This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 167: last dance

In the back canyon, the rebel leader, Liu Wusheng's cry was heard.

"Young Master! Young Master, are you still alive? Hold on, I'll be there soon!"

All the troops of the Linwu Army are all gathering here, but the Jueyou Army is sandwiched in the middle, forming a double-team trend.

The situation, in a flash, suddenly reversed.

how so?

Kiriya stared blankly at all of this, feeling a wave of unreality.

Just now, they still had the absolute upper hand, but in the next instant, the whole army gathered, surrounded them, and fell into absolute passive.

"What are you looking around!"

The sword light flashed across his eyes, but he was keenly avoided.

Before the situation changed, he had confronted the Long Knife Girl a few times.

To be honest, this ugly monster in front of him is indeed powerful.

But there is still a gap compared to himself.

Kiriya doesn't know, in fact, this is not the peak combat power of the long sword girl.

Hence this evaluation.

If the long knife girl returns to the strength of the one-on-one shadow general, it will not be sure who wins and who loses.

With a knife, the long knife girl opened, Tongwu looked at the direction where Fang Yi finally fell, with a gloomy face like water.

Dongmen's drunken death, he saw it in his eyes.

First, he received the full blow of King You, and was seriously injured on the spot, completely losing his ability to fight.

Afterwards, King Jueyou, who was swooped down, made the final blow, and was directly blown away by a hundred meters. I don't know where it fell.

Because the speed of King Jueyou is too fast, Tongya did not capture what King Jueyou did when he made up the last blow.

Only to see Fang Yi flying high, no different from the dead.

And the whispers of King Jueyou after he stopped his actions later confirmed Kiriya's guess.

But...but ah!

Why didn't the system prompt sound!

What does this mean? It means that Dongmen Zui has not really died!

Or they are on the verge of death, and they will die on their own in a few minutes.

Or is there some way to temporarily save his life.

No matter what the possibility is, it means that Dongmen Zui is not dead yet!

But King Jueyou judged that Dongmen was drunk and died.

Even if King Lin Wu suddenly appeared, there should not be such a huge error in judgment!

If so, then...

"King Jueyou, the son of prophecy is not dead! Give him the final blow!"

Taking a deep breath, Tongya shouted loudly towards King Jueyou.

Almost at the moment when he just shouted, the blade all over the sky suddenly appeared, forming in mid-air, locking him inside.

"Different Blade Field!"

The long sword girl tried her best to control her general's field, making sure that the voice was locked in the field except for Kiriya people.

Whether Dongmenzui died or not, her teammate is naturally clear.

The dungeon announcement didn't jump, so there's no need to worry about that guy's life or death.

Even if she is really dead, she is confident that with the prestige she has established in the army now, she will take over Linwujun. According to the original plan, she will search for the last player and complete the dungeon.

The first task now is to prevent Lin Wujun from joining the battlefield over there.

Whether it's Dongmen Zui's plan or the situation of King You's duel, no one else is allowed to interfere.

However, after the battle with General Shadow, her strength dropped too much, and she only lasted for about ten seconds.


Tongwu immediately burst out of the hole.

The sharp blades that were broken into several knots flew everywhere, not only hurting the enemy army, but also the You army.

"Ugly, get out of here!"

Kiriya seems to be really angry and anxious.

I want to remind King Jueyou to make up for the knife, or to make up for it myself.

But it was blocked by the woman with a long knife, and she was repeatedly blocked.

With full strength, the giant sword slashed down vertically, as if he wanted to split the long sword woman in half.

Incompetent fury?

The long-knife woman raised her brows, not showing weakness, she actually used a special-shaped knife to eat the sword.


However, at the moment when the swords collided, her complexion suddenly changed.

The power contained in the giant sword exceeded any previous attack, and the sudden increase in power smashed her to the ground.


"Out of control."

Tongwu sneered and was just about to rush forward.

Suddenly, as if sensing something, his pupils shrank suddenly, his face changed greatly, and he suddenly retreated.

Almost at the moment when he just stepped back, a giant hand that reached the sky closest to him pressed down on his previous position.

The violent wind pressure alone blew his retreating figure into a crooked shape, unable to stabilize his figure.

"This is the power of King You! King You Domain!"

Just being a clone giant, is it already so tricky...


