enough to make a girl with a long sword look like this with a little effort.

Mainly, the long-knife woman was fighting against General Shadow, which had surpassed the limit and consumed a lot of power.

The blow that decides the outcome seems to be an understatement, but Fang Yi has already seen that it contains nearly 90% of the strength of the long-knife woman, and it is a sure-kill blow!

Although he was insane, his intuition was terrifying in battle, and he was able to accurately catch the flaw and make the strongest blow.

As for the current long-knife girl, she is just empty, her madness is still there, but her strength has dropped too much.

And the shadow general is the same.

The original Shadow General is indeed very powerful.

But after the five-minute peak long sword girl battle, her strength has dropped by a few percent.

Then the long-knife girl continued to fight, and her own strength was depleted more and more, but the long-knife girl became more and more excited.

That's why the girl with the long sword is getting stronger and stronger and more and more irresistible.

"General Black Slash, this is..."

The surrounding generals also gathered around at this moment.

Obviously it was General Hei Zhan who would not let them take action, but as soon as his lieutenant had dealt with the legendary General Shadow, he suddenly attacked his lieutenant.

I don't understand this operation!

How do they know that the long knife girl is completely indistinguishable between us and the enemy.

If it weren't for Fang Yi's shot, the lower-level army would definitely suffer a lot of damage.

And once held accountable, it is also troublesome.

Waving his hand slightly, Fang Yi said: "It's okay, I'm just joking with her, General Tiger Misfortune, you stay here to guard this place, and if my lieutenant comes up with something or calls me by name, then let me know."

"no problem."

Subconsciously wanting to refuse, General Tiger Misfortune immediately came back to his senses.

Almost violated the yang and yin again! Habits can't be changed for a while.

A day before tomorrow, he still looked down on Fang Yi in various ways, and jointly boycotted Fang Yi as the general of the United Forces.

As a result, now, a day later, he thought about obeying the orders honestly, and there must be no mistakes.

Just kidding, there are four secluded generals in one sword, he estimates that his body will only be worth a quarter of the sword, and he will have to braid.

It's not that he hasn't fought the assassin before, and whoever was present did not know the strength of the assassin.

The secluded generals started, and some were even stronger than the generals present.

In the end, he was not killed by General Hei Zhan with one sword.

This kind of combat power, can't be provoked, can't be provoked...

When the strength is the same, no one obeys the other.

But when the power gap widens to an immeasurable level, obedience doesn't seem so difficult.

However, in their opinion, although Fang Yi is strong, he is still in the rank of secluded generals, but the upper limit of his strength is several grades higher than the strongest secluded generals in the past, making it difficult to see the depth.

But in the end, he is still a general.

As long as it is a secluded general, there is still a secluded king on it.

They are not afraid of Fang Yi killing people indiscriminately, because King Lin Wu is watching from above.

But they were afraid that Fang Yi would kill the chicken and set an example.

Killing a group of hidden generals will of course cause King Lin Wu's punishment or even kill, but if he just kills a hidden general and kills chickens as an example, then in King Lin Wu's view, it may not be a big problem.

No one wants to be that early bird.

Not to mention that after knowing Fang Yi's true strength, they were really convinced.

The position of commander-in-chief of the Linwu Army Joint Force is well deserved!

Under Fang Yi's arrangement, everyone began to deal with the scene, interrogate the captured assassin, and carry out various aftermath work.

As for Fang Yi himself, he requisitioned a nearby tent as a temporary meeting room to count the battle report of this anti-assassination, and sent someone to spread the shadow general, the right-hand man of King Jueyou. The assassination failed and he died in the army of Linwu.

This news is tantamount to a blockbuster.

Not only in the borderless, but even in several nearby realms, there was an uproar.

General Ying, the second-in-command of the Jueyou Army, actually died in the Linwu army, died in the assassination plan, and the assassination plan failed!

For a while, the Linwujun forces seemed to have obtained God's help, and all public opinions were all inclined to Linwujun's final Some of them were clever, and even got up and went to the Linwujun joint large force, ready to join the army. Follow the trend and drink the soup.

As for Fang Yi's side, one hour after the anti-assassination battle, he saw the woman with a long knife again.

Still the same inhuman appearance.

The tongue seems to be unable to retract, and the teeth have completely turned into beast-like bursts.

The only thing that is gratifying is that the eyes have a focus, and it is no longer a white piece.

"East Gate Drunk..."

The long knife girl was almost paralyzed on the seat, her voice was very weak.

"Oh? Wild God of War? How about that, how do you feel about that fun and dripping battle?"

Feelings? The long knife girl thought for a while and said seriously: "...that guy, not a player."

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