This Game is Not Easy

Chapter 4: Skill upgrade

"Skill Name: Drunk as a Mud."

"Skill Level: Level 2."

"Skill Status: Upgradable."

"Skill description: Drunk state, can make the body change like mud."

"Upgrade preview: The degree of deformation is slightly enhanced, the fleshy wings that appear after deformation, add sporadic feathers, and increase the flight speed a little."

"Upgrade price: 1,000 points, 5 LPs."

"Skill Notes: You are really becoming more and more like a birdman!"

From the second level to the third level, the integral requirement has dropped a lot.

At the same time, the LP requirement was added, which Fang Yi had seen before.

Fang Yi can afford this price.

Fang Yi didn't care much about the changes in the meat wings, what he valued was the increase in the degree of deformation.

Fang Yi was able to obtain that the extreme deformation of his own before, actually had room for excavation, but because of the skill effect, the degree of change was not enough, and at the same time, the physical burden was huge and unbearable.

Sequelae are not a big problem.

The big deal, Fang Yi used this move as a lore, just like the gate of the virtual world, it is not necessary until the critical moment.

However, the skill level must be upgraded to continue to increase its due power and deterrence.

"System prompt: congratulations, you have been promoted to level three!"

Personal points and victory points are consumed, and skills are directly improved.

keep staring drunk

"Upgrade preview: The degree of deformation is slightly enhanced, the fleshy wings that appear after deformation, add a lot of feathers, and increase the maximum flying height."

"Upgrade price: two thousand points, ten win points."

Or feathers? I'm going to be a bird

After hesitating, Fang Yi continued to upgrade!

"System prompt: congratulations, you have been promoted to level four!"

continue to see preview

"Upgrade preview: The duration of the deformed state has been increased, the drunken requirement has been reduced to heavy drunk, and the deformation effect has slightly reduced the burden on the body."

"Upgrade price: 5,000 points, 20 LPs."

Not to mention feathers.

This upgrade is really effective.

Fang Yi likes this kind of upgrade effect, it is unpretentious, and it is a real improvement.

Needless to say about the duration, it looks average, and the benefits are real.

Reduce the level of drunkenness, so that Fang Yi does not have to rush around the wine every time the dungeon.

Slightly drunk, lightly drunk, moderately drunk, heavily drunk, deeply drunk.

In the previous dungeons, he collected a large amount of wine, and it was still high-quality wine. He was afraid that he would not be able to use this skill during the war.

If there is no high-quality wine, he needs to drink a lot of low-quality wine before the battle to ensure the level of intoxication. This is really a kind of torture.

Fortunately, those dungeons have a good status in the later dungeons, and it is not difficult to obtain high-quality drinks.

However, among the three lifting effects, the most important one is the third one, which reduces the burden on the body.

This is a real help in the snow.

In fact, Fang Yi's body can withstand normal deformation.

Unable to bear, Fang Yi has now developed a new application method, and the burden has skyrocketed, so this demand is so urgent.

In any case, the fifth-level drunkenness is definitely a staged improvement.

Upgrade, I didn't say, must upgrade!

After the points and victory points were consumed, Fang Yi finally got his wish to get the fifth-level drunken skill.

A total of 8,000 personal points were consumed, and 35 winning points.

Can accept it.

Personal points: 17000.

Winning points: 55.

It's so fast

I glanced at the eyes and ears and listened to Bafang, who had not been raised for a long time.

These two skills, in the early stage of the copy, have a significant effect and can bring a lot of information to themselves.

But in the middle of the dungeon, as the strength increases, it will be replaced by the induction ability of the cultivation system, so it seems that some functions are duplicated.

And after two levels, the improvement is no longer the skill range, but other things. It seems that in terms of range, the two levels have been capped.

"Skill Name: Eyesight Six Roads."

"Skill Level: Level 2."

"Skill Status: Upgradable."

"Skill description: increased visual range, certain night vision ability, closing eyes does not affect vision."

"Upgrade preview: slightly thicker eyelid, improved anti-glare ability."

"Upgrade price: two thousand points."

"Skill Notes: Your eyelids are so unique!"

Will there be a sharp change after level 5?

After thinking about it, Fang Yi chose to upgrade!

"System prompt: congratulations, Eyesight Six Road has been upgraded to level three!"

next level preview

"Upgrade preview: increase the secretion of sweat glands in the skin around the eyes, and it is no longer so easy to dry and dehydrate."

"Upgrade price: three thousand points."

Am I so short of eye drops?

Grit your teeth and upgrade!

"System prompt: Congratulations, Eyesight Six Road has been upgraded to level four!"

In the end, it's going to be level five, but level five is a qualitative change?

"Upgrade preview: tenderize the skin around the eyes and reduce the chance of crow's feet, eye bags and other eye problems."

"Upgrade price: 4,000 points, 5 LPs."

Goodbye, goodbye, no delivery.

Fang Yi couldn't help but help his forehead, what a loss. Sure enough, the initial skills shouldn't invest too much resources.

As Fang Yi's eyes became brighter, it was particularly attractive.

His points also continued to decline.

Personal points: 12000.

Winning points: 55.

It took 6,000 points to go up two levels, and Fang Yi chose to give up at the fifth level.

Looking at the brothers and sisters who were watching Liulu, they listened to all directions.

The situation is similar, it is to increase the thickness of the eardrum, increase the tolerance of the volume, and have a very weak ability to resist sound waves.

This type of strengthening has specific skills, so there is no need to waste resources on listening to all directions, and strengthen the ability to defend against sound waves.

Take your mind.

Fang Yi continued to look down according to the skill order.

The intermediate basic swordsmanship has steadily improved in these dungeons, and there is no need to rush to upgrade with resources.

If you're going to die, you can think about it.

The current effect is only to simulate the state of the corpse shortly after death, such as respiratory arrest and muscle stiffness.

Subsequent upgrades can increase the death characteristics and increase the duration of suspended animation.

The addition of the death feature is to increase the realism of the corpse, so it is very worthwhile to improve.

Fang Yi used suspended animation before, all pretending to have just died not long ago, so there would not be too many loopholes.

If the duration of suspended animation is really used for 24 hours, then there will be no corpse spots, which will be the biggest flaw.

The most important thing is that to improve the suspended animation skills, there are not many points required, and the requirements for victory points are also average!

"Skill Name: Suspended Death."

"Skill Level: Level 1."

"Skill Status: Upgradable."

"Skill Description: Disguise the characteristics of physical death."

"Upgrade preview: Automatically simulate the corpse spot effect over time."

"Upgrade price: 1,000 win point."

"Skill Notes: It's disgusting!"


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