When Kiriya was surprised, a figure on the ground rushed towards him.

It was the long-knife girl who had just been smashed to the ground by the giant sword.

Only this time, the long-knife woman has improved a lot in both speed and strength.

The more the war the stronger? Or have reservations before?

As expected of the NPC who was taken as the second-in-command by Dongmenzui, he has something.

In terms of strength, Tongya still has the upper hand, but it is a bit difficult to get rid of the long sword girl as easily as before.

If you are entangled endlessly, then you can only continue to let King Jueyou do it. This head is not allowed to be lost. If you drag it on, you may be run away by Dongmen drunk!

"King Jueyou, can you hear it! The Son of Prophecy is not dead yet!"

The sharp blades in the sky struck again, but they were cut off one by one by Tongya, blocked, and pushed aside.

As expected of the second-in-command of Dongmen Zui, the same trick has been played twice.

Unfortunately, Dongmen Zui can take effect, but you can't do it as an NPC.

The vigorous shouting finally spread out, clearly entering the ears of King Jueyou.

He was in a fierce battle with King Lin Wu, and subconsciously glanced at the direction where Fang Yi was lying.

Over there, Fang Yi's body lay quietly on the ground, motionless, with no signs of life at all.

"Ai General Kiriya, you are worrying too much. The son of prophecy is completely dead. Even if he really survives, I can kill her a hundred times, a thousand times, no need to worry at all!"

After the epiphany, King Jueyou seemed to get rid of his inner demons, regain his confidence, and no longer put the Son of Prophecy in his heart.

After all, I personally defeated and killed myself once, so I clearly know what a weak existence this is, so naturally I don't need to care.

Compared with the dead son of prophecy, King Lin Wu, who is now in full swing, is the guy who really needs to concentrate on dealing with it.

The two kings are fighting together.

The respective You King Domains collided with each other, mapping reality, almost completely changing the entire plain terrain.

Destroy the field!

Within the radiation range of the domain, the trees and grasses on the flat ground shook violently, withered and decomposed at a speed visible to the naked eye, and large areas of the ground were dry and cracked, almost turning this plain into a desert.

On the other side, the Thousand Hands Domain, although it was affected by King Jueyou's Withered Destruction Domain, all seemed to have disappeared, and their arms were bent.

But soon from the curved nodes, new giant hands that reach the sky grow again, like tree grafting, section after section, endless, infinite vitality, continue to besiege King Jueyou!

If it wasn't for the sudden realization of King Jueyou, King Linwu believed that by virtue of his own first move and set up an ambush, he should now have an absolute top score, and even have the possibility of killing.

But now, instead, he is being restrained everywhere.

Get a head start, but fall into a disadvantage.

King Linwu couldn't imagine that if King Jue You were to go back today, Linwujie would become uneducated in the future.

The top combat power, once there is an imbalance, the war situation will change dramatically!

He doesn't want to lose, so he must leave King Jueyou and kill King Jueyou today!

The strength of King Lin Wu is fully open, and the giant hands in the field are blooming everywhere in the plains and even the canyons and cliffs!

This amount of talk is already appalling.

If the King Jueyou escapes like this, then there is nothing he can do.

Fortunately, King Jueyou's strength has only improved a little after that, and the gap has not opened too much.

Because this kind of epiphany is like opening the realm limiter, the stagnant strength can continue to improve in the follow-up cultivation, rather than peaking in an instant skyrocketing growth.

The two secluded kings fought together, gradually moved away from the canyon, and moved towards the center of the plain.

The battle of King You was earth-shattering. Everyone on the scene could only watch the King You move the battlefield, but there was no room for him to intervene.

Just the residual power of the battle makes people a little bit unbearable.

Tongwu looked at King Jueyou who was gradually moving away, his face was gloomy, and he already knew in his heart that it was impossible to rely on King Jueyou.

This idiot won't make up for it at all!

Looks like I'm the only one doing it myself!

The long-knife girl attacked again, but he was angered and slashed back to the ground with a sword.

"If I didn't have time to entangle with you, I would have chopped off your head!"

As carefully as possible, he crossed the sky-reaching giant hand growing on the plain, and Kiriya finally saw Fang Yi's body.

Really corpse.

Half of his face seemed to be affected by King Jueyou's withered domain, and all the flesh and blood fell on the ground, only the bones remained there.

