This Game is Unusual

Chapter 10 Cooperation with Brother and Sister

Nothing to say all night.

The next day, beside the extinguished bonfire, Xiao Zhi was the first man to get up again.

After more than an hour of strength training in a secluded place, the phone vibrated slightly.

Reminder: "Because you worked so hard to improve your strength, your strength has increased by 1 point."

The strength of Xiao Zhi's character has increased from 71 points to 72 points.

After continuing to train, about half an hour later, his phone vibrated slightly again.

Tip: "Because of your unremitting exercise, your physique has increased by 1 point."

Xiao Zhi stopped training, and he is not going to continue training. According to yesterday's experience, if he continues to train, his character will be hungry in another hour.

The mistake he made yesterday cannot be repeated today. He has to save his energy to do other things.

He controlled the character, went to a public well, brought up a bucket of water, let the character drink up in one go, and brought up several buckets of water, let the character wash his body.

After doing all this, Xiao Zhi manipulated his character and left the village.

According to what Lao Cunzheng said, the fields of the brother and sister Yang Xu and Yang Xi should be in this direction.

Walking in this direction, Xiao Zhi soon found the two brothers and sisters in a crop field.

The two brothers and sisters are busy in the crop field, catching insects and weeding the vegetables in the field.

Xiao Zhi couldn't help but heaved a sigh of relief in his heart, it seemed that his calculation was correct, it was still early, the siblings were still busy with farm work, and hadn't entered the mountain yet.

Xiao Zhi's approach attracted the attention of the siblings.

"Outsider, what are you doing here?" Yang Xu straightened up, watching Xiao Zhi warily.

Yang Xi stared at Xiao Zhi with a pair of big black and white eyes.

Some villagers not far away also put off their work and glanced over here.

If Xiao Zhi dared to do anything unfavorable to the brothers and sisters, they would attack Xiao Zhi, an outsider, expel him or even kill him.

Yesterday, several outsiders who had fled from the country caused trouble in the village. A child in the village was seriously injured by the outsiders. He couldn't survive and died.

Although the outsider who attacked the child was beaten to death on the spot by members of the patrol team in the village, after this incident, the villagers of Heping Village became more disgusted and vigilant towards these outsiders who had fled. up.

Xiao Zhi stopped about two meters away from the crop field.

He thought about the words in his heart, and said, "I came here this time to thank you two."

"You have already thanked me yesterday, you can go." Half-year-old Yang Xu said coldly.

Xiao Zhi didn't leave, but stood where he was, and continued: "Yang Xu, don't rush me away, I think we can have a cooperation."

"Cooperation?" Yang Xu was taken aback for a moment, then laughed out loud: "I don't think there is anything we can cooperate with."

"Yes." Xiao Zhi said: "I can follow you into the mountains, and you and I cooperate to hunt wild animals together."

Yang Xu sneered and said, "I don't need you, I can still hunt wild animals."

"It's not the same." Xiao Zhi had already thought up his rhetoric, and he said: "You are indeed capable of hunting wild animals, but you can only hunt some small animals. It will be different if I join you. We can work together. Go hunt some big beasts."

Hearing this, Yang Xu finally stopped laughing, but showed a thoughtful expression.

Xiao Zhi continued to strike while the iron was hot: "The meat on a large beast is several times or even ten times more than that of a small beast. It is difficult for you, Yang Xu, to hunt alone. It will be different if I join you." , the probability of success must be greatly increased..."

Facts have proved that as a young man in the new era, with a lot of experience and knowledge, it is not difficult to fool a young man from the countryside.

Under Xiao Zhi's eloquent tongue, finally, after some consideration, the young Yang Xu reluctantly agreed to cooperate with Xiao Zhi.

Half an hour later, Yang Xu packed up his equipment, took his younger sister Yang Xi and Xiao Zhi, and entered the forest outside the village.

Yang Xu held a black short blade in his hand. It was a short black iron knife with a length of about 20 centimeters. The blade was pitch black, and only the edge of the blade shone with a cold metal light, which looked quite sharp.

Xiao Zhi was assigned a bone awl polished from the leg bones of a ferocious beast. The length of the awl was about 70 centimeters. In addition, he carried a rough wooden shield on his back.

The bone awl and wooden shield are the objects left behind by Grandpa Yang Xu after his death. It is said that when Grandpa Yang Xu was alive, he was a warrior in the village patrol team.

However, Yang Xu has never met his grandfather, because his grandfather died before he was born, in a battle between the village and the bandits.

The black short blade in Yang Xu's hand is also a relic of his grandfather.

The background of this character is really detailed enough, Xiao Zhi sighed in his heart.

As for the girl Yang Xi, she carried food and water on her back, she walked in the middle, with Xiao Zhi in front and her brother Yang Xu behind.

Although a cooperation has been reached, the young Yang Xu is still very defensive. He insisted on letting Xiao Zhi take the lead, but Xiao Zhi had no choice but to do so.

In order not to arouse the vigilance of wild animals in the forest, the three of them walked very lightly when they were driving in the forest, and they seldom spoke to each other, and they only made very small sounds when they talked.

After wandering around in the woods for about half an hour, Xiao Zhi was completely lost in the forest.

It was the girl behind him, Yang Xi, who was guiding him softly.

During the period, the careful girl picked some wild fruits in the forest, which were shared by the three of them.

These wild fruits more or less added some energy to Xiao Zhi's character.

"That horned sheep should be moving around here." The girl Yang Xi stopped, glanced around, and whispered.

Three days ago, Yang Xuyangxi and his brother and sister found a horned sheep nearby. Because they were not sure that they could kill the horned sheep, they did not startle the snake.

"I found it." About 10 minutes later, the girl Yang Xi, together with Yang Xu and Xiao Zhi, found the horned sheep.

Xiao Zhi looked through the screen and found that it was indeed a sheep, a gray-haired sheep, the size of a calf, with two curved, sharp black horns growing on its head.

It was the first time for Xiao Zhi to see such a big sheep.

At this time, the horned sheep was grazing, and did not notice Xiao Zhi and the other three who were approaching it.

"Later, I will attack it first to attract its attention. Outside...Xiao Zhi, you are responsible for intercepting it when it escapes." Yang Xu tightened the black short blade in his hand, and said in a low voice.

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