The limbs of the body are only white bones, and only the chest still has some flesh and organs.

This is no longer human, even Kiriwu, who firmly believed that the East Gate was drunk, was still a little stunned when he saw this scene.

No wonder King Jueyou was so sure that Dongmen was drunk and died.

This state of death is so tragic, without any breath, it is completely in a state of death!

But... this is just from an ordinary person's point of view.

If by the standard of a quiet general, this kind of injury is considered to be seriously injured and half dead, and there is still hope for life.

Coupled with the identity of the player, there may be some props or skills to delay the death event, or there may be some demanding resurrection skills.

No matter what, it's always right to make up the knife, the body is chopped into pieces, I see how you can deceive the corpse!

Just as he was about to dive down, Kiriya suddenly trembled and subconsciously shifted a few centimeters to the left!


The blade almost exploded in my ears.

The air wave it brought up ripped through the skin of his arm.

Blood spattered, but Kiriya turned a blind eye and looked forward in amazement.

There, the ugly man, with his eyes turned white, drooling, his head tilted 180 degrees, was licking the blood on the tip of the knife in a weird posture with excitement and madness.

"What a handsome little brother! I'm in love, I'm in love! Die, die, die! Let me spoil you with everything and slash your body with thousands of cuts... Ah... I can't bear it anymore, I can't bear it Living!"

The Lord desires to live!

Auxiliary desire lust!

Crazy desire, occupying the mind, the instinct is completely released!

Almost at the moment when the sound fell, the figure of the long sword girl disappeared instantly.


In the next instant, there was the sound of metal clashing between swords and swords.

The long sword girl has appeared in front of Kiriya.

"you belong With Me!"

Without any pause, the slender tongue full of saliva shot towards Kiriya's eyeball like a sharp blade.

This move came suddenly, weird, and weird, and it wasn't a normal move at all.

This kind of attack without any warning made Kiriya a little unresponsive.

Just made a backward move...


The right eye was directly stabbed and blood spurted out.

Resist the pain and retreat.

The right eye was directly pulled out and left on the long knife girl's tongue.

"Ah... ah! Is this what it feels like to be pampered... Want, want more!"


The tip of her tongue rolled, her eyes burst into blood mist, and the woman with a long knife covered her face with her hands, her face flushed with excitement.


Kiriya's hands trembled, covering his bleeding right eye, his voice extremely cold.

There are all kinds of ghost NPCs, and they even play sick!

It's okay if this ugly monster looks good-looking, no matter how sick and charming it looks, you can't appreciate it!

"Viscous Realm!"

You general field, display!

The surrounding air immediately became viscous.

Originally, the speed of the long knife girl was so fast that he couldn't react, but it suddenly dropped to a certain level.

If it is said that the previous actions were carried out in the smooth stream water.

Then after casting in the viscous field, it is equivalent to moving with difficulty in the swamp.

Both the movement speed and the attack speed dropped a lot at once.

The domain caster is not affected by this, and the speed is still fast and violent.

Rushing to the woman with the long sword, Kiriya slashed the giant sword from top to bottom.


The giant sword precisely slashed the shoulder of the long-knife woman, slashing about ten centimeters into the flesh, and blood splattered.

"Fortunate, happiness! Is this your pet? Pet!"

However, instead of showing pain, the long knife girl was even more excited!

The veins on his forehead jumped, and Kiriwu's strength suddenly intensified!


The long knife woman was almost completely split from her left shoulder to her chest.

The bones inside were completely shattered.

A powerful force smashed her to the ground.

On the trail of the fall, there was a trail of blood, which showed how serious the injury was.

But the long knife girl laughed, it was a very shrill laughter.

"Hee hee hee, hee hee hee, hee hee hee hee..."


There was a loud noise from the ground. UU Reading

The laughter stopped abruptly.


With this knife, it should be a sure death.

Compared to this... East Gate is drunk!

Tongwu looked in the direction of the drunk corpse at the east gate.

Fortunately, the body was still there, motionless, and showed no signs of movement.

If you pretend to be so dedicated, I will let you really die!

This time, Kiriya swooped down without any hindrance!

However, at this moment, his pupils shrank suddenly, and he suddenly found that the relatively intact half of Dongmenzui's cheek, the only remaining eye, slowly opened!

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